Hearing Natalie's voice, Rosen was stunned for a moment. Looking in the direction Natalie pointed out, he saw some monsters standing slowly in the sea of fire.

There are many monsters in the sea of fire, but most of them are burning, so few people notice that some of them are watching Mingcheng until Natalie senses it.

These monsters, as if aware of Rosen's eyes, slightly look up, grin, appears particularly strange, make Rosen scalp slightly numb.

These monsters seem to have intelligence and emotion?

How could this be possible? Although Rosen came to Landis soon, he also knew that these were human beings who had died but were not completely dead. Even the giant lion did not have such wisdom and emotion.

And now these monsters in the sea of fire are even stronger than giant lions? But is that possible? There are a lot of these monsters.

Rosen took a closer look. There are 20 or 30 of them in this section of the city wall alone. Are they stronger than the giant lions?

Then Landis is dead.

Boom! One of them, a monster wrapped in fire, got up from the trench of the sea of fire. It was only about two or three meters high. It was not strong, but a little thin. On its head, it had two demon like horns, black skin, and many arms. When Rosen looked around, he could see the arms of some animals like mantis, ranging from 2 to 6.

These monsters, with swords, twisted faces and only one scarlet eye, grinned and looked at Rosen as if they had been found, so they didn't care.

"Mocking me? A group of people are not people, ghost is not ghost of spicy chicken Rosen spits out his cigar. He's in a bad mood. He's not even a monster. When he has no temper?

"Gunshot!" A small long gun made of gold dust and copper is as fast as an arrow. It is faster, fiercer and sharper than the usual sand gun.

With a loud bang, the gun directly blasted the head of the most recent ox horn demon and nailed it to the ground. The whole ground, tens of meters around, exploded a mass of soil, and then the whole ground was sunken into a huge pit.

It's like being bombed by a high explosive bomb.

"Roar..." a 4-armed horned demon was killed on the spot, that is, the horned demon who first looked at Rosen with sarcasm on his face.

The killing of the same kind makes these Horned Demons suddenly send out the anger and killing intention of humanity, and all of them rush towards Rosen.

One after another, like a brave man who is not afraid of death.

"Take care of yourself and try not to be too far away from me." Rosen's voice just dropped.

See a bull horn demon rushed to Natalie, a mantis arm a sweep, was broken a hole in the small shield block, and then will Natalie swept away.

"Damn, I'll come back again." Gradually disappear in the sky Natalie said angrily.

"Pitas, go join the soldiers over there. These things are on me." Rosen frowned. The strength of the bull horn demon is good. Although he killed one head with one blow, it's not easy to deal with if he has many heads together.

"Poof As soon as Rosen's words came to an end, the mantis arm of a five armed bull horn demon swept Rosen's waist directly, but it only cut through the sand without causing damage.

This shows that although these monsters are strong, Rosen's natural system gives him the advantage of inborn invincibility. Next, we just need to solve these blind horn demons one by one.

Because they don't know what the natural ability is, don't know how to deal with it, and don't know how to be domineering. They only have poor intelligence.

Peng! Rosen then raised his fist and hit the bull horn demon, but only took a few steps back: "what a hard body defense ability."

"Roar, roar, roar..." in a moment, these Horned Demons drowned Rosen like locusts.

In the start of Rosen's sign, Sha LAN throws it, and then the overwhelming desert sword cuts the group of ox horn demons, but they can't break the defense. The black and thin bodies of these ox horn monsters are very strong.

"Hiss!" Rosen condensed the sand and copper into a sword, and it took a lot of strength to cut off the heads of several ox horn demons, one by one

"What's the matter? What kind of monster is that? " Not far away, Alice was shocked to see Rosen surrounded by monsters.

Because she had never seen the horn demons, but she knew that the external form of the master in the crack abyss was almost the same as these, so at this moment, a strong uneasiness rose from her heart.

"He's a natural ability!" Alice was a little surprised to see Rosen, who is able to swim in the horned devil and immune to physical injury. After all, there are too few natural abilities.

And although Rosen didn't fight with all his strength, he saved his strength and paid attention to killing with one blow, but the combat effectiveness was not small.

But the problem is that although most of these Horned Demons are here, some of them are still scattered in other places. Suddenly, the scream and alarm bell ring again.

The individual strength of these Horned Demons is very powerful. Ordinary soldiers are not rivals at all. The individual strength of each head has reached the level of 10 million bounty. Some Horned Demons with many arms have even reached the level of 100 million bounty.

And there are a lot of them.

The battle that had been showing signs of stopping broke out again, and it was even more fierce, because these monsters with a bit of humanized emotion were fighting with the zombies who were going to leave in disorder, which made the zombie tide crazy again.

"Three bells, the highest crisis!" Alice's face changed dramatically as she listened to the bell and the fight broke out again. What happened?! No, we need to get rid of this as soon as possible.

"A new breed is born, the horn demon, the guard, lead the team to fight a way to the ground, launch the signal bomb." Lisa's face is covered with blood, and a 6-armed ox horn demon slashes her, which directly shocks her out of a certain distance.

These Horned Demons are too strong, and several of them can fight head-on without being killed.

And the zombies erupted again, but their soldiers were tired. Now, they can only send signals for help, but it's not easy for the ninth garden to get here. It's hard to say whether there will be reinforcements.

"Got it."

"Alice has the most horn demons. I'll take a team to support them." With a big knife, the city master of hodmann cut a four armed bull horn demon out and stood on the observation platform to watch the wall section where the bull horn demon continued to climb in the distance.

"Good." Lisa didn't refuse. Although there are horn demons in this section of the city wall, there are only about ten of them. It's no problem to keep them temporarily with [blade] soldiers.

But the question is, in the face of a steady stream of new outbreaks of zombies, when can they survive? It's a matter of life and death.

"Die for me!" Alice roared, and she was worried, but now it's this giant lion that's entangled her. Unless it's killed, it's hard to get away. This monster is not much weaker than her.

"Cut it off!" Alice's whole body has a strong force to release, forming a real wind pressure, which is the genetic force of the blood factor.

Although it's not the power of cross dressing technology like jerma's, it's the explosive power of human body development, and there are great side effects, but in order to make a quick decision, she has no choice.

In an instant, her white and tender skin turned red. She felt her blood boiling. She held a dagger in her hand to stroke her arm.

The blood gushed out and was absorbed by the daggers. At the same time, all the daggers flew to form a big sword. She held it in her hand and shot it out suddenly.

With a loud bang, a red sword burst out like a spiral tornado, hitting the lion.

But at this time, the fog around her spread, and a strong crisis enveloped her.

At the same time, Rosen's voice sounded: "be careful, it's the natural Zombie's ability!"