Boom! The tornado sandstorm is rolling and raging, facing BAM who is running. BAM has no scruples for the moment, but listening to Rosen's words, he subconsciously looks at Luca.

They cooperated?! It doesn't seem that this is impossible. Earlier on, some observers reported that Luka had welcomed kroddar, the damned Navy, a group of disgusting insects at the critical moment.

"Bordeaux Chateau guard, surround qiwuhai and others. Maris, you and I will join hands to help you recapture that woman and destroy qiwuhai together. Please don't move for the time being, Colonel Luca. Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite." BAM's voice came out.

Colonel Luca's face was very ugly. At this moment, he really wanted to join the seven armed forces to kill BAM first. Unfortunately, he didn't think he would be their opponent. He still knew that.

To deal with BAM, Colonel Luka, who is not strong in his own power, has to use some rare and powerful weapons. He has made preparations, but he did not expect to fight at the party, at least not tonight.

So when his "trump card" doesn't arrive, I can only watch it for the moment. However, it's good to be able to reap the benefits of fishing.

Maris was stunned for a moment, and looked at Robin's figure. The hatred of the past poured into his head. This was really a good opportunity. BAM was willing to do it. The success rate was very high: "Skoda, do it. Bring Nicole Robin back. I'll send the escort to cooperate with Bordeaux winery."

"Yes." Skoda nodded and attacked Robin at the same time, but he was stopped by Bonis, and the two fought in an instant.

At the same time, BAM, like a storm, rushed directly through Rosen's dust storm and came to Rosen at once.

Raise the fist that covers black fog, black fog instant deeper some, that is domineering, armed color domineering.

It's normal for the new world's pirates to know a little domineering, which is also expected by Rosen.

After all, the mastery of domineering spirit is a very common situation behind the new world. It can be said that there will be no domineering spirit and it will not be on the table at all.

Of course, with the exception of those with special abilities, such as those with strong natural ability, even if they don't know how to be domineering, they also have great congenital advantages.

Rosen is such a person of ability, but for the domineering point, Rosen has a sense of helplessness every time he sees other people use it, you will, you won't.

"Desert barrier." As soon as Rosen pushed his hand, a sand wall stood up instantly. BAM hit the wall with one punch and exploded the desert barrier. Then a shockwave burst out of his fist.

Rosen held up the golden hook to block it. With a clang, the surface of the golden hook was a little concave. Rosen's heart was solemn. What kind of ability is this? What kind of demon fruit ability is the thin black fog covering his body?

I think so, but the action in Rosen's hand is not slow: "roll. Sandstorm."

Boom! Rosen quickly stepped back, pulled away, put one hand on the ground, and opened all the doors. The whole house, including the floor, was shaking, and large pieces of earth and rock were turning into sand

"The house is going to collapse. Let's go!" When one person shouts, other people wake up. Most of them are of average strength. If they are buried by houses or dust, it is very dangerous.

All of a sudden, the people in the house scattered in a crowd. Of course, most of them were swearing.

However, the range of damage caused by the battle of the strong is too wide, especially one of the natural ones. It's too bad to be involved accidentally.

More than hundreds of guards came from the back of Bordeaux Chateau and on the road, surrounded Rosen and others in several layers.

Maris also fired flares, calling in dozens of people who lived with him in the manor area, as well as hundreds of outlaws waiting in the harbor.

"Something's wrong, everyone. Let's go." When the first mate of Maris saw the signal, he immediately took action, and the harbor was in a turmoil.

It was not only Maris who was escorted, but also other businessmen who were escorted more or less. The ships that had been resting in the harbor, listening to brubrubrubrubru's ringing telephone worms, immediately began to gather.

Although it is safe to go to the meeting in the past, it is necessary for business people to be cautious in dealing with accidents every time.

"What's the matter? The boss is in danger at Bordeaux winery. Do you want us to go to the rescue as soon as possible? "

"Don't ask why. If you're late, the boss will come back to you."

As a result, the original quiet port, all the commotion, hundreds of bodyguards, pirates, hunters and so on, all rushed to Bordeaux winery.

But Colonel Luca took out the phone bug and began to call for reinforcements from the naval base, but Harry stopped him: "Colonel Luca, it's not suitable to mobilize the Navy now, otherwise some potential pirates may have conflicts when they see the Navy, and it will be very difficult to deal with this situation."

"Isn't that exactly what you want? Usually, you are very active in catching pirates. Maybe you can catch a few more at this opportunity. I don't want to wait for death. " Said Colonel Luca coldly, before he was sure of BAM's attitude towards him.

He must have the ability to protect himself, and his confidants must be by his side, so that he can be at ease and take the secret weapon with him and make some arrangements.

Luca said that he had dialed the phone bug, but major general Harry pressed Luca's phone bug: "if you do this, the conflict between the Navy and the pirates will break out, plus the third party, which will greatly weaken the defense force of the whole liquor city. If there are lawbreakers taking the opportunity to riot, it will lead to huge losses."

Colonel Luca's face was very ugly. He yelled at major general Harry with a gloomy face: "Harry, do you have to hinder me at this time? Even if there is a loss, the life of the superior officers is superior to everything. Moreover, if you can take the opportunity to catch them all, you will not lose your share of the credit."

"If Colonel Luca is worried that his life is in danger, I can escort you out now, but I hope you don't move the conventional defense forces of the Navy for the time being. This is not the time to catch the pirates." Major general Harry's analysis is reasonable.

If the supporting pirates suddenly find a large number of navies appear, the possibility of no conflict is too small, especially in the dark, it is difficult to convey the order in place.

And even if they order not to conflict with the pirates, can the sand like pirates do this?

I don't even know it's impossible.

It doesn't need to be many. It only needs a few people to brush their guns and go off. The consequences will be very serious. If they are beaten, they will definitely fight back. If they are killed, they will kill the enemy first. This is instinct. Orders don't necessarily work.

Once there is a conflict, it will inevitably sweep other people into it, and then it will turn into a big scuffle. The situation will be too bad, and it may even affect many innocent people.

"Let go." Colonel Luca said coldly, looking at major general Harry on the phone, his voice colder.

But major general Harry didn't step back at all. Colonel Luca gritted his teeth angrily, but there was nothing he could do. They were so deadlocked.

"Boom!" On Rosen's side, when the dust storm flooded BAM, the whole house collapsed. Fortunately, most of the people had escaped.

"Damned bastards, a bunch of lunatics, never to drink again." A businessman said with lingering fear that if he came out a little slower, he would be buried alive.

"It's no use. It's just sand. I can't help it. It's time for you to pay off your blood debt today." In the center of the sandstorm, BAM's eyes were cold.

Since the battle broke out, we should first solve the problems behind qiwuhai, and then find a way to solve them. As long as we try not to affect the breweries behind, we will not be able to control them.

The only thing that is not well prepared is that we have not been able to formulate a strategy. Otherwise, our strength and the people brought by Maris will definitely have full confidence to keep krocdal here, but now we need to take some risks.

But danger is always with pirates, and bam will not shrink back.

Rosen also frowned slightly, it seems that BAM is not easy to deal with than he imagined, and he took a look at the situation of Bonis, found that the bodyguard named Skoda has excellent physical skills, and suddenly suppressed Bonis.

If it wasn't for Bonis's hard body, I'm afraid he might have been injured long ago, and Robin could only be responsible for dealing with the incoming soldiers.

However, we can't underestimate the good hands of these pirates. We can't be sure which one has a highly toxic weapon or a hailou stone bullet in his hand. If he is successfully attacked in that way, it is also very dangerous.

It seems that tonight will be a tough fight, but Rosen didn't flinch. BAM wants to kill him, and he wants to kill BAM too.