"I didn't do that. I guarantee in the name of the Navy that your excellency qiwuhai will not wrongly treat good people." Said Colonel Luca.

He did send someone to do it, but he has already been killed by someone. Maybe he was killed by some enemy, but it's a good time.

"I did that. It's hard for you. I didn't expect that this Colonel Luca could even lay hands on his colleagues. It's really unexpected, but since all the actors are here, let's settle it. " Morris came over.

At the same time, a group of masked men in black came in like a tide and surrounded the whole navy nearby.

And in the moment of encirclement, there was no action at all. One Navy after another was knocked down on the ground, and the other distant navies were blocked by masked men.

One after another, the screams reflected the light of fire, which made captain Luca's heart sink to the bottom. Morris, he dared to attack the Navy. Isn't he afraid that the Navy headquarters would know?

And from what he said, he knew that he had attacked major general Harry. How could it be!

At the beginning, several witnesses were his own followers. More people should not know about this.

But then, looking at Colonel lorry coming out from behind Morris, he was stunned.

What's the matter? Colonel lorry is the first of all the navies to take refuge in himself, and his family background is OK.

At the same time, he is very quick in his daily work, and even he has no objection to some things that do not conform to the rules of the Navy.

"Thank you very much for your excellent command tonight. It's a great loss to the Navy. Otherwise, it'll be troublesome for you to run away some people. Oh, by the way, you don't think that Colonel lorry has always been your man." Morris looked at the face of unbelievable Luca, a light look, no feeling.

Although this Colonel Luca is a little clever and has some means, it's a pity that from the day he came to the capital of wine.

All the powerful people around him were planted by him, including Anlin and Colonel lorry, to promote the conflict between the Navy and Bordeaux winery.

"Boss, clean it up." Colonel lorry's face was expressionless, and hundreds of Marines nearby had been cleaned up.

Most of the navies who encircled the pirates in other places did not know the situation, and a few of them were stopped when they noticed something unusual.

Now, Colonel Luca is alone. He stares at lorry. Obviously, he just told Morris about his attack on major general Harry.

The reversal was so fast that Colonel Luca's heart sank to the bottom.

"Don't look at me like that, Colonel Luca. I've been with the bounty guild from the beginning." Lorry's cold eyes met Colonel Luca.

"Go to hell." Colonel Luca is a wise man. When he started cleaning up his men from Morris, he knew that Morris would never let him go tonight.

Because they don't have any performance to negotiate at all, their only hope is that klocdal will help him, which is not likely, but they have to try.

He turned the crossbow fiercely, pulled the trigger, and the laser arrow went straight to Morris's head. Morris's right hand was covered with black domineering, holding the light arrow in his hand.

With a bang of explosion, the light of the fire flooded Morris and others. Colonel Luca's whole body was as if he had been ignited. Wisps of green smoke came out of his head, and his body gave off a strong smell of tobacco.

"Double nicotine! Absorption, hyperactivity bonus. " Whoosh, there's a spark on Colonel Luca's whole body. He looks like a lighted cigarette at this moment.

Superman, the tobacco man of tobacco fruit, has three abilities: tar, smoke and nicotine.

Of course, his smoke can't be as elemental as the natural system. It's just that when his ability is stimulated, there will be smoke escaping. These smoke have certain toxicity, but they are not particularly strong.

Nicotine is mainly used for arousal and hyperactivity, which can temporarily enhance the overall strength. He is running towards Rosen and others.

"What a big cigarette." Mr.5 took a look and sighed,

Indeed, when Colonel Luca was able to launch, it looked like a human burning cigarette. Even there were scattered sparks on his body surface, and he didn't know how to light himself.

"The fruit of the devil, there is no wonder." Rosen nodded. It's the first time I've seen such a strange ability.

"Sir krocdal, help me. As long as you help me, all the goods and treasures of Bordeaux winery belong to you, and you are also covered with my tar smoke. Remember when we smoked in a house at the beginning of the party? Although I won't die right away, if I get close to control, your body will start to weaken greatly.... "

In a moment of life and death, Colonel Luca threw out all the chips in his hand. Rosen was a little stunned when he said this. What's the matter? It's true that there was such a thing. At that time, he also smoked, and he didn't think it was any big deal.

But now it seems that Colonel Luca started to design himself at that time? This old fox.

Unfortunately, the appearance of Morris made his subsequent calculation completely miscalculated, otherwise he would certainly use this to do something else.

"I'm going to kill him. Once those with ability die, no ability will work." Bonis said coldly.

Rosen reached out to stop Bonis. Now he's not in a hurry. He can't do it. Someone will do it anyway.

As the smoke and dust dispersed, Morris was holding a laser armor arrow in his hand, and Colonel Luca knew very well that this thing was almost one-time for the strong, and Morris's strength, which he had heard of, might be even stronger than BAM.

So he obviously chose to ask for help from Rosen and threaten his interests. Unfortunately, Rosen has no plan to move, because he has other plans now.

He doesn't want to save Colonel Luca. If the navy is a little stronger, I'm afraid it will turn into something this evening. It's hard for Rosen to say that the so-called tar smoke is calculated by himself?

But it is estimated that the effect should not be particularly great. Otherwise, he would have used this point to intimidate himself. It is really useful. He can also experience the changes in his body. Only the weak effect needs to be used to intimidate himself now.

Rosen thought about this a little, and he thought it through.

"Here you are." With a flick of his hand, Morris didn't have to use the military crossbow to catapult, but the speed of the catapult was faster than that of the military crossbow.

Feeling the coming of death, Colonel Luca growled at Rosen: "klockdale, help me, whatever conditions you want."

With that, he also took out a bottle of holy wine and was waiting to take it. As soon as he threw out his laser armor arrow, he began to run at full speed. This would give him a chance to take out this life-saving thing, but it would take time for the medicine to work.

"I'll help you right away." Rosen yelled, but the man did not act.

Bonis and mr.5 are looking at the boss with puzzled faces, but Robin is thinking. She probably knows what's going on. Unexpectedly, the boss has such a strong insight.

"You..." at first, Colonel Luca thought that Rosen really wanted to save him, but he was stunned when he saw that there was no action. Then, his laser armor arrow penetrated his body and instantly set off a big explosion.

In an instant, there is no bones left. The stronger speed can give full play to the greatest explosive firepower of this arrow, but with his strength, he can't carry it.

It can also be said that Morris is too strong.

"Morris, you killed Colonel Luca. Did you plan everything tonight?" Asked Rosen, black faced.

"You're a smart man, krocdal. If you don't need to be responsible for tonight's affairs, I'm afraid I'll let you join us now. Even the position of second in command can be given to you. How about this? After you are deprived of the title of qiwuhai, how about coming back to join our bounty association again?" Morris waved and the masked man stepped back.

They mainly surrounded the Navy. As for krocdal, the boss made his own arrangements.

Rosen looked at Morris, did not speak, lit a cigar, frowned, after a while slowly said: "why do you think I will be deprived of the title of qiwuhai because of this incident, my grudge with BAM does not involve the Navy."