"No way! What are you capable of? " Hollow's face was full of fright. He was as good as hell. He had not seen the ability, but apart from the captain, he had never seen anyone whose body could be as hard as that.

Peng! But Bonis did not answer him, but a punch hit him on the body, a punch down, hollows up to five meters of the body can not bear.

The abdomen is concave instantly, the whole person is hit to fly out, bumps into a wooden house, the huge body smashes the whole wooden house.

"Cough... Stop, you don't come here. If you come here again, I'll kill all these kids. You're here for these kids. If we catch someone you know by mistake, you can take it away. But if you dare to kill us, our captain won't let you go..."

Hollow got up from the ground, coughing blood in his mouth and horror in his eyes, but he did the right thing for the first time.

He flew towards the group of children. His distance was much closer than that of Rosen and Bonis. Soon a disabled beggar who didn't have time to respond was grasped by him.

Whoosh! However, as early as just now, Rosen has been preventing similar situations, which is also the reason why he has not taken action.

He turned into a whirlwind of sand and came to hollow's side in an instant. He held his strong arm in one hand and was urged by desert prison.

His arm dried up quickly, and soon he lost his grip. The disabled child fell to the ground, and then the golden hook pierced hollow's chest. Rosen raised his elephant heavy body: "you just said you captain?"

"Pain, damn, who are you?! Let me go. In the wine city, you dare to be the enemy of our Pirate Group. You are dead. Ha ha, the captain will tear all of you to pieces... "Hollow was surprised, angry, painful and crazy.

"Boss, what's next?" Bonis asked, even if the boss didn't do it just now, he could do it consciously, but if the boss did, he would be much more stable.

"Call the Navy. Anyway, the navy is also a sheriff. It's impossible to ignore these children. I've read some basic information in the materials. The two persons in charge of the naval base should have some skills." Rosen said calmly.

This is the reason why Rosen hesitated. He was afraid of doing bad things with good intentions. Once these poor children were saved, if they were not properly settled in the future, they would just be transferred from one fire pit to another.

"All right." Bonis took out the phone bug and started dialing the phone bug number of the local naval base.

"Call your captain to come over and talk well, or you will die in pain according to the speed of water flow and bleeding, less than an hour." Rosen pulled out the gold hook with a hiss, mended his foot, and let hollow lie on the ground with a look of extreme indifference in his eyes.

"I..." hollow covered his wound and wanted to say a few hard words, but when he saw the expression on Rosen's face, he felt cold. It was the expression that really didn't pay attention to his life.

He was afraid.

"You still have an arm to use. Can I help you with the phone bug?" Rosen only gave up his arm. After all, he had to keep it, and he had to pull out the end of it, so as not to continue to harm others.

Help him with it. The implication is to break the other hand.

It doesn't matter to Rosen whether it's good or bad, right or wrong. What's important is that he can get rid of the boredom in his heart.

He found that in this era, as long as he has enough strength, he can do everything he wants to do. He doesn't need to worry about anything, as long as he can bear the consequences of things.

"I'll fight, I'll fight..." hollow didn't dare to talk any more nonsense, but he sneered in his heart. He was really looking for death, and even wanted to trouble the captain.

If you kill yourself and take the children away, the captain may not be able to find them. Now he even asks himself to call reinforcements. Ha ha, let's die

Blu... The phone bug started dialing. Bonis was busy gathering the children together. There were more than 20 of them, big and small.

There are still some who haven't come back. I don't know how many.

Gaga... The phone bug got through, and huoluoqiang endured the pain, trying not to let the captain notice the abnormality in his expression and tone.

Because he thought of Rosen's advice just now that he should speak well, then the truth can't be said. In that case, the captain may not come: "Captain, this month's funds have been collected in advance. Do you have time to pick them up?"

The phone bug on the other side pondered for a while, and then the phone bug imitated the expression. After a while, the other side said, "I'll send someone over to take it. Tonight, the three villa owners will hold a reception, so we have to make some preparations."

"Captain, no, I think it's still..." Horo was in a hurry.

"What's wrong? What's the trouble? " The other side's voice suddenly became gloomy, and hollow became more flustered.

Rosen snatched the phone bug from hollows and said: "if you are in a bad mood, you can take your crew and vent. Don't you mind? Don't worry. You still have a breath. But if you slow down a little bit, you don't know what will happen. There is still a lot of money."

Obviously, they value money.

No, I don't mind your family! How can hollows waste wood? It's also his money tree. He can make a lot of money for himself every month. Moreover, he is so arrogant. Who gave him the courage to cut his own crew.

"Wait, I'll take off your head and make you regret saying that."

"Peng!" The phone bug was smashed, and Enron was ignited.

Usually, he would not be so impolite, but since he paid more than 100 million yuan, few people dare to speak to him like this, even the person in charge of the third winery would not.

"No matter who you are, I will tear you to pieces." Anlin is very confident. Obviously, he is an outsider. As long as he is not in charge of the winery, he is confident to defeat all his rivals.

Overconfidence is sometimes blind, but he does not understand this truth, and Rosen really has a way of irritating people, a word is enough.

"Major general Harry, we have received a report from King qiwuhai klockdale that there is no way to control the destruction of criminal gangs that collect money from disabled children. Qiwuhai hopes that we can provide assistance to a certain extent." Inside the naval base, a Navy ran into the office and reported.

"Qiwuhai, no matter where you go, you can't be safe. Let's go and lie down. If you really destroy the criminal gang, it's a good thing. Even if it's black eating black, I'll stop by to find out if there is any agreement between Colonel Luca and him." Major general Harry thought.

"Gather all the soldiers on duty and sweep the area of no way." Harry gave the order that since they all wanted to go to the zone, it was necessary to take this opportunity to sweep the zone and deter it.

This kind of action, almost every few months there are so many times, but the effect is not good, but more or less still can catch some bad luck.

"Major general Harry, where are you going?" Colonel Luca came into the office with some of his followers. Looking at major general Harry in a hurry, he couldn't help but wonder.

"What's the matter?" Although the rank of Colonel Luca is lower than that of him, his real power is higher than before. If he does not agree to the action, he will fall into a stalemate in a short time.

"There's no way to get a criminal team arrested. We're going to take over. What do you think of Colonel Luca?" Harry asked faintly.

"What exactly is the crime team?"

"I've received similar reports about child abduction and trafficking and exploitation before. However, due to the shortage of human resources and the endless emergence of Shanghai thieves, we can't find out why." Harry didn't hide that from Colonel Luca.

It's business, after all.

"When did qiwuhai start to do good? It's strange, "Luca wondered.

"Is there anything else, Colonel Luca?" Major general Harry is ready to go.

"No, major general Harry, please help yourself. Oh, by the way, major general Harry, the prize for tonight's party should be protected. I heard that many pirates have their eyes on this sea secret." Colonel Luca said with a smile. When major general Harry left, he called in a private.

"It's natural, and don't take it lightly, Colonel Luca." Harry said and left.

"Send a message to captain Anlin, saying that the opponent is qiwuhai, so as not to say that we don't take money. Ha ha... There's a good play to watch." Colonel Luca's smile was a little weird.