"The navy is following." Said bette, looking at the fighting spirit of Morris.

"Of course we'll follow. Now we look like lost dogs, don't we?" Morris laughed.

"Don't you die. I'll meet the admiral of the Navy." This distance, Morris wants to board the enemy ship, very easy.

He pulled down a board on the edge of the boat, threw it hard, and the whole person jumped up like a piece of paper.

And the momentum of the board is toward the ghost spider.

"Something's flying by."

"Arrogance Ghost spider see this, suddenly furious, but just a criminal, even so rampant, also want to board the ship to fight.

More or less, he has heard the name of "king of bounty" Morris, but he thinks it's just an illusory title. It's no big deal if he needs to catch the pirates.

In fact, ghost spider doesn't think that the original bounty hunter who only knows money has the strength to fight against him. He draws his sword to fight.

After Morris landed, the overbearing color was released, and a small number of people were put down in an instant. Most of the Navy had some strength, otherwise they would not be able to work on the Admiral's warship.

"Overlord color!" Ghost spider face suddenly dignified, but he did not hesitate, a sword waved up, overbearing cover.

"Navy, give my treasure to my men." Morris's hand was covered with domineering force, and a tiger's paw hit him.

With a clang sound, the claws and swords collided in the air, and the fierce friction caused the sparks to burst out. When the two people collided, there was also static electricity.

"Kick, kick, kick!" Under one blow, they both stepped back.

"Do you have some skills? But if that's what you're capable of, it's disappointing. Tear and chop Morris waved his claw like hand fiercely, and several black gas blades flew away like thunder.

"Ability?" Ghost spider will suddenly realize that this is not a simple gas blade, nor domineering.

If it's Qi blade, it's not this color. If it's domineering, it can't be played simply by hand claw, unless it's extremely high domineering.

"If you go into the city with me, you can spare your life." Ghost spider cut out a few sword gas to meet Morris's black chop. In the explosion of the collision, he "shaved" around Morris at a high speed.

"Cut it at the waist!"

"Tear the net!" Morris turned around abruptly, his hands clawed and waved from top to bottom. In a flash, a black air blade with a net like a laser net was pushed towards the ghost spider.

Whoa! Ghost spider slashed on the black air blade web, just want to raise the strength, increase the strength to cut the ability web directly.

But a slight click made the ghost spider general suddenly change his face. He saw that the blade contacting with the black air blade had a crack?

How is that possible? His Dao is one of the rare famous Dao, even if it is not the supreme great cause, but it is also one of the 21 workers in the great cause.

Its hardness and sharpness are countless times stronger than most blades in the world.

It was because he was good at swordsmanship and paid a lot of money to get the famous Dao. But after such a collision, there was a slight crack. Such a change made him withdraw the Dao immediately.

It should have something to do with his ability.

"Wise choice, my fruit ability is tearing, whether it's my own physical damage or the tearing air blade I cut, I will cut everything, but is that the strength of the general? Hahaha, I'm so disappointed... Black Dance! "

Morris laughed wildly, and then waved his hands wildly. The speed was extremely fast, forming a double shadow, and then 360 degrees, without dead angle, thousands of black blades were shooting around like a storm.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! In an instant, countless navies were hit. Such a dense air blade had no track and was extremely fast.

Basically, the Navy that was a little closer was chopped to the ground, and even the steel on the edge of the warship was cracked after being hit by a black chop.

It's not just a slash mark, but a whole piece of split like glass

"To die!" The ghost spider flew into a rage and slashed with all his strength. He swept out a powerful and murderous slash, and covered it with many soldiers. In a moment, the scream sounded

"Sword Qi can also be torn!" Morris claps it out with one hand, covering the tiger's claws with domineering force. He holds the sword Qi fiercely, and with a strong grip, the sword Qi is torn to pieces in an instant

But just after tearing, the ghost spider will approach Morris like a ghost, lift his leg and sweep "Lanjiao". A gas blade will strike Morris's abdomen and cut him off for a certain distance.

At the moment, on a high ground on a desert island, Rosen saw the outbreak of fighting through his telescope, and not only frowned: "Morley, this fool, won't be red eyed. If he can't lead to the island, once the plan fails, it will be troublesome."

Fortunately, such a thing was not found. After fighting for a while, Morris gradually showed signs of being defeated.

Then, with the help of a shell fired at his ship, Morris returned to the ship and fled to the desert island.

At the moment, the navy ships and the ships of Morris also close together. The close combat broke out instantly. When Morris fled, he made a provocative gesture to the ghost spider lieutenant general.

"Lost dog, seek death!" The ghost spider general's face is gloomy. Even if Morris doesn't challenge, he can't let Morris escape like this.

Yuebu! In a few steps, he came to the sky of Morris and waved his Western sword. The sword fell like a meteor, covering more than 100 meters.

Morris didn't look back. He sped to the island. Boom! Originally, only the stone forest and earth slope of the desert island was turned over by the bomb plow, shaking the whole island.

Obviously, the ghost spider will also start to take it seriously, vowing to kill or capture Maurice.

"As expected, he is a senior lieutenant general. His strength seems to be much better than BAM." Lurking in the middle of a pile of sand, Rosen was also dignified.

However, Rosen also thought of this, so he would unite with Morris.

Almost guided to the established position in the island, so probably don't worry about exposing yourself, the premise is that ghost spider can't leave here alive, otherwise Rosen will be likely to face the pursuit of general level.

Now Rosen can't afford to pursue and kill at the general level, so he has to lurk well and find the right time. As a result, the ghost spider will be killed.

Ghost spider good or bad is not important, the important thing is that this person has brought him a huge loss.

"Fight to the death." Although Morris felt that it was not big for klockdale to ambush the ghost spider.

But this is not his fight alone. He advocates single choice, but this trip is to save the crew and recover the loss at the same time.

"How dare a single criminal speak up!" Ghost spider will be full of disdain, but the strength of Morris is not weak, has just been verified.

Therefore, in battle, he will never take it lightly, let alone show mercy.

"This is your graveyard today!" Words fall, Morris whole body overbearing, no longer cut out the black gas blade, but instantly close to the ghost spider general, launched a crazy melee.

Peng! Ghost spider will not be able to touch against a punch, found that the strength of the big, even stronger than on board a few points!

"Don't just focus on the ability to defend me. Every time the pirates meet me, they will call me a monster. Even if you have such a physique and get a few punches, I believe it's almost time to win." It's the first time that Morris has killed the Admiral with a cruel smile.