"The merchant ships have sunk and continue to bombard the sea. Is this the Navy? I'm afraid it's not the pirate disguised? " Rosen watched as the sunken merchant ship was still being shelled by the approaching navy fleet, and the people who might have survived were completely destroyed.

"It's really strange. Generally speaking, the relationship between merchant ships and the navy is relatively good. After all, taxes are a big source of income for the Navy." Robin held his chin, also feel very confused, and the means are too cold-blooded.

In this world, even the most ferocious and poor pirates are usually able to catch them alive as much as possible. The value of catching them alive is great. After all, dead people are useless.

Even if the other side is a pirate, it will almost stop after sinking the enemy ship.

That's because most people can't survive in the sea area full of sea animals. Unless there is a big feud between life and death, they seldom continue to mend their swords when the enemy is bound to die.

"Everyone alert!" With a wave of his hand, Rosen reminded all the crew that although there were only about 20 people, it was very easy to operate the cannon.

"It's not over yet?" Robin saw that the Navy Fleet did not retreat, but continued to get close to the sinking site of the merchant ship. Then he saw a large group of indifferent and numb Navy carrying a large net to salvage the body where the ship sank.

A corpse was salvaged on the ship, gathered together, occasionally saw not out of breath, the survivors fluttering in the water went up to make up a shot.

This kind of behavior is not like what regular navy would do, or even more extreme than pirates.

"The Navy found us." Robin saw a flagman on the navy ship and started to flag.

"What do you mean?" Asked Rosen.

"The Navy asked us what we were doing here." Robin can read the flag, but Rosen can't.

"Answer, pass by, supply." With Rosen's words, Robin asked one of the crew to make the same sign. Of course, it's impossible for him to say that he's looking for the pirates.

Now, on the main ship, a commander is frowning. He is not wearing the same uniform as other Navy generals.

Instead, he was wearing a slim white suit and dress. He looked like a businessman, but he was an official directly under the world government.

He is also one of the commanders of the main naval bases on the eight islands. Even in the Navy, he only knows that he is a senior officer sent from above, but does not know the specific rank.

Because he served the nobility of the world, he only knew that his command power was no lower than that of the admiral.

Commander leiser is the guard of Tianlong people here. Only a few people know that he was born in CP0.

"Report to the chief of the base, the ship of qiwuhai only gives back the information of passing by and landing on the island for replenishment." A naval officer, looking at the flag, walked into Reither and reported.

"Tell them that the island in front is Landis Island, which is not allowed to enter in the near future. Let him go to any one of the eight islands to supplement. At the same time, emphasize that if he intrudes into the sacred waters of Landis without authorization, he will be attacked by our navy." Reither frowned.

Earlier in the world, he paid attention to the news about klockdale. Unexpectedly, instead of continuing along the route, he sailed horizontally. Are you sure he just went to the island to replenish? The purpose of the route is too strong.

Recently, the second island has been attacked by a new pirate. Now qiwuhai is stepping in again, and there are more black market merchants. Is there any news leaked from Landis island?

But this should not be. What is announced is only the leakage of the chemical plant, and it has been completely blocked, which is unlikely to cause any trouble.

"Don't let us land on the island of Landis. I didn't say before, but we can't get out. Are we allowed in? Does qiwuhai not even have the right to freely enter and leave a controlled island? This should not be the case. " Rosen frowned and wondered, thinking that Blackbeard could even apply to enter the propulsion city.

It's impossible to say that as qiwuhai, you can't even land on a controlled Island, can you? It's not normal.

"I'm not sure, but the Navy's attitude is very firm. The flag language emphasized it twice, and declared that if it entered the holy land, it would be attacked by the Navy." Robin looks dignified, Navy attitude so firm?

In order to prevent landing on the island, we even strictly forbid Qiwu sea from entering, which may turn into an enemy.

Is there something hidden on this island? If the Tianlong people are still on the island, it is not impossible to understand such harsh requirements.

But the key is that the Tianlong people are no longer here. At most, it's just an ordinary country. Even if there are some minor disasters, it's not even impossible to enter the Qiwu sea.

"Boss, you see?" Robin is also in a dilemma. They are not far away from Lantis island. Even when they stand high, they can see the outline of Lantis island with binoculars.

"Don't worry. In this case, we should first find an outlying island with weak Navy management to land and collect some intelligence. After all, eight outlying islands are allowed to land. However, at present, it seems that the forbidden sea area and Shenyu are strictly controlled." Rosen is thoughtful.

"I understand. Let's make a detour and land on island 3 and Flanders island. In terms of intelligence, it should be the island with the weakest naval management, because the nearby island 2 has just suffered heavy damage, and some navies have been transferred from the island, which is also a gathering place for pirates." Robin thought about it and made a judgment.

There are eight islands guarding Landis, each of which has a number from 1 to 8. Landis has been given the nickname of guarding 1 to guarding 8, but actually each island has its own name.

Although the eight small islands are not very big, there are still some small ones. In a big city, they are surrounded by the sea. Even if each island has a naval base, it is not difficult for the pirates to land and hide.

In this era, there are more pirates than locusts. You can't catch them all. If you catch one batch today, you don't know where you will get another batch tomorrow.

Therefore, the attitude of naval bases towards this is that as long as they don't make too much noise, they will carry out daily tasks to clean up and catch as many as they can.

But if it's too much and other naval bases are involved in the fire, it's no one's fault.

And this kind of thing is often easy to happen.

As the route changed, Rosen and the Navy did not directly meet, but not long after the route, Rosen saw the wreckage of ships floating everywhere in this sea area, and occasionally charred bodies.

Moreover, a large number of them made the crew feel dull all at once, and Robin's face was not very good-looking, because the bypass routes were basically in the sea area outside Landis island and eight small islands. Were they from Landis island or eight guard islands?

Look at the dress up, there are many civilians, drag their families, so everyone's heart will be so heavy.

"What happened to the island of Landis, or did a foreign ship want to land and sink?" Robin deeply puzzled, dozens of hundreds of ship wrecks, how many people?

"Crunch..." before Rosen had time to answer, suddenly the boat suddenly stopped, and it was hard to move forward.

It seems to have run aground, but it hasn't touched the shore yet, and there are no reefs out of the water nearby, which means that there is still some water depth here. How can it run aground?

There's a high probability of hitting something.

"Boss, the ship has hit something. It may be some ships that sank before." Miggs had rich experience and made a general judgment.

"Stop and see what's under the water." Rosen said immediately that if he didn't understand the forced driving of things, he might hurt the bottom of the boat.

"Ah But at this time, there was a sad cry from the stern of the ship. It was the crew in charge of the guard at the stern.

"What happened?" Rosen frowned, and the others were tense.