"Do you know how to be afraid now?" Rosen has a banter like smile on his mouth. Heaven has its way, but hell has no way to break in.

"No, no, you can't kill me..." after being approached by Rosen, zody realized that the momentum of the man in front of him was so terrible, just like the hell messenger waving the death sickle behind him.

"Your Royal Highness." The chief bodyguard suddenly turned around and swung his knife over zody's head. With a bang, he collided with Rosen's palm, but he was not beaten away. Instead, he was beaten back for a distance.

After the guard chief so a block, zody has been escorted by two guards quickly ran out of the restaurant, Rosen is not in a hurry to chase.

Instead, he looked at the chief Bodyguard: "do you want to stay behind? It makes me look like a bad guy. Don't forget, it's your trouble. "

"Could you please raise your hand? After all, you are also qiwuhai. It's not good for you to openly attack the heirs of joining powers." The bodyguard's face was solemn, and Prince zordi was not there. He dared to say something.

"If you really think about him, you should persuade your master before the situation worsens, instead of conniving. If I am the one with poor strength today, I'm afraid that I can't live or die by myself, and foolish loyalty is not loyalty, I'll give you a decent way to die." Rosen said calmly.

The strength of this bodyguard is good. If he really wants to stop himself, he can still stop himself for a moment after fighting for his life, so he didn't chase the idiot Prince before.

After hearing this, the chief bodyguard fell silent and suddenly dropped his sword: "please do it and calm your anger with my head, but Prince Zodi is the only heir of Andia Kingdom..."

"Hiss!" A blade of sand pierced his body and passed by his heart. Rosen's face was expressionless and his eyes were cold.

"I said, let you do it. I'm not interested in your story, and I don't care what your kingdom will do. Do you think I'm a man who can reason with you? You drew the sword first, but don't worry. You won't die yet. Now, run away. If your prince is willing to save you, he should be saved... "

The chief bodyguard was stunned when he heard the speech. At the same time, the constant loss of vitality made his fear rise to the peak. He was not afraid of instant death, but this kind of chronic countdown death made him panic from the heart.

This is human instinct, and he, of course, has his own insistence, but judging from his mistake of not directly preventing Zodi, his insistence is limited, not firm enough, and even his own doubt.

The chief bodyguard didn't dare to talk more nonsense or stay. He covered his wound and staggered out of the restaurant step by step. He was sad. Was he stupid and loyal?

But the behavior of this seven Wu Sea, he is difficult to understand, if he does not listen to his plea, why not all the results of his own?

"Boss, why? Although I don't think it's wrong to let him go, will there be more trouble? " Robin also does not understand, according to her understanding, boss should directly kill the guard is more likely.

"If the trouble will come, it will come back eventually. The problem now is a little tricky. It's really not good to openly attack and kill the prince of a franchise country. The witness is too weak. However, if he shows weakness, it will be more unfavorable for us. Let him show us what the result will be. I can also make countermeasures." Rosen frowned.

If he insists on killing zodiac, Zodiac can't run away at all. But the problem is that if he is killed in public, his background is really troublesome, and it is very likely that he will fall into a passive position. That's why Rosen left.

After all, the world's apparent rulers are the world government and its allies. Rosen doesn't think the influence of a big power can be ignored.

These are very real problems, which are related to our own safety and future direction. The way to be steady is to plan before moving,

Now he plans to use the life and death of the bodyguard to test whether it is necessary to kill zody in the cradle at all costs.

"Well?" When Rosen passed by the cage, the wound on the strange human girl was no longer bleeding. Looking at each other, Rosen saw numbness, coldness and hatred.

Judging from zody's attitude, this strange human should not be infectious. Otherwise, if they had been in contact with the Navy before, they would really infect any disease, and they would not be allowed to take it with them.

"Armed." Rosen's palm was covered with armed color and became dark. He held the cage and pulled it hard to break the solid iron pipe. After two iron pipes were broken continuously, the people in the cage could come out.

The girl took a look at Rosen, without saying a word, and ran out quickly, but disappeared in a few blinks.

"Where are we going? Isn't that zoddie already escaped? He won't make trouble again Pitas was just afraid to come out of the atmosphere.

Zordi is crazy enough and arrogant enough, but qiwuhai seems to be more fierce in front of him. Does it seem that he plans to follow the bodyguard and kill the grass?

But it's the prince of a big country, or the only successor. Whether it's successful or not, it's very likely that it's going to face up to a country.

Pitas's heart was trembling. He always felt confused and entangled with very troublesome things. Even though he had just done nothing, he was also troublesome just because he was at the same table with qiwuhai.

He believed that if Prince zordi settled his account in the future, he would not miss his own.

The naval base is nearby. Zody, under the protection of two guards, soon enters the naval base. Their guards are also temporarily arranged by the navy in the base.

After all, it was a long voyage, and his escort was more than those he had just seen in the restaurant. As soon as he arrived at the naval base, he cried out, "escort! Escort

The terrified and angry zordi was roaring, and hundreds of Navy and King's army were coming.

A major general was the leader of the Navy. As soon as he arrived, he was immediately scolded by zody: "what's the matter with your navy? Why does qiwuhai dare to fight me? Isn't he your servant? It's really audacious. Death penalty, death penalty, we must put them all to death, otherwise it will be hard for me to get rid of my hatred. "

The major general of the navy was stunned when he heard the speech. Qiwuhai? Isn't that new to the base? What's the matter with you?

And is the prince of Andia insane? I did receive the task of guarding the successor of the Kingdom, but it does not mean that I have to listen to him in everything.

"Why is it so noisy outside?" Inside the base, a middle-aged man in suit, a world government commander with the rank of lieutenant general, frowned in the office of the chief of the base.

Don't you see that you are discussing an important event with qiwuhai, basoromi and Xiong?

"It is reported that the prince of Andia has been attacked and is now organizing troops." A guard outside the door immediately explained the situation.

"Kingdom of Andia, what happened this time? It's a troublesome royal family Eric frowned, but after all, he was a member of the world government, and a big country with friendly relations and huge amounts of money every year.

Therefore, in some matters that do not particularly affect the overall situation, the Navy or he, as a world government official, will try his best to maintain alliance relations.

"I heard there was a conflict with Wang xiaqiwuhai."

"The seven seas under the king?" Eric subconsciously looked at the tall bear like man opposite.

"I didn't do it." Basoromi bear light said, and then there is no more explanation.