Boom! The shock wave fog electric gun collided with the Jinsha copper fist, and the sky collapsed suddenly. The sharp sound of light resounded through the whole space.

The two men's area was covered by Lido shockwave and black fog shockwave, and the whole ground was overturned and shot around.

The center of the crossfire is like a nuclear bomb after landing, which brings up a shockwave mixed with debris flow layer and spreads around, destroying everything along the way

"What kind of battle is this?" Hodemann and Lisa, as well as all the masters in the city, gathered under this wall, full of horror, as early as when Rosen broke out a battle with this monster.

They are aware of the abnormal situation here, but they never thought it would be the master of the big crack, Charles.

Apart from the queen, who can stop this monster on the island of Landis? Alice can't. Even if she hasn't been attacked, she won't be able to fight against the strongest monster on the island for long. She will be killed soon.

But they never thought that the strength of the outsider brought back by Lisa was so terrible at the moment. Although he fell into the disadvantage, he really resisted the attack of Charles!

It's subverting their perception of the strong outside.

The short fighting that followed gave them no chance to come in and help.

Even Lisa, once she enters the fighting area of both sides, I'm afraid Charles doesn't have to fight. The aftermath of the fighting alone will be enough to wipe out the commander with major general combat power.

And although holdman is stronger than Lisa, he is weaker than Alice and can't get into this kind of battle.

"Although the rest of the zombies are cleared away, stick to the wall, and organize a team to help the outsiders." After thinking, holdman gave orders, even death orders, which must be done.

Because this is their city, and because of the moat built for them by Rosen, their city will not be completely destroyed,

And temporarily stabilized the situation, but still can't be careless, although the horn devil died a lot, but occasionally appeared a few, still let people feel very difficult.

"I'll lead the team. Those who are willing to fight with me will gather with me." Lisa didn't hesitate, even if she could only create some opportunities for Rosen.

"I'm going." Natalie comes to Lisa with firm eyes. Lisa is ready to speak. However, in this situation, she has no right to refuse, otherwise it may shake the confidence of the people.

In countless surviving wars, no one has the privilege. As long as you are a soldier, even a child, you have to go to the battlefield without exception.

"Don't make trouble. Keep your city safe." But Rosen heard the sound of the city wall, because he was lifted not far below the wall by the blast wave of the explosion.

The corner of his mouth overflowed with blood, but his fighting spirit became more and more intense: "it's definitely more than 400 million, 800 million monsters, even if it's not the general level, it won't be much worse!"

He has been longing for more than 400 million opponents for a long time, but he didn't expect such a fierce one all of a sudden.

This is Rosen's judgment of the Demon power of the beast after the initial confrontation, and it is also the strongest enemy he has ever met.

Hearing Rosen's rebuke, Lisa hesitated. What Rosen said was not necessarily polite, but their strength rashly entered the battlefield.

Part of it may be able to help Rosen, but it may also bring unnecessary trouble to Rosen.

"Clean up the monsters who enter the city first. If he is defeated, tonight is the time for the destruction of Ming City." Hodman decided to follow Rosen's advice, because Rosen is the strongest man on the human side at present. Maybe he has any plans.

"I understand."

"Cough, damn it... How can Charles suddenly appear in Mingcheng? He usually stays in the crack of Moyuan? Damn it... "Alice was protected by several soldiers, and she roared angrily.

Struggling to stand up, but Charles's surprise punch, did not kill her directly is lucky.

If it wasn't for the fact that she was the enhancer of lineage factor and her physical ability was far beyond ordinary people, she would have died with that blow, but now she has no combat effectiveness.

Now, should we put the fate of the whole city on an outsider? How reassuring and willing Alice is that, but Charles, is it really something he can handle?

Even if the queen fought with Charles for many times, she failed to defeat him, and even suffered losses occasionally. She admitted that Rosen was very strong, but against Charles, she might die.

At this moment, she doesn't want him to die, even if she doesn't like him very much, but when he dies, Mingcheng will be slaughtered, and he has saved his own life, and he hasn't said thank you

"It's time to play with your life." Rosen took off his windbreaker, which will only be a burden in the next battle.

"Dong Dong Dong!" Charles came to Rosen step by step from a distance with strong steps. With each step, he left clear collapsed footprints on the ground. We can imagine how high his body density is and how terrible his weight is.

"Desert country!" Rosen's whole body is full of sand. Within a radius of several thousand meters, the earth is moving and mountains are shaking, and countless sand are flying, forming a huge sandstorm like a torrent.

Just like this, ordinary sandstorm can't hurt Charles. Its defense ability is immune to physical damage.

Rosen's tentative strokes went straight through his body, as if his body were just a phantom.

"Sword Rosen grabs all the sand in Rosen's hand, forming a sword to launch the yellow sand juexi chop. But Rosen doesn't think it's enough. The surface of the sand sword is covered with Jinsha copper, which is stronger, sharper and stronger.

"Armed Rosen's domineering spirit covered the sword. Although only the tip of the sword was a little domineering, it was enough, as long as he could touch Charles's entity.

However, it is very difficult for Rosen to maintain this sword. He only knows some basic swordsmanship, but under the support of powerful forces, his strength can not be underestimated.

"Sha Mu chop!" Rosen made a vertical split at Charles, a highly compressed sand turned into a sword curtain, plowed the earth, and went straight to Charles.

Charles devil's hand suddenly expanded a small circle. One raised his hand to smash the sand curtain directly. When the sand was smashed, Rosen bullied him close, and a stab hit Charles's chest.

But it didn't get in.

"Break it for me." Rosen continued to exert force, but just as he was about to break the defense, Charles's attack had arrived, and the shock wave mixed with black fog patted Rosen's head.

"Damn it." Rosen had to dodge, but the power of the yellow sand sword also knocked Charles out, but he was not hurt.

Later, the two sides fought fiercely together. Each move was full of the energy of destroying the sky and the earth, but anyone could see that Rosen was a little bit inferior, which also stunned Lisa and others.

"So strong!" If their fight is a mortal fight, then the fight between Rosen and Charles is a God to God fight. Every move is an energy pour that destroys heaven and earth.