There are not many pirates, but their strength is good. Although there are only about ten people, they are still persevering after being surrounded by hundreds of people.

"Whoosh, whoosh..." at this moment, a group of daggers of different colors came from the distance, like lightning, fast and swift. Before the pirates could react, they hit the key directly and the heart was penetrated.

So did the captain of the pirate. A woman as cool as an iceberg appeared on the wall with the soldiers of Bingfeng Legion. At the same time, she took control: "ring the alarm, monsters are coming!"

"Dangdang block!" On a lookout tower on the city wall, there is a big bell. When the bell is rung, people in the city quickly walk out of their homes.

The young take up arms and run towards the city wall. The old and the children move towards the "safe house" in the middle of the city.

This is a refuge in the city, although most people usually live in temporary structures, do not like to live in the cold steel house.

But it is undeniable that when the disaster comes, as long as the door is closed, the vast majority of monsters are difficult to break through the steel barriers.

"In strict accordance with the first law, young advanced safe house, old queen." Someone yelled in the crowd.

The people who had been in a bit of turmoil immediately lined up, but the safe house was obviously not enough for everyone. After all, there were thousands of people.

As a result, some elderly people were left outside the safe house. They did not dispute, but took the weapon at hand and waited in the wooden house and brick house near the safe house.

"The wisdom of survival." Rosen saw what was going on outside through the iron window and couldn't help sighing.

Once the monster begins to attack the city, it is absolutely impossible for the soldiers in the city to defend every inch of the land. There will be scattered zombies breaking through into the city.

At that time, most of these old people will die first, but for the sake of the continuation of the race, this kind of death is the one with the lowest loss.

No wonder we didn't see many old people in the city before, most of them were young adults and children.

"Roar!" There was a roar and a thunderous sound, which formed a strong sound wave. Just as the sound wave swept through, the whole city area was shaken up, and countless people covered their ears in pain.

Rosen also frowned, the sound wave is too strong, if close, ordinary people's eardrum is afraid to be broken, even direct concussion brain death is not impossible.

As a signal, Rosen walked out of the house and saw that on the walls above the city, some earth and stone were pushed down and fell to the ground. The passageway that had been sealed or used for hands and feet was now due to the sound of shelling.

Let countless monsters find their voices. Monsters without wisdom appear on the platforms outside the city and on the walls, and Rosen has come down from them.

Then the first zombies fell down like dumplings, and they were killed directly. But there were too many of them, and they were more sensitive at night.

If not, it would be underground, so why should we implement silent control.

Although the first group of zombies fell dead, they were all ordinary zombies. Some tall zombies fell down. Although they looked seriously injured, they still had fighting ability.

With more and more zombies falling down below, some ordinary zombies also survived on the corpse pile. So, looking down from the air, there are zombies flying in all four directions of Ming City.

The underground city looks like a boat floating in the storm, full of helplessness.

The number of zombies is terrible. I'm afraid that in such a short time, more than thousands of zombies have fallen down, and they are still increasing.

"Too much. What's going on? It's impossible for an ordinary corpse nest to gather so many zombies. Where did the group of Pirates bring so many zombies? " Alice frowned as she stood on the platform at the top of the wall and swept the wall in all directions.

"Lisa, there are the second most monsters in the south. You take the soldiers to guard. There are the most monsters in the East, and there seem to be several big ones. Give them to me and Bingfeng Legion." Alice took a look and gave the order immediately.

The total fighting power of Ming City, together with the soldiers and young people, is only about 1500. It's not easy to keep these thousands, even more and more zombies.

What they can do is to ensure that most of the monsters can't enter the city, and a small part of the monsters can only seek their own happiness.

"Be careful." Looking at the monster coming from the front of the wall, holdman said to Alice with a solemn face.

This side of the monster to him to deal with.

"It's not the first time. No problem. Look at me. Cut off their heads." As soon as Alice patted her waist, the daggers that had been stuck on the body of the pirate suddenly appeared in her waist.

She is a replacement person who has eaten the fruit of replacement. She can exchange the focus object within her eyes, but she can't act on the living object. The speed of exchange depends on the size and properties of the object.

"Bang bang!" A small number of gunshots began to ring. In this case, all the weapons had to be used. There was no need to worry about anything. It had been found. It was only a bloody fight to the end.

Whoosh, whoosh! The city wall was decorated with crossbows, arrows, and rare cannons. When the zombies almost began to approach the city wall, they launched an attack. The cannonball fell on the zombies and exploded a wave of monsters.

The arrows are flying out and the rain of arrows is pouring down, but the zombies have just entered the range, and there are a large number of them, so it is not easy to accurately aim at each Zombie's head.

But even so, a wave of arrow rain, there are a lot of zombies were blown head.

"Team gale, prepare the explosives. When the zombies enter the moat, they fall in and detonate." Holdman is holding a big knife. He is old and strong. He sweeps and cuts off some zombies not far away.

In an instant, the beacon fire ignited, a monster siege defense war opened, and the blood and smoke of the war filled the whole Ming City in an instant.

"What are you doing here, not going into the safe house?" Rosen was walking on the street in the city. It was a bit noisy. He couldn't sit still. Moreover, he was not a waiting man. He was used to seeing into the situation and taking the initiative to attack.

It's all right to be quiet, but it sounds like the whole city is fighting.

He and pitas followed the road in the city to the direction of the most intense gunfire and fighting, but on the way, they saw Natalie jumping left and right on the house in the city, very busy.

"There are some monsters lurking in the north gate. I have to deal with them, otherwise everyone in the city is very dangerous." Natalie took a look at Rosen. People were rushing in one direction, but they didn't stop.

"What a stupid kid." Rosen nibbled at his cigar, smirked, and quickly followed him. However, as an eight year old, he was quite responsible.