"What is that, blade? Isn't that a knife? When does he have that kind of thing in his hand, and how can it be so fast that he can't see it? " A few people who have just decided that Bonis will lose are now on tenterhooks.

It's not terrible to lose or even die, but you can't see how to die, so it's a bit creepy.

The people who didn't see the attack speed at the scene were stunned, which was too weird and too strong.

With a wave of Bonis's hand, the light and slender weapon instantly shrinks back and becomes a narrow sword or samurai sword in the normal form.

"Did Bonis awaken? No, it's not like that, and his physical strength and body speed can't reach the most basic condition of awakening. " Rosen is also very strange. When can his ability of fast cutting fruit extend his attack?

And the speed is so fast, instant expansion and contraction?!

If I remember correctly, I have the impression that the ability to cut fruit quickly is only to turn my body parts into blades. The length of blades is the same as that of my body. Even if there is a slight difference, the difference is not big.

But now he can directly control the blade, extend such a long attack distance, and the speed is so fast, and it seems to have knife gas, extremely sharp.

Rosen couldn't figure it out at first, but after replaying Bonis's action in his mind, he generally understood why Bonis needed to bring weapons.

Because what he extends and changes is not the blade of his own body, but the ability to control the weapon with the same blade attribute. In an instant, he can activate the ability to transform the weapon into a thin, sharp and extremely long extended long knife.

Because the long knife does not belong to its own limbs, it can stretch and deform freely without worrying about the loss of its body.

Although the weapon is the same blade, which is good for him to control, his ability is obviously better than the original ability to cut fruit quickly.

If he can reach the level of awakening in the future, will he be able to turn the whole island into a land of metal blades?

It's very likely that, from the development direction of Bonis, he will probably develop in the direction of liquid deformation, or he should not simply be called iron man, but metal man, which is more appropriate, Terminator?

It seems to be a good development direction, but it's far from that. He's not awakening now. He can only make a temporary change by using the steel products and weapons with the same blade property, and this move obviously costs him a lot.

After all, it's the ability to operate things other than the body. For example, Bonis was a pure melee swordsman before, and with this move, he became a swordsman with the ability of external chopping. He was not a swordsman with the ability of external chopping.

Eyes return to the whole arena, the strongest on the field is just fighting Bonis three, now has eliminated two.

And other people's fight also decided a winner, the player from mecado winery.

The next battle, Bonis as long as win him, is tonight's champion.

Dolly at the moment facing Bonis, has not yet started, cold sweat on DC, his strength can be more than Crete.

Of course, he doesn't think he will lose to Crete. It's one thing to be a little weaker. It's another thing to win or lose.

But Bonis just that move he did not see, if he also to himself, then today is not the end of his life?

"Admit defeat. You can't beat him. Don't lose your life in vain. Then you can't drink any good wine. It's so boring." Morris didn't care. He made dolly admit defeat.

Dolly hesitated for a moment, although not reconciled, but for the sake of his own small life, and the boss opened the golden mouth, he soon gave up.

"It was not the people from the three major wineries who won the championship, but the subordinates of qiwuhai. This is really rare."

"Too strong, the subordinates are so strong, isn't qiwuhai himself..." some pirates even want to change jobs, especially those who don't have a strong backstage.

"Player dolly admits defeat. Now I officially announce that the champion of tonight's challenge arena is daze Bonis, a capable cadre from qiwuhai under the king. Congratulations on his winning a demon fruit tonight!" The host took the microphone and said again with an impassioned voice.

There was a sensation, some applauded, some scolded because of losing money, and some clapped their hands.

"The theme of this evening has just started. If you want to have a good meal and drink, you can find your respective receptionists to discuss the details." The party began to enter the theme of trading.

The next thing doesn't have much to do with Rosen. He doesn't like drinking very much and occasionally drinks a little. But it depends on his mood. He can't tell the quality of the wine, so he doesn't plan to buy a lot of wine.

Of course, it's necessary to buy a small part and put it on the ship. After all, there are many people on the ship who like to drink, so he leaves it to Robin. Rosen is waiting for Bonis to bring back the devil fruit.

"Well done." This is the first time that Rosen really praises Bonis. Bonis is a little bit beyond his expectation.

"I should do it, but it's too much for physical strength and ability. It's not strong enough." Bonis shook his head. In his opinion, the moves that can only be used once or twice are not enough to support the high-intensity battle.

"Hard work." Rosen didn't say much. With such an awareness, he was naturally happy to see that what he was most afraid of was the kind of people who became a little stronger and became extremely complacent.

He took the box from Bonis, which contained the devil's fruit.

But just now Rosen knew that the devil's fruit was a pig's fruit, and he didn't know which form it was. But even if pigs were divided into many kinds, how about that?

It's the same ugliness. It's estimated that women will ignore the evil fruit at the first sight.

It's hard for men to say. Maybe a few people who are eager to enhance their strength will eat it. No matter Rosen won't use it, he will keep something that may be useful in the future. After all, it's also the secret of the sea.

"Demon fruit capacity extra X1 missions, now 15( Pig fruit, Suggestion: after the progress is completed, the body defense at least X8 can be safely activated, and you can choose to transfer. "

Rosen, who is already familiar with the existence of reinforcement system in his mind, receives this data and smiles. So it is. The triggering condition of capacity task is this, which he should have thought of.

Then Rosen did not open the box, can feel a light box, think is the devil fruit has been confiscated to the mission.

Otherwise, the progress will not show 15. It's just collecting five demon fruits to increase one capacity. Is it too expensive? It's equivalent to taking five demon fruits to change one capacity position.

Even the pig fruit, which seems to be nothing special, needs 300 million Bailey, five of which is 1.5 billion. In addition, other fruits may meet with better ones, and the price may be higher. This round off is at least 2 billion.

"Blackbeard's distorted body can save 2 billion for free. It's a luxury." Rosen was rarely in a mood.

But there are also physical defense requirements, is afraid of their own body is too weak, was burst? However, will there be the same defense missions like x2 or X4 in the future?

Rosen thought, probably have some understanding of the reward behind guess, just what is the transfer? Can we say that we can use it more than ourselves?

Rosen put the box beside him. Although it was an empty box, he still had to take it. Otherwise, it was difficult to explain the devil's fruit evaporated out of thin air.

After eating and drinking, Rosen talked about what happened between Colonel Luca and bam, so that Bonis could be prepared.

If there is no accident, judging from BAM's attitude, I'm afraid he won't let himself go easily.

"Boss, shall we do it tonight? It's better to start first. " Bonis suggested that since it is known and determined to be the enemy, there is no reason to wait for the enemy to attack.