"It's still not hooked. Damn it, is that thing still intelligent? Up to now, it only captures some slightly stronger variants." Ganos complained to the commander of the Reither base.

Although a variety of variants, such as sirens and horn demons, have been captured and can be used for ordinary research, the most important "immortal" species has not yet been hooked. It's been a long time.

Morard's eyes are lax in the cage. He should have died because of his injury, but he is not reconciled. He is waiting for Charles to take the bait.

Yes, when the devil comes, these stupid navies will know what they want to catch, and the devil will kill all the people here.

And he wanted to see them die before he died, so he didn't want to die, he didn't want to die now.

"Take some cages and throw them into the cracks." Base commander leiser thought about it and ordered a group of officers. Soon a group of good naval men jumped out from behind the wall.

Many of the navies ambush here are holding a special stone net. It's very strong, not only for those with ability, but also for those with strong strength.

"Bastard, damned Navy..." morard growled, tears gushing from his eyes.

He saw several Marines get out of their cages, lift them up, and walk towards the crack step by step. All of a sudden, he knew what they wanted to do.

"Stop it A figure suddenly appeared at the edge of the crack like a strong wind, with a roar of anger to the extreme. As soon as he opened his eyes, the heads of the Navy carrying the cage suddenly burst out a few daggers.

Although these naval strength is good, but where can withstand the full burst of anger under Alice!

"Who?" Leiser base commander suddenly surprised, the figure should be so fast, and so fierce!?

"If you weren't wearing Navy uniforms, I thought you met some notorious pirate team." With a sullen face, Rosen came from a distance.

When they hear Natalie's words in the underground passage, they feel that they can see the situation on the ground. After all, these are all Natalie's compatriots. It is impossible for them to ignore them.

But I never expected to see such a terrible and vicious event, and the executor was still the Navy, which made Rosen's original good mood worse to the extreme.

This will be a great blow to Natalie and others. Not long ago, they were looking forward to accepting the placement of the Navy. In this way, they can go to a new island and start a new life. Maybe they can gradually put down their hatred.

Because hope is more important to Landis than hatred. As long as we can really start a new life, most people will bury hatred deeply, because the hope of racial continuity is greater than everything.

But in front of the cruel side, completely let them fall from heaven to hell.

Even Alice couldn't control her anger, so she attacked directly. This is not a case of two people being abused as bait, but hundreds of people!

Otherwise, they would have been in the rear and could have worked out a better strategy.

But now that we've found it, let's find it.

"The Navy? As always, "he said Luo's eyes are full of disgust. The shocking side reminds him of his hometown and many innocent lives fallen under the navy gun.

Now it's so similar.

"Seven Wu Hai Ke Ke Luo Da Dar, early news said that you may be on the island, but did not expect that you should mix with the people of Landis." Reither base commander looked at the group of uninvited guests, his face became very dignified.

Qiwuhai, who has the top naval lieutenant general combat power, is not particularly afraid, but it is undeniable that the strength of qiwuhai can not be underestimated, and now he suddenly appears in front of us, which is very subtle.

The Navy scandal can't let a qiwuhai know. If it's on the island of Landis, they can cover it up and make excuses. But now what happened is witnessed on the spot, which is very embarrassing.

prevent divulgence of one's secrets?

Although leise is very confident, he wants to keep a qiwuhai. I'm afraid it's a bit difficult even with these soldiers. He's preparing to take out the phone bug quietly.

"Don't act rashly!" Rosen stares at him. He's thinking.

And Alice has already started to kill, Natalie's face is filled with anger, holding weapons and shield, directly toward the Navy.

"Child?" The Marines were surprised, but looking at Natalie, who was waving weapons, they were also ruthless. Since they could stay with the commander of Reither, they didn't have conscience.

So she waved the same weapon and rushed towards Natalie, but Natalie easily avoided several cuts, and instead stabbed a naval officer with a dagger and killed him.

"Take that woman." The commander of leiser base said to several major generals around him. The major generals nodded and killed Alice with the Navy elite. Alice was opening the cage, although she could not move the living creatures.

However, it can replace the shackles, cages, chains and shackles of human body with the stones in the distance, so the first person rescued from the cage was immediately liberated.

"Damn the Navy, all die, mirage thousand blades!" Alice roared, and the fury and fury gushed out together. She rushed to the front of a group of soldiers. Suddenly, her body exploded a dagger and she was killed in an instant.

"Be careful, you are capable!" A major general dodged a dagger that appeared out of thin air to remind others.

"Lord Alice! I'm sorry The rescued compatriots were all weak and unable to fight.

They were not only poisoned early, but also stabbed, luring Charles with blood. At the same time, once they were swallowed by Charles, the toxin accumulated together, which was a trap for Charles.

In addition, some poisons, like time bombs, are set up by ganos. Only in a special way can they be highly toxic.

Even if the poison doesn't kill the immortal, it can still paralyze his brain. After all, the brain is still the core part.

That's why leiser dared to hunt Charles here.

"What do you mean, klocdal, have you forgotten your identity? At such times, according to the agreement, you should assist our navy in its actions. Don't forget your identity as qiwuhai! " Said leiser, with a cold face.

Rosen looked at those iron cages, and there was no way to "cooperate" with the Navy from the perspective of absolute rationality.

And in this case, the Navy could not have considered not killing itself.

This shows the dark side of the government completely to a qiwuhai who is not close to the government. If this qiwuhai does any video recording, it will not become something to intimidate the world government in the future.

After smoking a strong cigar, Rosen let the taste twinkle on the tip of his tongue. After a little pause, he felt that his thinking was clear all at once: "what makes your navy think that I must be suitable for this qiwuhai?"?! Lo, go and help the little boy

Luo Leng for a moment, and then frowned at Rosen: "why?"

Luo wants to see how he will deal with it. He doesn't think he is a good man.

However, if klocdal, the seven armed men, still cooperates with the Navy under such circumstances, he will never treat his subordinates for him, and at the same time he will find an opportunity to slip away.

In this case, once the battle breaks out, it is too easy for him to slip away with his ability.

"Anyway, this group of navies can't be good, and she's still a child. You can't save a child for death. Besides, in the near future, you may have to change your name for me, such as captain!" Rosen said faintly.