A team of 100 people, most of them are stained with blood, the weapons in their hands are not dry, and their faces are tired, but everyone's eyes are full of firmness. The leader is a tall and beautiful woman.

It doesn't look like a soldier, but more like a beautiful working woman with cold eyes. She has a row of daggers hanging around her waist. From different metal colors, it should be made of different materials.

Rosen walked out of the house with Lisa and took a look. He could feel that this person was more than one level more dangerous than Lisa.

At the same time, there is a little doubt in my heart. It seems that most of the people in power on Lantis island are women, or that there are too few powerful men.

However, Rosen was soon relieved that it should be the worship effect. After all, the scarlet queen who is the strongest and most prestigious, almost equal to the Savior, is a woman.

In the same way, it is understandable that women are becoming more and more independent under the leadership effect.

"Sister, did the Queen's enemies repel?" Lisa came up to Alice and gave a soft cry.

These two are sisters?! Rosen was stunned. It's not like that.

"That group of navies actually said that they had come to negotiate, but they didn't come to an agreement in the end. A small-scale conflict broke out and they were repulsed temporarily. I don't know what their plot is. On the way of reconnaissance, we found that the number of naval landing troops is not bigger than usual. Now there are fires in many places of Landis Island, and the queen ordered, If outsiders do not enter the gathering area, they do not need to take the initiative to attack. " Alice said coldly.

For outsiders, she adheres to the same idea as the queen, that is, shoot to kill, especially the Navy and government personnel.

However, during the short-term contact and negotiation, the situation is extremely complicated. It is said that qiwuhai, who negotiated with their queen, offered unconditional willingness to vacate an island to the survivors to help them evacuate. However, it is not the kind of infected human that can leave after testing.

This is not a problem, because infected human beings either resist the past and become "fighters", or get timely treatment and become normal people, or have become a member of the monster.

Although most people don't believe in the Navy and the government, the conditions given this time are too abundant. Even if they know it's a trap, some people will surely fall down.

Who doesn't want to leave this hell?

As far as Alice knows, the Queen's most powerful army, that is, her own team, has already had people in high positions thinking.

Although they are extremely loyal to the queen and can even give their lives, if they can evacuate to a safe Island, it will be a performance that will be praised for generations and a continuation of the fire of Landis island.

They also want to live as freely as before. This kind of desire for life is too tempting. Even if it's a moth to the fire, it will be one after another.

If it wasn't for the blockade of them by the Navy over the past few years, no one would have hesitated as soon as the news came out.

But it's like a fire. It's already in the hearts of everyone in the ninth garden. Sooner or later, it will burst out.

Right now, area a, temporary naval base, conference room.

"These damned natives, extremely stupid, lost hundreds of Navy compatriots in order to land on the island of Landis, but got the result of being swept out." Reither base chief said with a cold face.

Think of just they visit, but directly out of the matter, leiser base long face.

He is working with basoromi bears. They occupy a part of area A. There are not so many monsters here. In addition to the extremely difficult number to deal with, the navy can cope with most cases.

Heavy loss is in the sacred waters, suddenly suffered a new monster species, sea species, sea demon attack.

"In view of the Navy's chronic suicide blockade in the past, such an attitude is reasonable. The news has already been conveyed. As long as they wait to take root and germinate, they will start to compromise, as long as they show enough sincerity and facts." Basoromi bear legs cross stacked, even sitting, but also far higher than the leiser base long.

"Every day you stay on the island, the loss of soldiers will rise. Every soldier needs a lot of military money to train. This is too wasteful of government resources. At present, the danger on the island is really great. If you want to get rid of it once and for all, killing demons is a good choice." Although base leader leiser is on the side of the world's nobility.

But from the rational judgment, whether it is to curb the spread of the monster mutation, or to annihilate the unstable local forces of Landis island.

Or in order to cover up the scandal of the Tianlong people, the killing of demons is the most appropriate action.

But the marshal of the Warring States period and the tianlongren didn't like this action, so it made things complicated.

"The order of killing demons is only a last resort, and I'm afraid it will have little effect on the current appearance of Landis island." Basoromi shook his head indifferently.

"You look down upon the order of killing demons." Leiser took a look at the bear without too much explanation.

"Eric and lieutenant general O'Neill have also established a complete line of defense in area E. people from the science department are catching some new mutants and are taking samples. Do we need help from the past?" Seeing that leiser didn't answer, bear changed the topic and returned to the point he was interested in.

"No, sir Eric will take care of it. Now our main responsibility is to keep an eye on the self righteous queen, let her not disturb us and persuade them as much as possible." Leise didn't agree, and he didn't trust the seven armed men in front of him.

"Later, I will contact her alone, hoping to reach an agreement." The bear got up and said.

"You alone?" Reither frowned.

"Yes, my ability can easily surpass their defense. If we come down to the city with our troops swaggering like today, I'm afraid it will add a lot of trouble to our follow-up work." The bear nodded.

Leiser was silent and didn't answer. After all, what the bear said was the truth, but he was on the alert instinctively. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't say it for a moment.

"I'll do some preparation first."... " With that, the bear left, and leiser's phone bug rang, interrupting him. The caller was Janos, the vice captain of the science department.

The ringing phone bug is a private phone bug, which is only used when performing cop0 tasks. Now the phone rings, indicating that there is a situation.

"Base leader leiser, your task has progressed. We have captured some monsters in the big crack, and found that these monsters are stronger than those recorded last time in all aspects of physique, which shows that monsters really have the possibility of evolution. In addition, we know from the aborigines that there seems to be some mutant creatures in the big crack that are beyond the record, which can be inferred from a few words, That may have something to do with longevity. " Said ganos in a trembling, excited voice.

"Are you sure?" Leiser is also swaying. Why have they been blocking Landis island in recent years? On the one hand, it's really to curb the spread of the disaster.

Then it is to meet the "film and television" experience of the famous desminsheng.

But the most important task is to observe the variety of monsters on the island. This task is not only the curiosity of desmin Liesheng, but also the will of one of the five old stars.

Now that we have found out, how can we not be excited.

"Sure, some of the Aborigines have said that the demons have not shown any signs of [overgrowth] decline in the past five years. At the same time, the source of disaster five years ago is the owner of the great fissure now. According to the information you provided before, it can be concluded that some monsters will not decline after they have evolved to the extreme." Ganos continued to affirm.

His participation in this research is not the intention of the world nobility, but his own will, because as far as he knows, there are the most amazing secret researches of the world government, and he has contacted many of them.

"Good, good! Wait, tomorrow morning I'll set out to join you and control the natives. "