Alice's face changed slightly. She understood what Rosen said. What he meant was that all along, it was the demon land that preyed on them, not their food.

"I'd like to see what you are. You can instantly dust the human body." Rosen one hand on the ground, Sha Sha fruit ability.

If he was not sure that there were living creatures under the ground before, then after the dust was swallowed up, he was completely sure that the land, or the things under the ground, were living creatures with hunting instinct.

"Erosion reincarnation!" The ability to absorb water from everything is also the ability of the fruit.

However, this ability is not often used by Rosen in the face of the strong. The only use of similar moves on the enemy is in the wine capital.

Because if you want to absorb the water from the enemy and make it wither, you need a certain amount of time, but you can't absorb it instantaneously.

So although this ability is strong, it's very embarrassing. First, if the weaker enemy doesn't want to kill, the ordinary attack will be solved.

And the stronger enemy, you can not be caught so long, more is a short collision.

Rosen has studied it many times, but he still can't understand how to absorb a person's moisture in an instant.

Time requirement is a barrier that can't be crossed. Therefore, in many battles, Rosen mostly uses this ability to make a lot of sand from ground stones, etc., to form a sandstorm, which has a greater effect.

But just after seeing the ability of the instant storm, Rosen thought that if his ability could sand and dust the enemy like a flash, it would be enough. He didn't even need to do that. He only needed to suck up the enemy's moisture in an instant.

So he wanted to see the creatures on the ground, or what's going on on on the ground, to see if he could study the principles clearly, so as to apply them to his ability to sand fruit.

If the withering or sanding ability can be instant, Rosen's sanding ability will become more powerful than ever, just like Charles's demon.

It would be too strong to corrode one's opponent at a touch, but if he withered or weathered at a touch, the fighting between his hands and feet would become extremely terrible in the future.

Rosen's ability of palm stimulation, the ground suddenly trembled and hummed violently, and a small area near Rosen began to dry up and desertification, but as he was preparing to spread and expand, Rosen felt resistance.

At the same time, the ground suddenly spits out a rock thorn, which directly penetrates Rosen's body.

"Are you ok?" Alice was surprised. The thorn was so sudden that she didn't even respond.

"Nothing." Rosen smashed the rock stab with one punch, and the sand body that had been pierced by a hole began to recover. Rosen had expected the possible attack.

But Rosen is not sure whether there are giant creatures swimming under it or whether the land is alive.

"Guard me for four weeks."

"Good." Alice has a sense of propriety in business, but she agrees so naturally that she suddenly feels something is wrong, that is, she can't say it.

"Great erosion reincarnation!" Rosen's ability is fully open, the desertification ability is crazy, the ground is sucked dry, and the desertification area is becoming larger and larger.

Then all the people in the demon land saw that the ground was beating like a raging wave, which was much bigger than the previous ups and downs. It seemed that it was like a violent walk.

"What's fused with the ground? It's huge. It feels like a mass of mucus, slim?" Rosen can feel a huge figure lurking in the ground, which is integrated with the ground, and the size is very huge.

Rosen can detect that his dry ability is sucking water from this strange object, because he is integrated with the land, so when Rosen's ability is activated, it has no place to escape, and this is really a strange life.

Although I haven't seen the real face yet, it's not very similar to the slime monster made by Caesar in punk hassad.

But some common points, such as life form, may also be influenced by some experiments of Tianlong people.

But this thing is integrated with the land, which is very strange. Does the ability of this thing have anything to do with the sand? Or coincidence.

But it is so integrated with the underground, even if it is extremely clever to see and hear, color domineering also completely can not find.

"The clouds are coming, the flash is gathering, let's go... Eh, strange, how does the flash seem to be slower than usual?" Alice looked up and saw the clouds gathering over them. A flash of light slowly fell down. It was much slower than what she had seen before.

Rosen looked up and saw it. He turned to Alice and said, "break it up with all your strength."

"No way. It can't be done. It's not like it hasn't been attacked before. It doesn't work at all." Alice shakes her head, ready to pull Rosen away.

"Do as I said. If you look carefully, this flash is not the same as before. It's too weak, and its speed is very slow. If I expect it to be good, the underground monster has the ability to interfere and control the instantaneous storm. The reason why the flowers and animals were not injured before is that it intended to keep the bait, and we are the fertilizer it wanted. Now the monster is suddenly attacked by me, Control is down... "Rosen said quickly.

In a flash, according to the existing intelligence and situation, Rosen figured out a possible result.

"Mirage thousand blades!" Alice frowned and listened to Rosen's determined voice. Subconsciously, she thought Rosen was right.

But if the guess is wrong, they will turn into dust in the flash.

But at this time, there was no time to think more about it. First, try to hit it. It really can't, and then try to see if you can escape.

In response to this flash, Alice used the most suitable move, daggers flying in front of her body, spinning back and forth at high speed, forming a dense shadow.

She gazed at the flash in the complete works, which was too slow to be compared with before.

"Still want to fight?" Rosen felt the ground undulating violently and wanted to throw him out.

But don't forget that he has the ability to fight for the ownership of the ground directly under full fire. At the same time, the cycle of erosion gradually expands.

Although the underground strange creatures can control and affect the flash, they don't seem to have strong combat power. Moreover, they are integrated with the land and can't get out of the ground.

In other words, the ground is it, and its mucus like shape is also intertwined with the sand, so it is difficult to separate each other.

Rosen absorbs the water in the sand, that is to say, it is absorbing its water, or its vitality. It desperately resists, and even affects the color cloud to shine again, in order to destroy this thing that seriously threatens its life.

But unfortunately, its body is too large, even the whole demon land has entangled its body, and suddenly encounter the ability to kill it, so it can't be prevented.

It was not that it had not been bombed or cut with a weapon before. Even a woman cut the whole demon land in half with a sword. It could recover. However, it did not know what to do with its ability of directly absorbing water from its body?

The key is not yet hidden, it is integrated with here.

"Total replacement!" Alice can start, hiss, saw in front of her dagger all disappeared, the next moment, out of thin air appeared in the center of the flash, tear this strange light clean, into light particles disappeared in the air.