After experiencing the pleasure of controlling power, Rosen becomes more energetic. Every day, he goes to the training room early to exercise. The training room is very wide, and all kinds of exercise and fitness equipment are complete.

Whether it's physical skill or demon fruit ability, there are strong requirements for people's physical strength and physical strength. The stronger the body, the stronger the strength.

After Rosen began to exercise, he found that his physical strength was too strong to be described by his common sense. At the beginning, he only did the simplest physical training, such as weight lifting, push ups, one arm push ups and one finger push ups.

At first, he thought that he might not be able to do it for long, but in fact, after several hours of continuous work, he did not start to feel sweat and fatigue, which was almost the same as the energy consumed by walking.

At this time, it suddenly occurred to him that the physical strength of the world was really strong, which was totally out of character, even for klockdale, who was not particularly good at physical training.

Think about ace and very flat, these two people fight with all their strength, can keep three days and three nights, green pheasant and red dog can fight for ten days and ten nights, such a strong physical quality is no different from monsters, of course, it is also related to their own strength.

However, recalling the exercise scene when Solon was not very strong, krocdal accepted the fact that he had strong physical fitness, and gradually changed the way of exercise, but one left hand was very inconvenient. After all, it was a hook.

It's very difficult to give full play to the potential and strength of the body. After all, the arm is a very important part of the human body. Many exercise equipment are not suitable for an arm.

Could it be that klocdal turned his attention to the external weapons of Hades because of the weakening effect of self-conscious exercise and even difficulty in exercising his physical skills after he broke his arm?

Maybe that's part of the reason.

Therefore, Rosen can only temporarily lean to the lower part of the body exercise, such as squatting, of course, carrying heavy steel products, otherwise conventional exercise, no effect, or even sweating.

If you want to improve your physical fitness, you have to go through the process of tearing and healing the muscle components of your body. The principle is actually very simple, similar to fitness, but the difficulty level is totally superhuman.

Sure enough, in the case of weight-bearing exercise, but just half an hour, Rosen felt his body could not bear to eat.

The coat has been taken off for a long time, revealing a strong body with a lot of knife and gun scars. Under the high-intensity exercise, the skin color of the whole body gradually turns red, and there is even steam. It can be imagined that Rosen is very strict with himself.

Whether in his own world or here, Rosen firmly believes that all success is inseparable from hard work, and he is a man who can endure hardships.

After a few days of such exercise, Rosen can clearly feel some visible changes in his body. His body skill has increased by 2 points to 302 points, and his fruit ability has also improved a little to 603 points.

Don't look at 1.2 is not much, but pay the sweat and exercise intensity is ordinary people can't understand, the change of strength let Rosen very at ease.

Sure enough, krocdal's potential is not small. This body has yet to be explored. However, if possible, we should find a person who has the ability to regenerate his limbs and regenerate his arms. In this way, the effect will be more obvious and the strength will be stronger.

There may be people with such ability, but it's certainly not common. After all, there is a huge crowd. Otherwise, zefa and former kroddar should also go to look for them. After all, who doesn't want to be stronger, and they both suffer from arm breakage.

However, zefa doesn't seem to need it. His mechanical arm is very powerful, and the stone of the sea floor can restrain himself very well. If he can't find such a limb regeneration, it's good to get one, at least it's much more powerful than the golden hook.

Speaking of the venom in the gold hook, Rosen had already asked the crew to take it out. Although it was well installed, he thought that his left hand was poisonous. His psychological cognition made Rosen feel less secure, and he didn't work out the correct way to use the gold hook.

He can't play with hooks.

Although there are occasional abnormal changes in the weather these days, it's the daily routine of the great route. Besides being a little surprised at the beginning, Rosen doesn't care much about it.

Since early this morning, yesterday's hot summer has disappeared. The Liming is covered with snow everywhere, and the sailors and boatmen are dealing with it.

In fact, the efficiency of these sailors and boatmen is really high, and Rosen is also very satisfied. After all, they don't have to worry about trivial matters, which is also the benefit of this identity.

Food, clothing, housing and transportation are arranged, and they are extremely luxurious, which can make him concentrate on exercise.

I don't know when, the exercise area is no longer Rosen's special show. Maybe Rosen's daily hellish exercise has affected Bonis and them.

Now the atmosphere of the exercise area is still very good. Out of some fantastic ideas and rich combat experience in his mind, Rosen occasionally sees the inadequacies and guides them.

"Mr.5, when your explosive fruit ability is in close combat, you should know how to focus the explosive power on one point, such as explosive overlap, or active fission of explosive molecules, if these can be studied..."

Mr.5 looks confused and doesn't understand Rosen's words. What's wrong? Explosive fission?

"Come on, let's start with the simplest way. If I remember correctly, the air you exhale should also be explosive." Rosen wiped his red body with a towel, dripping with sweat. At the same time, he looked at mr.5, who was punching on the iron block. He looked very fierce, with an explosion in every punch.

The stele shaped steel has a thickness of more than half a meter, which can fully bear the bombardment of mr.5. Except for the slightly blackened steel, the stele has not suffered any actual damage.

This is a typical ability that cannot be concentrated.

"Yes, boss, but when you concentrate on your fists or feet, you always feel like you can't do what you want. It's hard to control." Mr.5 also tells us the difficulties he is facing.

"Well, the enhancement of your ability also has a lot to do with your own physical quality. These days, I think you only exercise your fruit ability, which is not good. The physical exercise should be carried out at the same time. At the same time, if it is you, I think the vital capacity can also be exercised. In wartime, you can absorb enough air and store it. In close combat, you can spray it out of your mouth with your attack, The explosive attack formed in this way can make the enemy defenseless, and if the enemy is about the same height, this blow is the key blow... "

If this "mouth gun" is in reality, it's hard to imagine. However, people in this world have so much vital capacity that common sense doesn't work. Enough air can enter the circulation. With the roar, air explosion can be emitted. There are not many people on guard against mouth attacks.

It's more about the limbs. The weapons are more defensive.

"Yes, boss, I will try my best." Mr.5 is very excited. I didn't expect that klockdale would personally give such detailed guidance. You know that qiwuhai has rich experience in actual combat, there are many people with potential, but sometimes you have to meet someone who is willing to guide you.

For example, Kirby, once jokingly known as the author's own son, has become an outstanding master of major general level in just a few years from an ordinary person under the guidance of the strong. This may be related to his own potential, but the guidance of Kapp and the strong around him is also very important.

"Bonis, your body defense is very high, and your ability to cut fruit quickly is also very good. Most swordsmen can't break your defense. For swordsmen, you have the ability to control them perfectly, but you have to know that there are not many swordsmen in the world who can cut steel. What should you do if you encounter such a situation? This is what you have to think about... "

"The swordsman who cuts steel." Mr. 1 Bonis is deep in thought. So far, he has never met such a strong swordsman, but klockdale said that it must exist.

"Now you two have a real battle. It's not enough to just exercise. Only in the real battle can you find a shortcut to progress." Rosen gave the order.

Who is better at chopping or exploding fruit.