Close to the big crack, a small gathering place of about 500 people hiding in the middle of a group of low mountains. At this moment, the only entrance Canyon crack is heavily defended by the Navy.

It's not big here, and the height of the low mountains around is more than 100 meters. Ordinary zombies fall down and are basically killed.

Local people have also transformed the underground passage, so that in addition to regular patrol guards at night, survivors will hide in the underground world.

Generally speaking, although it is not enough for more people to live together, there is no problem for hundreds of people to live here.

But at the moment, these Landis were captured and tied up, even if some of them were strong.

Because they are facing vice captain of the scientific forces, Janos, as well as two top major generals of the Navy, two of the Navy's elite 2000. Even in the face of qiwuhai, their combat effectiveness can hold up for a long time.

Ganos, a small, middle-aged man in a white research suit, couldn't wait to see the leader of the Reither base. He said, "leader of the Reither base, the Aborigines have completely controlled it. Moreover, we have captured some new varieties and the latest research data from the crack. Such important data should be studied by me earlier, you guys, No one understands the greatness of Science... "

As soon as ganos came up, he said that his face was full of excitement, which may be the greatest discovery and experiment in his career.

"What's the difference between these two, commander leiser?" Ganos greets the Reither base and grows to two iron cages.

One is filled with an ox horn demon, the other cage is filled with a human, but it has ox horn, and its skin is the same color as the demon.

"A human, a monster?" As soon as the commander of the Reither base looked at it, he could see the identities of the two.

At the same time, looking at the hundreds of Landis survivors tied together by ropes, I didn't care.

Looking at their frightened eyes, leiser felt that this was the normal, rather than ignoring himself with scornful and superior eyes like the scarlet queen.

"Yes, but if you put mutated humans in the monster cage, something very interesting will happen. Monsters can enhance their strength and physical ability by swallowing mutated humans. I think this may be the reason why some powerful monsters will not continue to decline, but I have used many methods, even killed some humans, There is no way to lure the immortal seed out of the crack... "Ganos said disappointedly, regardless of the killing eyes of the Landis.

"There's nothing missing, is there?" Leiser took a look. Although it has been completely controlled now, he didn't directly participate in the previous events. He was afraid of any mistakes.

After all, once Landis knew about this, it would become particularly troublesome. In fact, leiser did not care about the life and death of Landis people, and even advocated the elimination of these dangerous elements, but the order of the Navy headquarters was not so.

So when he does things that violate the orders of the Navy headquarters, he must be careful, even though his actions have been directly authorized by CP0.

The most important task of his trip will be to study the evergreen species. As for the others, even the sensory experience of the Lord Demetrius is in the second place.

"No, don't worry about that." Ganos affirmed that at that time, Reither base commander gave him enough strength.

An ordinary gathering place, under the premise of their negotiation and transportation out of the island, relaxed its guard and won it at one stroke.

The strongest are directly killed by the major general, so what happens in this gathering place will not be spread outside.

"That's good. Now that the research results have been achieved, we should capture more mutant human beings to see if we can lure out the immortal in the crack. If we can capture them, this operation will be perfect." Leiser's face was full of joy.

If successful, his position in CP0 will be higher, his family in the world government agencies will be more influential, and even one day, he will have a chance to "live forever".

"I understand that there are many variants among these aborigines, but listen to these aborigines, the monster in the crack is very powerful, in case..." ganos doesn't believe in leiser's strength.

It's the fear on the faces of the natives when they talk about the monster.

"Don't worry, commander Eric will be here soon, and he has also captured some variant human beings. This is a research beyond human common sense. If we succeed, we will be famous in history, and some appropriate sacrifices are necessary." Leiser base chief said calmly that they did this for more convenient research.

Moreover, they have asked the five old stars, but if they are exposed, they will be in trouble. After all, the woman on the island is still unfathomable, especially her swordsmanship.

"Of course, there is no science without sacrifice."

"Blu blu." All of a sudden, the phone bug of base commander leiser rings. It's Eric's phone.

Base commander leiser answered the phone. "Commander Eric, what's up?"

Leiser and Eric naturally know each other. At the same time, they have performed tasks together for many times in CP0, and many of them have similar ideas.

"If basoromi bear can't find you in the garrison, please let me know that some of the Landis have agreed to follow the Navy out of the island to the resettlement site, and your side will make arrangements as soon as possible." Eric's voice was so calm that he couldn't hear anything else.

But leiser had cooperated with him for many times, and naturally understood the other meaning of the words. As early as last night, they found a breakthrough in the research, and they had a deep communication, intending to destroy the survivors of Landis island.

Although the order of the marshal of the Warring States period was to cure the disease, the hostility of the people of Landis to the world government was too great to be ignored.

Especially after the first negotiation broke down, the two of them reached a stronger consensus. They even asked the five stars to act according to the circumstances. In fact, they acquiesced.

But the premise is to get something. Otherwise, when the marshal of the Warring States period loses his temper, the two of them are also very troublesome. But if they take it as a fact, it's easy to operate.

The reason why they didn't give up the negotiation was that they wanted to disintegrate the Landis organization from within. If some people were separated, the power of the scarlet queen would be much weaker.

And these people can provide a lot of variants with just a few tricks, and it's very easy to deal with them.

If there is a frontal conflict, their navy's strength on the island at the moment may not be able to occupy any advantage.

Good use of strategy can save a lot of trouble. It's perfect to kill one wave and go on to the next. I hope it's really a good thing. Leiser sneers in his heart.

"Don't worry, leave it to me. I'll handle it properly. How about your side?"

"Admiral O'Neill is not willing to give the final grand finale to Lord Desmond, but I've sent a special operations team to do it." Said Eric.

"Great, as long as these Landis agree, our task is finished, and they don't have to suffer any more." Two major generals heard Eric's voice and exchanged their eyes. One of them whispered.

It's too dangerous to carry out a mission in Landis, and some major generals who have been mobilized from other places and don't know the truth, when they see the current situation of Landis people, many of them feel pity, especially very dissatisfied with the attack on Landis people.

However, they have no choice. The only several colonels who disobey the orders of their superiors have been dealt with by dangerous tasks.

It's not that there are no people in the army who insist on justice, but those who insist on justice and disobey orders have been assigned various impossible tasks by the leader of Reither base before departure.

A plot is brewing against the survivors of Landis.