"Great, it's deeper and wider than the original moat." Holdman was overjoyed when he saw the huge abyss on the wall.

"That's great. Natalie's going to eat the devil's fruit, too." Natalie's face was stunned, too.

"Tell all the soldiers to stand up for me. When the moats in other directions are formed, maybe we can guard Mingcheng." Hodman's excited voice spread out, and was instantly passed on by the soldiers, and everyone was extremely excited.

The whole city defense war is becoming more and more sticky and casualties are inevitable.

"It took a lot of effort." Rosen is also the first time to operate the capability with full power, and it is not used for fighting, but for opening up the abyss. It is not easy to create such a large-scale subsidence and desertification.

After all, his ability has not been awakened. Although the principle of this is consistent with that of desert sunflower, the radiation range is far more than ever.

But the results are remarkable, most of the zombies without intelligence all fall into the pit.

"That woman, come here to guard. I'll open a trench for all directions of Mingcheng." Rosen could not have done that, but zombies are more disgusting than humans.

And once the city is broken, Natalie's stupid child will die. After all, there are no eggs under the nest.

"Asshole." Alice murmured and cursed. Did the man really take himself for granted?

But in fact, she didn't really have to listen. After all, Rosen has become the key to the survival of Mingcheng.

If he is not happy, quit and run away, the result will be too bad.

"Come on, guard." Alice said coldly, the soldiers pretended not to see the deputy commander who was ordered as a servant girl.

Rosen didn't mean to disgust her, but the woman's bad temper didn't deal with him, and he had a bad temper, so he tried his best to make himself at least feel better.

As for the fish who have missed the net here, holdman will naturally arrange soldiers to defend on the wall, and they should be able to defend. After all, most of the zombies have been blocked and delayed.

Now Rosen is too lazy to start. Under the escort of Alice and the soldiers, he goes to the other end of the wall.

Then link the desert abysses one by one to form a natural defense barrier. Except that a few powerful monsters can cross the trench, most zombies can't.

And these powerful monsters naturally have the master of Ming City to deal with.

"No problem, as long as this continues, when the trench can encircle the whole Ming City, it can be held." Alice was very excited.

We can live only if Mingcheng is guarded.

With the passage of time, the trenches gradually formed, and Rosen killed many zombies along the way, which consumed his physical strength. After all, he was still a man, not an indefatigable machine.

Tonight's fight has been going on for a long time

"Break through this zombie line and let's go." Alice pushed her hand in vain. At the same time, she cried out to her nearby. All the soldiers on the wall jumped off the wall and gathered around her.

Because there are a small number of horn demons gathered here. These powerful horn demons, even Alice, can't completely deal with them in a short time, so she needs support. A powerful army is just right.

And the number of horn demons seems to gradually increase.

"Bingfeng! There is no life but death Alice takes the lead. The dagger hovers around her to form a meat grinder. She also holds two daggers in her hands and cuts down the zombies one by one.

Up to now, she is crazy, as if she had become a machine without feelings. Maybe she should have been without feelings, but not thoroughly.

And under the slogan of their legion, every soldier is crazy. It's a team that makes Rosen feel frightened, fearless of death and strict discipline.

It is impossible to train such a soldier if we fight in a special year.

They formed two "one" military formations. With tacit cooperation and high fighting power, they directly suppressed the horn demons in this area and forced them back to the corpses.

"Black fog, black fog ahead!" Suddenly, a soldier pointed to the zombie group in front of him. His face changed dramatically. It seemed that he thought of some dark history and was in a cold sweat.

"Black fog, is it the black fog that caused the transformation of Landis?" When Rosen heard the words, he immediately stopped the action in his hand, looked forward and frowned. Is this infectious?

"How could that be?" Alice was stunned. Black fog. How could there be black fog?! Is

Boom! All of a sudden, a thunder like sound burst, sharp and harsh spread in this space, and then a black lightning appeared in front of Alice.

A dragon claw like devil's hand, mixed with rich black fog, directly slapped on Alice's abdomen, slapped the powerful Alice out and hit the wall heavily.

"Cough..." Alice's whole body was embedded in the hard wall, her pupils began to lax, and her viscera suffered a devastating blow in this moment.

"Deputy commander!" The soldiers roared with indignation and indignation, one by one looking at the long-standing figure in front of the lightning.

Rosen's sweat and hair burst up, and the unprecedented sense of crisis filled his body and mind. What kind of monster is this?!

So powerful, just a move, will Alice waste? Even on the verge of death, is there such a terrible creature on the island of Landis?

This monster is similar to the bull horn demon, but it is not thin. It is strong and tall. It has a pair of eyes, not a single one. It is about five meters high, and its whole body is full of twisted and irregular muscles.

Like a piece of dried animal meat, it looks shriveled but tough.

The mantis on the back has dense arms. The pair close to the shoulders are black and slender, like two sharp knives or bald wings.

It is standing, wrapped with black fog, slightly open mouth, black fog will gush out of the mouth, and its arms are very different, refers to Eagle claws, or to be exact, a pair of sharp claws.

The muscles of the arm are black and red and look like magma.

And now it's staring at Rosen, because it feels the strength of Rosen's body: "human or demon."

The monster opened his mouth and stuttered, but it was frightening.

"Big crack, how can it be here?"?! Damn it, damn it, revenge for the leader! Kill One of the soldiers was shocked and angry, and finally turned into a roar of despair and indignation.

The words fall, the soldiers point to the real devil, and are about to launch a suicide attack.

"It's a group of rustic people." Rosen spits out his cigar, looks dignified, and stands in front of the group of soldiers who are going to die. They go up now. They are worthless except making trouble and dying for nothing.