Rosen woke up after sleeping for a long time, and he recovered. Even most of the wounds have recovered, and the fractured ribs in his chest are expected to recover soon. This speed of recovery shocked Rosen for a long time.

Are you special, or are people in this world so strong? unbelievable.

"Boss, there is an abnormal phenomenon in the room before you. We have strange photon penetration below us, with strong recovery ability and hyperactivity." Rosen opened the door. There were two people standing at the door, Robin and Valentine's day.

First, they are puzzled about the changes in the room. Second, major general Harry has regained consciousness and is eager to see someone. Here, they are waiting for Rosen's treatment and arrangement. After all, major general Harry is dead outside.

"What light?" Rosen frowned and didn't understand what Robin and others were talking about.

"It's your chest, but it's stronger than that." Robin points to Rosen's bandaged chest. Rosen looks down and is stunned. What's the matter? From the bandage, there are light spots coming out.

Standing far away, if you don't pay attention, you can't find it at all. You can only see it when you get close to it and observe it carefully. At the same time, Rosen even feels that the chest injury is a little hot.

Rosen immediately had a bold guess, is his body is rapidly recovering, but for no reason how can it be like this?

Rosen thought deeply, ruled out the possible matters, and finally his eyes were bright.

Activity? By the way, this should be the only explanation. No wonder that the activity that is more difficult to complete than speed hardly brings about any improvement in body skill and demon fruit.

It turns out that when you are injured and your body is in a state of recovery, you can improve your cell activity and accelerate recovery.

But Robin, how do they know, "tell me more about what just happened?"

When Robinson told Rosen all the information just now, Rosen pondered for a moment and said, "do you mean that when I rest, the light is stronger? Will it affect all around? "

At first, Rosen didn't believe it, but after thinking about it, Robin and Valentine's day didn't have to lie.

And rest, that is to say, the body is in a relaxed state, at the same time should also have their own body injury, or severe consumption.

Because literally speaking, since activity x2 has not been reflected before, the first reason may be that I didn't notice it. The second reason is that I didn't relax when I was dormant. Rosen will know whether it is or not as soon as he tries.

Rosen suddenly put down all the vigilance, the whole person is no longer in a state of constant vigilance, and then he felt that there was a warm current as if floating on the body, especially in the wound.

"Buzz" a light ring, as if this kind of cell activity, even the surrounding environment air interference, so from Rosen's chest wound out more obvious white light.

Chest more fever, about a while, white light is not so strong, should be cured most of the injury.

It can be completely confirmed that this activity X2 is not only a good medicine for milk itself, but also a range one. As long as he adjusts his body and mind, he can release double activity.

Rosen took off his bandage and pressed his hand on the place where his original bone broke. Well, although it's still a little sore, the bone seems to have healed. This kind of resilience is too strong.

Activity X2, it seems that he has made a big profit by knocking down BAM's body strengthening attribute.

"Take me to see major general Harry, and I'll see what he's going to do in return for saving our lives?" Rosen is in a good mood.

And originally, the ship doctor decided that major general Harry should be very difficult to save, but unexpectedly he was saved.

Wait, it seems that he was placed in a room on the same floor as Bonis. In other words, could he have saved himself?

"It's incredible that the blind lost too much blood and suffered a great deal of physical damage. It's really a miracle that they can survive." The ship doctor looked at major general Harry, who was already conscious and could even struggle, and felt magical.

"Major general Harry is very lucky. When I saw you, I was almost out of breath." Rosen came in and said faintly.

"Kroddar." Major general Harry's look eased a lot, but his mood became more complicated. In fact, during the communication with the ship doctor, he had found out why he was here.

But it is because of the clarity that the heart is more complicated. Did the former colleagues assassinate themselves and the pirates save themselves? What's all this about?

"It seems that you should be clear about what happened. Then I won't beat around the bush. Major general Harry, you are dead now. So if you want to get out of here alive, you have to leave some valuable things. After all, I am qiwuhai, a former pirate, and I don't do charity." Rosen pulled a chair from the side and sat down.

Major general Harry's face sank when he heard the speech. It's also true that a qiwuhai can't be very kind to save himself, but he has something he wants. Money doesn't matter, because he doesn't have much.

"I don't know what you want. If you want me to betray the Navy or get some information, you don't have to think about it." Major general Harry also has his own bottom line. He won't say that because he was saved, he completely inclines to klockdale.

"What I want is actually not difficult for you. Maybe you can sell it in the black market, but it's more convenient to get it from you at present. I want your six style training methods and experience of navy." Rosen was observing major general Harry as he said this.

To tell you the truth, in the later period, the six styles were basically the military sports of the naval metropolis with a little strength. Although the pirates hardly practiced them, they had their own fighting styles, and some of them despised the forging skills of the Navy.

But one of the moves Rosen needs is moonwalk.

With moonwalk, it can adapt to all terrain combat, whether in the air or on the water.

"Six styles?" Major general Harry frowned. How can klockdale be interested in the Navy's body forging? To tell the truth, the six styles are not particularly confidential. Of course, the Navy also strictly forbids it to be spread, but there are a lot of people who will use them.

Because there are quite a few mutinous naval generals. It's no surprise that they spread outside, even on the black market. If they teach Rosen and others, they will have little trouble if they don't admit it.

"What if I don't want to?" However, major general Harry is still reluctant to teach them if he can. After all, the essence of qiwuhai is still a pirate in the final analysis, not a true ally of the Navy, but only on the surface.

"First of all, major general Harry should understand his situation. As I said just now, major general Harry is dead outside. That is to say, if I want to, I can treat you as if I have not saved you

"What if you teach, it's not much damage, and Colonel Luca is dead, and bam is dead, molis fled. I'm afraid that the whole wine has the final say, so you can think about it."

Rosen threw several blockbusters in succession.

"What?" Harry's face was full of shock.

What's going on between your escape and coma? The three wineries are almost gone? If you also die, it's true that the three major wineries have no owners for the time being.

Who has such a strong strength?! Major general Harry looked at the qiwuhai in front of him. He had an intuition that it had something to do with him. Since he came, the situation in Jiudu began to change.

After a moment's hesitation, major general Harry made a decision. He nodded: "take the pen and paper. You are not as cruel as the rumor. I believe you will not kill innocent people indiscriminately in the future."

Robin listened in silence. Major general, did you make a mistake?

Cruelty and indiscriminate killing of innocent people are the pronouns of klockdale. Although the performance of alcohol is really weird, now the image of you is also a blackmail villain. OK.

"It's a smart choice. In addition, you can inform the Navy that someone is coming and pick up the children at the same time." Major general Harry, strictly speaking, is not a particularly nice person, but he has a lot of things that Colonel Luca doesn't have.

Conscience and sense of responsibility, so Rosen felt there was no problem in handing the children over to him.