Yes, it's so simple that it's beyond Rosen's imagination. Looking at the three main forces of straw hat falling on the ground and struggling to move, Rosen seems to realize that there is no aura, strong strength and enough caution.

At the beginning of the war, the outcome was already decided.

"Hateful..." Luffy struggled to get up from the ground, covered with cutting wounds, but he didn't look fatally injured.

And Solon and Yamaji have not been able to struggle to get up, and now they can still keep their consciousness clear, which is very good, but how can klocdal be so strong?! No resistance at all? This is qiwuhai?

Solon is unwilling to stand up slowly with a knife. Rosen just looks at him calmly. Now Luffy, even if the three main players are together, wants to win over himself. It is absolutely impossible for him to be vigilant and not arrogant.

But it's not Rosen's purpose to abuse the Lord or kill him. His purpose is to let Luffy not pester him.

Because of the domestic affairs of alabastan, although he did not arrange undercover agents to add fuel to the situation, the situation is not optimistic. It is very likely that there will be variables and it will turn into war at any time.

"I know that you are not afraid of death, but if you die, who will save alabastan? Don't you come here to help vivi? Do you think that if you beat me, you will help her?" Rosen doesn't want to play, it's meaningless, and he doesn't hate them. After all, they have moved him a lot.

But if you really insist on playing, then Rosen will always give priority to his own life.

"You are the one who controls everything. As long as you are knocked down, Weiwei's country will be saved." Lu Fei is very hard. If he finds the truth, he will not easily overthrow it.

"But I've given up all my business in alabastan. The civil war is about to break out. It's still too late for you to stop it now. But if we continue to entangle, I don't know what will happen." Rosen said, in fact, he is also looking forward to Luffy's iron head baby to save the innocent people of alabastan.

After all, with so many people, he can't watch the tragedy break out around him, and if it breaks out, he will have to bear the identity of "klockdale" in the future.

Please don't be so hard headed, big straw hat. Help to carry the pot. Can you take this hot potato?

"What? War is about to break out. " Sauron and Yamaji also slowly stand up. Sure enough, people in this world are anti beating, but they can only stand.

"Yes, do you think I went out to sea for pleasure? Alabastan, I didn't want to. Believe it or not, now I'm leaving. Do you want to stop it? But think about it. It may lead to domestic tragedy. " Rosen looks at the three people's expressions, takes out a cigar, lights it, and then it depends on how they choose.

After looking at Shanzhi, he took out a cigar and threw it to him. It was polite among smokers. Shanzhi used to reach for it. For a moment, he felt that this klocdal was not the same as he had imagined.

Villains, it seems not like, but powerful, it is really strong.

"What's going on, what's going on." Uthorp looked at everything just now. He was confused, but he was more scared. It was so terrible that the three powerful monsters on the ship could not beat klockdale. What's the matter? I want to go back to the East China Sea

"Get over there." Wei Wei gnaws her teeth and says that Lu Fei risks her life for her. She can't just do it.

"Think about it again... In the past, we will be destroyed, too. It's terrible." Uthorp's legs can't help shaking. He is still a little cute at the moment.

"They don't seem to be fighting. They're talking." Joba looks at Luffy and others, and then reports to Nami.

"Report to Colonel smog that there is a conflict between the straw hat Pirate Group and qiwuhai in the bay outside the port." At the height of the lighthouse in the harbor, a marine took out a telephone worm to talk to Colonel smog.

At the moment, at a naval port not far from the port, smog was calm. Although he did not eavesdrop on the conversation between Shanzhi and klockdale as in the original book, he also caught several Baroque cadres, such as mr.11.

As a result, the intelligence in his mouth and the follow-up investigation made him have an amazing guess that qiwuheklockdal is realizing the plan of "stealing the country". Although there is insufficient evidence at present, smog can almost be sure that this is a fact.

Therefore, no matter straw hat or qiwuhai klockdale, he does not intend to let go. He must bring all these pirates to justice, especially qiwuhai, who is a pirate in the name of the government.

Even if he was punished by the Navy for this, because he didn't have enough evidence, but he couldn't let klocdal continue to do evil.

"Assemble the team, prepare to sail, capture kroddar and straw hat." Smog took a puff of his cigarette ring and said to dasky.

"Arrest qiwuhai?! That's not ours... "

"Shut up and get ready for the voyage."

"Yes... Yes..." dasky was startled by smog's suddenly high voice. Although smog was fierce, she was not once or twice

"Luffy, follow your heart to judge whether I'm lying at the moment. The situation of alabastan is really not optimistic. If you want to fight, you can always accompany me. But now it's important for me or Weiwei's country." Rosen is not in a hurry. After all, he has to make way for Lufei to throw the pot away for himself. At least, don't let too bad things happen.

And Luffy seems to have the instinct to listen to everything. Seriously, Luffy can realize that Rosen's words are not like a lie.

"Why? You are not a bad person. You are the one who wants to destroy Princess Weiwei's country. Why do you want to tell me this? " Luffy didn't know how to think, but he didn't have to think about such an obvious thing and asked directly.

"Does the past matter? Now it's all in front of you, right? " Rosen didn't care.

Anyway, now that we are sure to fight, as long as we don't have waves, it is absolutely a crushing victory. Will we have waves? If it doesn't exist, you should be ten times more careful with Luffy than with ACE.

"Ha ha..." but Shanzhi and Solon smile, don't believe, after all, Weiwei can't lie to them. But the people in front of us are different.

"Who on earth are you? Why are you different from the one Weiwei said..." Luffy hesitated. If klockdale was a poor and vicious man, he would be desperate. But his intuition told him that he didn't seem so fierce.

"It doesn't matter who I am."

"Klocdal, you are a devil. Don't be fooled by him." Straw hat's boat is still close, but it's impossible for them to abandon their partners.

"Vivi." Lu Fei and others are looking at the speaker. It's Princess Weiwei.

"It's a headache. Klockdale's identity has left him a big mess. Don't others have a good relationship with Vivien Luffy? How can they get here? They are all enemies. I hope there are no other troubles behind." Rosen make complaints about his head.

The Lord is coming.

"It's not a lesson to start again, and I don't really care about the kingdom of alabastein, Robin. Tell them what's going on in China at the moment," Rosen said to Robin. His eloquence doesn't seem to be enough to explain them, even though they are shaking.

"At present, the rebel forces have begun to gather troops. It is estimated that the vanguard troops will set out soon. If a war breaks out, depending on the situation, at least tens of thousands of people may die. If it is serious, it is not impossible for more than 100000 people to die." Robin is also so happy. She looks very good with the straw hat group. Moreover, klocdal can speak in a good voice. It's really rare.

In order to prevent the innocent lives of the straw hat gang from being killed, Robin doesn't mind helping. Sure enough, after Robin reported these two figures, not only Na Mei and Wei Wei's face changed dramatically, but also Luffy's face.

Will so many people die?

"Let's go. It's important to save Vivian's country." Nami thought about her village. How many people had died at that time was unbearable. If tens of thousands of people had died, Weiwei might have collapsed.

So she jumped over and dragged Luffy and Solon away decisively. As for Shanzhi, if he waved, he would be obedient.

"Today's Duel hasn't been decided yet. I will fight with you again..." Luffy roared reluctantly. Sauron was in a dignified mood. He had been defeated by eagle eye, but now he was too weak when he met such an overwhelming enemy.

"Kroddar." Wei Wei gnashes her teeth and looks at Rosen. She wants to eat herself alive, which makes Rosen feel worse.

"I won't apologize for what happened before, but now I won't interfere in the whole country. I don't owe you anything. On the contrary, if I really want to take alabastan, do you think I can leave alive now?" Rosen said coldly.

Princess Weiwei choked by Rosen's words and wanted to retort, but she didn't know where to start. The contrast between the front and the back was too big for her to understand.

I can only look at him with hatred in my eyes.

"Let's go." Rosen doesn't think so. From now on, everything is basically going on according to his own expectations.

Although it's a surprise to meet Luffy at first, the plot has been destroyed, and it's common to have a little difference in time.

"Boss, warships with navies on the left and right wings are closing in on us. They are coming fiercely." A crew member has been observing the situation in the nearby sea area on the lookout tower. As soon as Luffy left, he saw the navy warship.

"Don't worry, they should go after them." Rosen doesn't think so. The Navy that can appear here at this time should be Luffy's old opponent, smog. He is qiwuhai, so he can't chase himself.

"Boss, the Navy went straight after us. They didn't go after the straw hats." The sailor was very relieved, but looking at the direction of the warship, it seemed that something was wrong.

"Klockdale, you can't escape." Smog's voice came. He was standing on the bow of the warship, and his body was already emitting white smoke. Once the two ships were in close contact, I'm afraid a battle would be inevitable again.

After all, the harm of qiwuhai is much greater than that of the straw hat gang.

"It seems that the Baroque working society has been completely exposed. Krocdal is not easy to be." Rosen spits out a cigarette ring. He feels a little pain in his skull. It's not quiet to go out of the sea.