"Hey ~" the assassin laughs evil. No matter how strong it is, even qiwuhai can't bear such fierce poison with his own blade. Then it takes only ten seconds for him to die.

He is a well-known killer in the South China Sea. He once had the ability to assassinate the king of a country, but he didn't think that the armed forces around qiwuhai could be stronger than the king of a country.

In the final analysis, no matter how strong qiwuhai is, he is also a person. There will be a time when his flaws will be revealed. After the assassination of qiwuhai, he will be successful.

Whoa! The assassin's dagger pierces Rosen's body, but before the dagger enters his body, Rosen elementalizes in advance at the critical moment, and at the same time turns his body into yellow sand and flies away.

"To die." Rosen's face was gloomy, and the scar on his face was very ferocious,

If it's a aboveboard challenge, Rosen won't be very disgusted, but he will definitely kill those who attack behind his back.

"No way?! I got it This killer from the South China Sea has little knowledge. Maybe Beihai and Xihai, located on both sides of the great waterway of the new world, can know that this is the fruit of natural demons.

But he didn't know.

"Bondage Rosen condenses the sand around him, twines around the killer quickly, breaks his arm in an instant, picks up the poisonous dagger and throws it away.

If you don't react fast enough, you are in real danger.

This gives Rosen a big wake-up call, even if some people's strength is not strong, it can not be underestimated, biting people also has considerable danger.

"Damn it." Bonis was also gloomy, his arm turned into a sharp blade, and he was ready to behead the assassin. Otherwise, he could not extinguish his anger.

But it was blocked by Rosen's sand arm. This man, he handled it himself.

"Desert prison." The sand of Rosen, gather sand slowly return to normal body, but the palm is tightly holding the assassin's neck, ability to urge.

Visible to the naked eye, the assassin's body is rapidly drying down. The desert prison is a dangerous ability on the other side of the sand fruit, which can drain water from the human body.

Although not to die immediately, but before death, it will be very painful.

And other people who were a little ready to move, when they saw this scene, they also felt fear. After all, watching a person being drained alive, although the process was not bloody, this ability made many people feel uneasy.

The expression of the assassins and the fear in their eyes remind them that in front of them, Wang xiaqiwuhai, a real big pirate, is powerful and cruel.

"Throw it out." Rosen drained thoroughly. After all, he threw the dry assassin on the ground in a rage and said to Bonis.

Bonis nodded and said nothing. He dragged the assassin to the outside like a dead dog and threw him away. Before he dragged him out of the door, the assassin lost his breath because of the extreme lack of water

Suddenly, the tavern was silent. Someone had already left the tavern secretly, so that klocdal would not be angry and implicate them.

However, there are also some people who are afraid, but still don't want to run away. They still stay in the pub and continue to drink.

But it's not true to say in my heart that I'm not afraid or in awe. Under that kind of assassination, not many people can escape, and only a few people know most of qiwuhai's abilities.

Those who have known about the three major demon fruit abilities know that qiwuhai is a natural ability, but those who don't know think it is an evil ability.

At last, he can have a quiet meal. There is no fluctuation in Rosen's heart. In this world, if he doesn't kill people, he will be killed sometimes. It's inevitable that he will lose his life in his own hands. This is the first one.

But it won't be the last. He's ready.

A moment later, Mr. 5 came back with a bruised face and dark red scar on his arm. After looking at it, Rosen asked calmly, "lost?"

Rosen was a bit surprised. He thought he had lost after seeing such a heavy injury. After all, Bonis didn't dare to look after him.

"Win, boss, but I find I'm not strong enough." Mr.5 won by a narrow margin, and it was almost based on its ability to kill. Otherwise, he would not be sure of a criminal with more than 20 million Baileys.

"Sit down." Rosen motioned for them to sit down. Then he picked up the wanted notice that had just been marked with intelligence and looked at it one by one.

"Self knowledge is the foundation of strength. In the past, although you had a good fruit, your eyes were higher than the top, and you were not willing to work hard. The most important thing was the lack of faith." Rosen summed up Mr. 5's performance in recent days.

"But I want to stay with the boss. I want to be stronger." Mr.5 remembering Rosen's guidance to him, I feel like I've never felt before. It seems like a kind of concern.

"For what?" Rosen asked, no matter in which world, some things are the driving force to promote people's progress, and beliefs and ideals are the driving force with the most fuel.

As long as you find what you really want to do in the vast world, you can turn the unreachable ideal into reality with all your efforts.

"Why?" Mr.5 is lost in thought. Do firefighters count? It seems that he wants to do it, but it should not be like this. Maybe when he gets the result, it will be a qualitative change.

"I want to follow the boss and witness the birth of a great cause." Bonis is very clear about what he has done and what he wants to do. In his heart, he has a dream of becoming a "hero".

But everyone's definition of hero is different, which does not affect his pursuit of boss.

"Don't worry about giving the answer. We have plenty of time to look for it. Now let's have dinner first, and then take a look at these reward orders. I didn't expect that there are so many pirates with a reward of over 100 million in a small wine city." Rosen was surprised to see the wanted warrant in his hand.

First of all, BAM, with the highest reward, 275 million Bailey, came from the new world, brado, 130 million Bailey, came from the same place as BAM, new world, and then Anlin, 120 million Bailey.

Judging from the strength of the reward, although BAM's reward is not particularly high in the new world, in the first half of the period, there are few competitors to match. Even in the new world, BAM's reward is also a good fighting force.

"Anlin, find out about this man later." Rosen plans to start with Anlin, who seems to have no background. After all, if he starts with the weakest reward, it will be easier to complete the task.

Anlin is an old pirate who has been wandering in the first half of the great sea route for many years, and his style of behavior is almost known by most people.

He likes to massacre villages, which is well-known. Before each massacre, he will call the newspaper in advance to increase his exposure. He is a madman who does everything to make his name known.

In the conversation between Rosen and others, a girl, about seven or eight years old, came in from the door with a bottle of unopened red wine in the basket.

She was dirty all over, limping when she walked. Her long hair was dirty and wrapped around her back, but only her eyes were very clear.

She glanced timidly at the guests in the tavern. First, she began to sell her products from the most kind-hearted people, but most of the time, even before the table was near, she was waved away.

After walking all over the drinking table in the tavern, she couldn't sell the only bottle of red wine in the basket. She looked at the direction of Rosen and others, hesitated for a moment, and then boldly walked towards Rosen.

It's the only table that hasn't been tried yet, because those people all look fierce. If they are not lucky enough to meet fierce people, sometimes they are beaten lightly, and no one will show up for them.

The tavern owner came out of the kitchen, because he was serving qiwuhai, so he had to check many things by himself. When he saw the little girl who was selling wine walking towards the table of qiwuhai, her face turned white.