"Boss, I found a wonderful thing. I'm afraid it's not easy to distribute, eh? The devil's fruit? " Robin came to them with a delicate long knife.

Robin's words brought back their thoughts.

Before two people immersed in that letter, why Qinghai if no D surname, empty island people don't go to Qinghai? Is there any trouble after taking the devil fruit?

From the expression and voice of urki, she should be a fairy tale character in the empty island.

It's like snow white in the world before Rosen.

Now there is a handwritten letter left behind, which shows that this person exists, which is almost the same as someone told Rosen one day that Snow White's cultural relic was unearthed recently.

That's why urki was so shocked.

"What's the matter? What did you find? " Asked Rosen.

"Look at this Dao. If I read it correctly, it should be tianlunyang Dao, one of the only 12 fastest knives in the world! This knife has not appeared in public view for hundreds of years, and I have also seen its shape in some archaeological materials. " Robin said with a tone of shock.

Rosen hears speech, also froze, supreme big sharp knife, Hawk Eye hand black knife level famous knife?! There is such a good thing in this treasure.

Who is the owner of this treasure?

It not only possesses so many treasures, but also hides a demon fruit, a sharp knife and many other valuable weapons.

According to the preliminary estimate, the total value of everything here is more than 5 billion Bailey, which is very exaggerated.

The reward of a four emperor!?

Rosen carefully looked at the so-called super sharp sword. The scabbard was simple and unadorned, but he could see that it was the style of Tai Dao, with a length of about 160cm.

Rosen curiously pulled out the sheath of the knife. The main body of the knife can be divided into two colors. The part close to the thick back of the knife is cloud white, and the whole face of the blade is full of golden flame lines, just like a sun burning in the knife.

"The best knife." Rosen can feel that the knife is not light, which means it has high density and strong hardness.

Maybe it doesn't belong to the famous black knives. The famous black knives are famous for their hardness. Solon once said that even if a dinosaur stood on it, it would not bend a millimeter.

It can be imagined that the world's famous sword is still very strong. With a slight wave of Rosen, the gold table will be easily cut off. He is not a real swordsman and can not give full play to the ability of this sword. He only knows that it is very sharp.

"If the devil's fruit and weapons belong to you, we are satisfied to have so many treasures." Wuerji opened his mouth at the right time. He could see that klocdal attached great importance to the knife.

Moreover, he also knows how to give in appropriately. He is not stupid. Although he does not care how much gold and silver he can have, he still has to show his attitude. After all, when interests reach a certain level, it is the beginning of contradiction.

"No, the devil's fruit belongs to you. I'll keep this knife, and you'll take 60% of the gold." Rosen continued to talk. After thinking about it, he made a choice. There are not many devil fruits on the sea, but this kind of magic weapon is really rare.

And the devil fruit is very likely to be empty Islanders in order to play the real power, otherwise there is no need to deliberately keep it there for hundreds of years.

At the same time, he also has a recruitment plan for urki, which is necessary to be more trustworthy now. Of course, if not, he will keep the oath.

It's a real accident for urki. A pirate, or Wang xiaqiwuhai, is that the running dogs of the world government and navy can stick to their promises in the face of such huge interests.

He is a good man.

"That's settled. In fact, I should have taken advantage of it." Rosen was smoking. He was in a good mood and found such a treasure with little effort.

"Ha ha ha, in that case, I will not shirk." Urki is smiling and in a good mood.

"Act quickly. It's not so easy to move so many things to their own ships. By the way, the ships that the group of Pirates docked at the coast will be handed over to you. There should be some fish that have missed the net." Rosen said.

As for the treasure on the pirate ship, it's not worth Rosen's visit at all. It's estimated that wuerji didn't pay attention to it. Is it black to eat black?

No, on the premise of enough money, how much can those minions have? It's not worth wasting time. It's something that urki is willing to do.

"No problem, well, that pillar looks very good."... " In the end, urki took a fancy to his life weapon, the huge pencil.

So almost busy until sunset, the two sides will carry their own treasure on their ships, although Rosen has not turned these treasures into money, but it is undeniable that he is now very rich.

Even when mr.5 saw so many treasures, the whole person was not calm.

When the sun began to set, out of Robin's suggestion, Rosen held a feast on the beach. Such a big harvest is really worth celebrating.

Although it's a pity that you can't get the devil fruit, you can't be too greedy. Moreover, if urki is willing to join himself and become his own crew, he and the devil fruit will be earned by himself.

Sometimes, taking a long-term view, there may be more gains, even if not, this trip is full of gains for Rosen.

Urki also attended the banquet, which was full of people.

"Bring up all the good wines you bought." When Rosen saw that everyone was happy and the bonfires were set against each other, he was excited.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the bonfire rises, the smell of barbecue overflows, wine bottles collide, and there are activities among pirates.

Bullfighting, without any ability, only by force for friendship competition, singing good voice, singing classic and melodious sea songs, such as Binks' wine and other songs.

Sailing life is very boring, and this kind of ballad, almost everyone on the sea will hum a few words, can play a very good recreational role.

Some people are gambling and fighting cards. The scene is lively, not like a group of pirates, but more like a group of adventurers, reveling on an unknown island

"You drink so much?" Rosen felt a little drunk, but he was surprised to see that Robin's face didn't change. It was because of the black, so he couldn't see the red?

But then again, Robin often reads books in his room recently. It seems that he has turned white a lot. Is it his own illusion? Forget it. It doesn't matter.

"It's OK. Boss's drinking capacity seems to be much worse." Robin laughs, squats on the ground and looks at the setting sun sinking slowly. It's rare that one day he can spend it so easily without thinking too much.

"Urki, do you want to join us?" Seeing that everyone was in the mood, Rosen said to urki.

As soon as the words came out, the surrounding area became quiet. To be honest, the crew of urki did not exclude joining the team of qiwuhai. After all, it was a big tree.

Urki was also deeply surprised when he heard the speech. He thought that with his own strength, krocdal should not take a fancy to it.

Of course, with his current strength, Rosen does not pay attention, but his future growth space will be very large.

And in the past few years, at the same time, Rosen also gave him the devil fruit, which is probably the fruit ability he should have.

For the value and invitation of krocdal, urki is restless.

But he has his own idea: "I'm very sorry, but I can't agree or refuse now. I'm not long since I came to Qinghai. I hope to see more of the world and then make a decision. Of course, I think it would be a very interesting life if I could be with you."

What urki said was very sincere, and it was not a word of evasion, but that he could not judge what it meant for him to accept the invitation, because he needed to understand the sea.

"It doesn't matter. We should meet again in the shampoo islands soon. I hope you can give me a clear answer then." Rosen said calmly.

"Good." Urki said with a smile of excitement and sincerity.

Although he refused, no, it can't be said that he refused, but urki is still hesitating.

But that's enough. Rosen doesn't think he is a charming person. He doesn't expect that as soon as he opens his mouth, urki will agree without hesitation.

But now that he is excited, he may become his own crew in the future. Even if he doesn't, Rosen will be a little disappointed, but he won't care too much. Some things can't be forced.

"Come on, let's continue to drink. Mr.5 will fry some big fish and roast them. These things are not enough to eat." Rosen ordered mr.5 to run errands.

"We'll help, too."

The banquet continued, and the whole night was spent in laughter.

The next day, the two sides parted ways and embarked on their respective voyages.

"Klocdal?" Rosen's ship left first, but at this moment, urki kept thinking of the invitation from krocdal last night.

It seems that it's good. It's powerful and trustworthy. It's not an extreme pirate. I'm looking forward to meeting again.

It seems that it was a correct decision to go out of the empty island. Qinghai is not only vast, but also full of people. You have to work harder and become stronger.

"You are not allowed to be lazy when you are ready to sail. Recently, you must redouble your training. The faster your strength progresses, the more rewards you will get this time." Urki turned his head and said to his surviving subordinates.

"Ouch." The subordinates howled against the wind one after another. This time, it was not only Rosen who made a lot of money, but everyone of them also made a lot of money.