"Yes, we have made great progress recently. When can we do it?" Although it's just the ability to control the weight of the laser armour arrow, with the ability, she can control the laser armour arrow like a thread, but Rosen was deeply surprised to be able to do this.

At the same time, because there is no weight, it can also cause laser explosion when the speed can reach a certain degree, but it is much different from the throwing of military crossbow or Molex.

But what's more advantageous is that she can control freely.

Valentine's day has always been ignored by Rosen. It may be the first impression caused by the original plot that this man is not a strong fighter.

But I didn't expect that recently, I not only learned moonwalk, but also controlled an arrow that ate the fruit of the devil.

Progress is rapid.

"Two days ago, I was exercising all the time. Because of the boss, I was not so tired and made faster progress. When you handed this thing to me, I was wondering if it could be used. Later, I attached my ability to control the devil's fruit. I didn't expect that pangolin would soon accept it, plus 0 kg floating ability, So now I can control this arrow freely, but I have to concentrate on it. Moreover, if there are too many objects, if I don't have consciousness to communicate, I can't control them now... "

Valentine's Day detailed way, in the face of boss's inquiry, seems a little flattered.

"It seems that your ability development has a further prospect." Rosen didn't expect that lovers' energy-saving ability was similar to that of golden lion.

If you think about it, the golden lion's is the floating fruit, while her is the light floating fruit, although one controls the matter, the other controls the weight of the matter.

But in essence, if the ability of Valentine's Day awakens, or something similar can make the conscious accept her ability attachment, all things weightless, doesn't it also have the effect of floating? And can it make it worse?

Let a mountain float, aggravate and fall? That's bad luck for the Navy headquarters.

Can we say that light floating fruit is the same as floating fruit, or even its superior fruit?

Rosen's mind is a little bit far away, but also quickly accepted the fact that the progress of Valentine's Day is rapid.

Although it's different whether she can wake up or not, even if she can only control such a thing at present, it will double her strength.

"After the garbage is cleared, let's continue to search for treasure." Rosen gave a faint smile and felt a little better.

"Desert sunflower." Rosen hands again on the ground, into the eighth layer, just fell into the eighth layer, Rosen and others instantly scalp numbness.

Because the eighth floor is a hall like space, when a group of them fall down, there are black, mushroom shaped insects in all directions, dense, on the wall, on the ground, all of them, and all of them focus on Rosen and others.

For them, Rosen and others are too different, and this is their territory.

These things are not big. Each one is about the size of a baby's fist, but the quantity is too large.

"Be careful." Rosen saw that the insects had begun to crawl quickly, and immediately said, because he saw that there were four passageways in four directions of the hall, and there were insects gushing out of each passageway.

Ah! One of the crew members was accidentally bitten by an insect at his feet and was immediately torn off a large piece of flesh.

"Desert sunflower." First sand, and then open the next layer of channel.

Rosen obviously didn't want to spend time with these insects, but this time, after the surface of the ground became sandy, it didn't penetrate again.

Rosen's palm touched a cold thing, and then, the whole person suddenly lost more than half of his strength.

"Hailou stone?" Rosen was stunned. Although he had not been hit by the stone, the touch of the ground was obviously a stone, and it could make him lose his ability, so there was only the stone.

Rosen got up and left.

In other words, the next floor is paved with stone? So luxurious?

But it doesn't matter. The important thing is: "when we are in trouble, take care of ourselves. Don't break the earth and stone skin of the floor. The floor below is the stone floor. If we break the earth and stone, those who can stand on the stone will lose their ability."

"What?! Is there a stone under the floor Robin and others were surprised, which means that they have to fight with the insects living in the dark. It's too bad.

"Sha LAN!" Rosen didn't dare to use too much strength, for fear of flattening the land. A small Shalan swept a large area of insects, but just after sweeping one, a large part of them poured out of the passage.

"What a nuisance." Robin directly stands behind Rosen. She doesn't want to use her own ability to catch these insects. It's very dirty.

On Valentine's day, wuerji and others also began to fight. Even wuerji hated these insects and directly removed a stone slab from the ground. After one sweep, a large group of insects were patted into meat mud.

"Shuttle!" On Valentine's day, he manipulated the laser armour arrow to drift away in the tide of insects. In an instant, it broke through many insects and caused an explosion. After cleaning up a lot of them, it was still difficult to stop more and more insects.

The rest of the crew used both knives and guns, but they still bitten a lot of people. Rosen didn't worry. After all, he was a man of natural ability. As long as he didn't directly touch the stone, these insects would not hurt himself.

"I'll go and seal the passageway, or it will go on like this forever." Rosen turned himself into sand and flew towards the nearest passage.

He pulled up the height, then put his arms on the ceiling, turning the upper floor into sand and holding it in his hands.

"Sand boxing." Aiming at a passage, Rosen operates the sandstorm fist and punches in. The sandstorm fist is mixed with earth and stone. With a bang, the sand rushes into the passage and blocks the passage instantly.

At least tens of meters long passage are covered with sand, even if those insects can come out again, it is not so easy, and also can not form just the tide of insects.

Rosen followed the law and sealed the remaining three passages, so that he could clean up the insects in the hall first and not face the insects endlessly.

"Sand blade storm." Rosen raised his hand and swept out thousands of sand blades, clearing most of the black insects with one move.

The rest were cleaned up with the help of all the people. The crew stood apart. Occasionally, some insects were dug out through the sand and killed on the spot.

It has to be said that these insects are still very strong, and their limbs make a sharp scratch on the wall, even the stone can leave a clear mark.

"Look at the injured person and see if the wound is poisonous. These things live so deep underground that they may not be clean." Rosen said.

"There's no sign of infection. There should be no poison. I didn't expect that these creatures were raised here so deep underground? How to survive, cannibalism Robin holds his chin and thinks about the cableway. It seems that this is possible.

"Now what?" Urki also asked Rosen.

"Since the next floor is a stone, but if it's just the floor side, it's easy to do. It's OK for me to infiltrate from the side." Rosen went to the wall, turned the sand into a passage, and walked ten steps forward.

If you walk in this way, you will walk out of the scope of the hall. You can be regarded as walking into the depth of the previous passage. It's just a separate road. There are no insects, unless they can dig in the stone to survive.

After a long walk, Rosen pressed the palm of his hand toward the ground, and it turned into sand. Rosen took the lead in jumping down and soon explored the ground under the stone floor of the hailou building, and soon found a bad situation.

"How's it going?" Seeing that Rosen had gone for a while and then came back, Robin asked.

"No, the last floor underground is a completely sealed stone. It's just under the hall. It's like a box. It seems that the treasure should be in the big box of stone on the ninth floor." Rosen shakes his head. It's not so easy to break the stone.

And if he breaks it forcefully, maybe the things inside will be destroyed, which is not what he wants.

"I think... If so, the switch to open the box below should be in this hall. There can't be any box that can't be opened. If you really don't want to be opened, it will be better to throw it into the sea." Robin began to think.

Others also began to look around the walls and floors, trying to find out what mechanism.

"This mural looks very familiar. It's like a legend spread on our empty island." Urki went to the wall, looked at the murals on the wall and suddenly said.