"Prince of Andia! Zody. " There was a little commotion in the crowd. At first, some people didn't like it, but slowly, some people got up and left.

"It's a big capital country with the strongest fortress. I didn't expect that the prince of this country would come to Flanders island." With a whisper, most people are very interesting.

Although a little dissatisfied with this kind of bullying, but not because of this matter to stall trouble.

The first is the noble status of the bearer, who is the only successor of one of the powerful countries that join the world government. The second is that someone pays for them, so it is not particularly difficult to accept.

"Don't run out of everything. You, you, you, you, and you will stay at your tables. I have something to learn from you." Zody pointed out his index finger to several tables, including one of Rosen's.

When Rosen saw this, he didn't want to pay attention to it. The bully was the bully, but it didn't affect his dining. Let him go.

However, the faces of the people who were called at the other tables were not good-looking. They had heard about the moody prince. After all, the kingdom of Andia was not very far away.

And qiwuhai was also left behind. Others immediately coveted him. Didn't Zodi know qiwuhai? Otherwise, such a move can not be regarded as too provocative.

However, the people who were left behind naturally did not dare to say much. After all, Zodi had a large number of King's army, with more than 20 people, and everyone seemed to be good at fighting.

They are very curious about qiwuheklockdal's reaction, but Rosen didn't have any reaction. Instead, he was enjoying the delicious food himself.

However, his eyes fell into the cage. Although he didn't like it, it seemed to be normal, and he didn't plan to meddle.

"Prince, that man..." zody may not know klockdale. Maybe in his world, except for the world aristocrats, there are no people he can't afford.

So for a pirate, even qiwuhai, he doesn't pay much attention.

"What's the matter? If you have something to say, say it Zody looked discontented, then sat down at a table where no one had ever eaten, and the Royal Army stood behind.

The waiter and the owner of the hotel immediately served all the best food and wine in the shop and laughed with them. Zordi took a look at the food and wine, picked up the sword at his waist and swept all the food out: "don't bring these inferior food to my prince. Next time, I'll cut off your head."

"Your Highness, this is the best dish in our hotel." Although he also has a Navy backstage, it is not enough to face the successor of a famous country.

The only thing we can do is to serve the master well.

"It means that this is the way you are in the country. I heard that in addition to the sea king's crab, you also have blue shrimp on Flanders island. Go and get me some of these." There was no cover for the disgust on zody's face.

It's no wonder that Tianlong people have to wear headgear. It's too much to talk to these lower class people. When they sit in the position of king, one day they will have to work hard in the direction of world nobility.

"Yes, yes." The owner of the hotel nodded quickly. Blue shrimp is an extremely dangerous creature. There is a high mortality rate in the process of catching, so the restaurant rarely supplies it.

But at the moment he has no chance to refuse.

"Qiwuhai, you mean the man is qiwuhai under the king. Oh, it turns out that the head of qiwuhai under the king looks like this. I thought it was a beast tens of meters high. Ha ha ha..." zody listened to the whispering voice of the bodyguard in his ear, and immediately looked at Rosen with great interest and looked at him with unbridled.

"Your Highness, the king said that some people on the sea had better not be easily provoked." That bodyguard has a kind of bad premonition, can only harden the scalp to remind a way.

The prince lived in the palace, and he didn't know the gold content of the title, but he knew it.

Qiwuhai, who is the most ferocious person killed among the pirates, will not care about the identity of the other party once the murder happens.

Rosen listen to each other's words, also stopped the action in the hand, how every time want to have a quiet meal is so difficult, and this prince, is no brain? Can such a person also be chosen as an heir?

With such an idiot, Rosen even thinks it will lower his IQ.

"Shut up and don't forget who you are." Seeing the bodyguard's advice, zodditon was furious and gave a severe reprimand.

The guard was quiet.

"Forget it, Prince Ben is hungry. It's important to eat first. Who is that? Come here." Zordi waved to a rich businessman, who hesitated for a while and immediately came forward.

"Well, good boy, those who are obedient are good children." When zody saw that this man knew his face, his anger suddenly disappeared, and he suddenly became more and more pleasant. The speed of changing his face was amazing.

"I don't know what your Highness has to do with me. I'll tell you everything." The attitude of rich businessmen is very low.

"It's nothing special. I heard that there are many strange creatures here, so I came to collect some. Do you know where there are such creatures?" Zody pointed to the girl in her iron cage.

The rich merchant took a close look and didn't see why. Isn't this an ordinary girl? Although it's not common to keep girls as livestock in cages, there are still people with bad taste in this world, especially powerful people.

Unilateral power sometimes enlarges a person's inner dark side and makes many seemingly incomprehensible things.

"Isn't this an ordinary man?" The rich businessman still didn't see anything, so he could only answer like this.

"It's rubbish. I can't see it. Watch it carefully..." zody said. He took out his sword and stabbed it into the girl's back in the cage. He hissed and spattered blood.

The onlookers, except the king's army, were used to it, and all of them expressed their intolerance.

Rosen and Robin frowned slightly, too.

"Roar!" The girl in the cage was hurt, she suddenly gave out a wild animal like roar, then suddenly stood up and beat the cage crazily.

At this time, all the people on the scene could see clearly that although the girl's face was beautiful, the back heels of her feet were protruding a row of bone spurs inclined upward 45 degrees. These bone spurs were in a straight line, with three on one side, from the back heel to the back knee joint.

These spines are knife like and look extremely sharp. At the same time, when she slaps the cage, her ten fingers also have ten conical spines protruding about 10 cm in length. The spines slap on the cage and sparkle.

There is pain and hatred on the girl's face, which shows that she has the ability to think.

"The virus monster of Landis island!" Seeing this, the rich businessman immediately stepped back. Who the hell brought these things out of Landis island? It's killing.

Once upon a time, there were creatures like this who landed on the eighth island of environmental sanitation. As a result, it was said that countless Marines and pirates died.

"You know? Tell me quickly, where are these? Be obedient, or I will kill you and your family. " Zody looked at the rich merchant with crazy eyes.

"Stop shouting! Pets can't roar at their owners. " At the same time, zordi stabbed the girl several times with a treasured knife, and then stabbed several blood holes in her body.