"What?! More than 80% of the sentries have been removed!? What do you eat for, a bunch of rubbish Eric listened to the data reported by the communication officer in his ear, his face turned blue to the extreme, with unprecedented anger.

When did the Navy become so useless? Even if Landis suddenly attacked, each sentry assigned more or less a lot of troops, at the same time arranged good hands, several places where materials were collected, and even major generals were in charge.

Now he suddenly told him that they were all taken away. Just now Eric didn't know what the all-out war of Landis meant, but now he understood that it was a big counterattack that he had never met since he was responsible for blocking Landis.

Not even at the beginning of the disaster, because at that time, Landis had no leader, just scattered.

Now the navy has suffered so much because he lost too much time in the fight with klockdale. Otherwise, his command ability would be the best.

It's absolutely impossible for the navy to be taken away like a pack of loose sand.

Now, all his plans have failed, and at the same time, he has caused huge losses. If he fails to get changshengzhong this time, this mission will end with his major failure.

"Push all the captives out of the cracks, ganos. Don't you bring some scientific products? Be optimistic about the cracks. Once the evergreen seeds appear, let me know as soon as possible. In addition, let some products join the battlefield and clean up the Landis people as soon as possible. " Eric watched as the Marines regrouped and stood on the alert in a fighting and attacking manner, and a few of their guns began to go out.

With both sides organized and powerful, the zombies were cleared as soon as they approached, and even the horn demons could not lift any waves.

"But..." ganos hesitated a little. After all, the pacifists he brought with him had some flaws, which might hurt his own people by mistake. There were also some problems with the identification system of command, which was originally mainly used for hunting for long-lived species.

"No, but even if I hurt some of my own people, I can't help it." Eric, of course, knew ganos's hesitation.

"I understand." In fact, what ganos is most afraid of is that the pacifist will be destroyed, which will affect his capture of the immortal species.

But looking at the approaching, the eyes like tiger and Wolf of the Landis, he also knows that it is urgent to defeat the Landis now.

"Kill A hysterical roar.

"Bang bang!" The sound of gunfire.

"Boom boom!" The continuous bombardment

When the two sides entered a certain distance, all kinds of voices sounded instantly, and more than 4000 soldiers gathered here before and after the Navy.

In addition, 4000 are distributed at various sentries and berths of ships in the Gulf. It is estimated that they are in danger and may be at war.

Although Queen Hathaway divided some forces to support hodman's attack on Zone E, the number of soldiers around her still exceeded 7000.

In terms of the number of people and individual combat power, Landis has the advantage of military strength. After all, it's home combat.

"Inform the eight islands of Flanders to urgently mobilize six troop carriers. Since they don't know their faces, they will all be killed to prevent future trouble." Eric estimated the strength of Landis and said coldly.

"Commander Eric, the defense of the eight islands will be greatly reduced." The communications officer hesitated for a while. Six military carriers, that is, nearly 8000 troops.

In this way, there are only about 4000 troops left in the remaining eight islands, which can only be blocked reluctantly. In case a monster runs out or is broken through by the Landis, it is difficult to intercept effectively.

"No, but now most of the soldiers of Landis are here, and the remaining strength is not enough to break through our defense. Moreover, once the main force of Landis is destroyed, the danger of the island will be greatly reduced, and the command will be issued immediately." Eric looked at Hathaway, the scarlet queen, who rushed into the navy to kill her, and his face became more and more dignified.

"I understand."

Powerful forces can help a war to win. Even the weakest fish can weaken the strength of the strong, and even plot against the strong. Such examples can be found everywhere on the battlefield.

Therefore, in a war, military forces will always play an irreplaceable role. Even in a war at the top, it is not just a fight between the strong.

In some key points, the deployment of troops and the handling of firepower are in place, and can even suppress the strong. In short, if the Navy does not have enough soldiers now, only Eric and bear are there.

Then, the Landis can bombard two people with long-range firepower from various places, and bombard them with full coverage. Even those with natural abilities, who can tell which of the thousands of attacks are hailou stones?

Instead of facing the soldiers' fire, the result will be even worse, especially when they are restrained, and then the enemy constantly has firepower to bomb, which is very dangerous.

As a commander, Eric knew the great use of troops, so he gave orders as soon as he saw the situation. What's more, whether it was the Navy or the Landis, there were powerful soldiers everywhere, not miscellaneous fish.

"Bear, you and I will join hands to kill the king of the Landis today. As long as she dies, the Landis will not threaten us any more." Eric knows that.

So when Hathaway came to him step by step with endless murderous spirit, he told the bear that the implication was to join hands and remind the bear to fight as hard as possible.

The bear didn't speak, and there was no expression on his face.

"Quick, quick, push all these aborigines down..." ganos led a small team through the Navy crowd.

He commanded the Navy, and then walked to a place where the inactive pacifists lay quietly in the box.

"Dead. It's a pity... "Luo took Natalie and pitas out of the battle circle, stood on a high ground and looked at the pit. He finally saw a little hope, and then he was defeated.

"Uncle is not dead, not dead, still breathing, still breathing, let me go..." Natalie kicked Cairo, took her hand, broke free, and ran to the pit.

"What are you going to do?" Lo looks at pitas.

Pitas was stunned for a moment, and then he came back. Damn, my money, how can this bastard qiwuhai say that he will die if he dies? Isn't his trip in vain, but is he really dead? So strong a person: "may not be dead, that girl has special ability."

"Well?" Luo Leng for a while, not dead? Is it possible?

"No way!" Queen Hathaway saw the Navy pushing the iron cage and raised her sword high. The scarlet murderous spirit was like substance, mixed with the domineering color, deterred part of the Navy and led to coma.

Then with a roar, the ground under her feet was crushed by her feet and cut out with a sword. The wind and cloud changed color, and the whole huge battlefield seemed to be shrouded in the halo of blood.

Hum! A dark scarlet sword burst out from the sword. The air in the whole sky was violently compressed, and more than 10000 soldiers felt difficult to breathe for a moment.

"Scarlet light! Devil's prison When Hathaway's voice fell, all the Navy close to the cage were swept by the crescent sword.

More than 80% of the navy are preparing to get close to the cage and throw it down.

If we didn't consider that some navies stood with iron cages for fear of accidental injury, all navies, except those with special ability and high strength, would be absolutely immune from this attack.

But watching the nearby companions turn into blood mist, the scarlet sword gas is a death threat when passing by them.

All of a sudden, the rest of the Navy were scared out of their courage. Only those who passed by the sword could feel how crazy and murderous the sword was, which was enough to make a naval officer fall into despair and collapse easily.

"Break in!" Hathaway exclaimed, an obviously powerful, crazy and fearless team of hundreds of people, led by a middle-aged man, was like a sharp knife to the open space at the edge of the crack.

"Point to the gun. Blast the air." Eric's face was ugly. He passed the crowd in an instant, and an air gun burst out. The air condensed into a bunch of air shock waves and stabbed Hathaway's head.

"Shock!" The bear also clapped his hand at the air in front of him. The whole air was instantly compressed into a shell, forming a huge transparent bear's paw. He directly pushed it toward Hathaway, crushing everything along the way.