"My God!" Pitas not only felt numb on his scalp, but even his legs were soft. The zombies and sand fell down and woke up the zombies in the nest below. For a moment, the dense roar swept away like a storm.

It's creepy.

"It can all happen." Rosen was also speechless and quickly began to operate the sand around him.

"Earth roll. Sandstorm." Boom, the ground sensation, countless dust toward the hole to fill down, will be countless zombies buried.

But the zombies on the ground are close to Rosen.

"Multiple hazes." The tornado dust storm played countless tricks in Rosen's hands, one by one tornado dust storm formed around Rosen, roared and rolled around.

Countless zombies were carried far away by the tornado dust storm, but not all of them. Some huge zombies, with their feet in the soil, let their bodies be cut by the sand storm, but they were not taken away by the sand storm.

At the moment, Rosen noticed that countless hands and feet had just emerged from the sanding pit.

Although it can bury and backfill sand, it can't be reversed, and it can't agglomerate the ground that has been sanded into solid land again, unless it has been concentrating sand and exerting capacity, which can strengthen the flow state of sand.

But just now, he was just a cover up. After all, he didn't think much about the strength of zombies. It turned out that Rosen was wrong.

Peng! One head was three meters high, and the whole body was blue. The zombie came out directly from under the sand. With both hands and mouth, he pounced on Rosen.

Rosen doesn't know what these things are like. Naturally, he won't let them touch him easily. If it's really a strange virus and it's useful to the natural system, he will be wronged if he is caught.

"Find a place to hide yourself, desert barrier." Rosen raised a sand wall in front of him, and the huge blue zombie banged on it. People were almost deformed, but they were still not willing to roar.

It opened its mouth and roared, a burst of air bombardment smashed the desert barrier. Rosen could even detect that it was the urge of fruit ability. Because of seeing and hearing, Rosen's perception was greatly improved.

"Before death, this big man is a man of ability, but isn't ability a man's death, and the fruit will be reborn? Or is it because it's not dead? " Apart from that, Rosen couldn't think of any other possibility.

"Desert spear!" Rosen emptily grasped it and shot it out, directly penetrating the body of the zombie and taking it far away.

But Rosen knew that the blow failed to break his head, and his reaction was dissatisfied, so he should not die.

It can be seen from the attack effect just now that the key of these zombies is indeed the brain, which is not surprising. After all, the brain is the key of almost all creatures, even the living dead.

"Desert sword." Some zombies who are close to Rosen and are about to attack Rosen have their heads cut off by the desert sword, but even so.

These creatures, who don't understand fear, are still surging up one after another, and their vitality is extremely strong. They are usually buried under the sand, and they won't die, and they can still struggle to get up.

"Sandstorm stars." Rosen was surrounded by sand and dust. After sending a sandstorm into the sky, Rosen turned into a desert sword with a large number of stars and made an undifferentiated attack.

Pengpeng! All of a sudden, the ground was ripped over by the mother bomb, and countless zombies, even if not dead, lost their body parts and began to slow down.

"Sandstorm wave roll!" Boom, but Rosen did not stop, a real sandstorm formed, swept all the creatures on the land, even the undead monster, also swept by the sandstorm, rolled to the end of the earth.

In this dust storm, Rosen applied the ability, it will roll like sand haze, and it will not stop until a certain point in time.

As a result, the land full of zombies was instantly cleaned. Rosen could see that there were countless zombies in the sandstorm. It looked more like a zombie sandstorm, which was extremely shocking.

"Gone." Basically cleaned up. Fortunately, the nature department is the real terminator of miscellaneous fish, and Rosen doesn't plan to entangle with a group of zombies.

"Roar!" But at this time, Rosen saw that the huge blue zombie rushed out of the sandstorm, and it was not the only one, there were dozens of tall zombies.

It was not obvious to hide in the zombie group before, but now it is very conspicuous. Some zombies seem to have mutated. Rosen saw that some zombies are covered with bone spines, and many heads, hands and feet, all of which look very ferocious.

There are also some zombies with green plants, similar to moss and vines, which reminds Rosen of the captain's words that this type of zombie must not be injured.

"Go, don't be in a daze." Rosen didn't intend to waste time with these things. After all, he didn't come to clean up these things. He could escape from the air for a certain distance while the quantity is small.

Yuebu! Tengteng... Carrying pitas, he left here in a few twinkles. Although there was some saliva sprayed by zombies behind, Rosen was sure that he would not be a target and avoid it if there was not a large number of them.

After escaping a few kilometers, Rosen didn't notice anything on the ground, but saw thousands of zombies wandering in a basin surrounded by several hills.

Such a large number of corpses is enough to make the intensive phobia crazy.

They crowded together, in the case of no alarm, sloshing slowly, in order to avoid being found, Rosen can only fall from the air to the ground, and walk slowly again.

The air target is too obvious, and many of the zombies obviously have air ability.

"Impossible, impossible, how could so many people have become like this." Pitas can't believe that he is a gangster. Although he doesn't have much national feelings, the guard island is also a subsidiary of the kingdom of Landis.

He is a member of this country.

But now at first glance, it's hard to see any living people here. This kind of feeling is a bit desperate for him.

"That's the fact. I'm afraid the whole island has been like this, and there are no fortifications. This shows that these zombies have been on Lantis island for a long time, not just changed. If they have just changed, there must be a large-scale conflict, which will leave some traces. But now it's a zombie country." Rosen's heart is heavy, too.

He can't imagine that a country with a population of one million has become a zombie country, and people outside hardly know it. Those who occasionally survive only know that there are many monsters on the island, but they don't have a specific concept.

But Rosen, based on what he saw from the air, came to the above conclusion after an analysis.

No wonder the Navy wants to blockade this island. If it's really contagious, one bad one may even spread to the nearby area or even the whole world.

But what Rosen doesn't understand is, in this world, what means can turn people into zombies?

And it's not just zombies. Some zombies should be mutated and stronger than ordinary zombies. At the same time, some zombies still retain the fruit ability of life

No matter how you look at them, they are all monsters. But judging from their ragged clothes, most of them were civilians. Were they human accidents or accidents?