Whoosh, whoosh! Queen Hathaway stepped on the zombie climbing up the wall and returned to the ground. She was not at ease with the war situation. As soon as Queen Hathaway came up, she immediately aroused a burst of cheers from the people of Landis.

Although the results were average, the navy was beaten away by them.

While fighting with Charles, Queen Hathaway issued a new order to the Landis: "we are still far away from victory. Continue to pursue the Navy. All the soldiers go to area e to support Lord hodman to win the Navy's port. With a surge of momentum, we will fight directly to the eight islands."

"Wowo ~" although the soldiers of Landis were very tired, they heard Hathaway's order, and the dawn that might be coming, everyone uttered an unprecedented roar.

"There's a glimmer of hope." Morard couldn't believe it, because he never thought that the Navy's top combat power would suffer such a heavy blow.

Now, no matter how tired they are, it's not the time to stop and rest. They have to take advantage of the victory. If they can take the opportunity to win enough boats, as long as they can get close to Badao.

If you occupy an island at will, the blockade of the eight islands against Landis island will fail. The eight islands have always formed the most natural environmental blockade against Landis island.

Originally, it used to be used as a guard Island, but once it was sealed off, Landis would become a cage bird, and as long as they could successfully occupy one of the eight islands, they would be able to keep it.

There is no such natural environment outside any of the eight islands that can blockade them.

In that way, the sea is wide enough for fish to swim, the sky is high enough for birds to fly, the Navy or the world government can no longer blockade the Landis on the island.

"Kill me!" Alice remotely controls the dagger in the air. The dagger is in front of her body, forming a fan-shaped attack form. Although her outbreak period has passed, she can continue to attack because there has been no strong attack.

Even if very tired, but now this opportunity can not be missed.

Queen Hathaway will follow them later. Charles can't follow them. Otherwise, the soldiers of Landis behind will be killed by Charles. So Hathaway has to hold Charles back.

Rosen quietly watched all this, although the battlefield is still chaotic, the killing is still going on, but everything seems to be in an orderly way, looking at Hathaway this woman.

I have to admire and even admire in my heart. This is indeed a great leader. Maybe she is crazy, but her judgment of the war situation is very accurate.

More unexpectedly, her appeal is so terrible, in this case of being surrounded by monsters, there is no voice of doubt.

This is very unusual, even out of human instinct, there should be people who are afraid.

But under her attack command, what Rosen saw was only neat action, and even the threat of zombies was ignored for the time being.

Moreover, the situation has been reorganized. A team of about 100 people has formed a propulsion line-up. Dozens of hundred people are marching forward, and eight hundred people are fighting against the monsters in a backward posture, slowly chasing in the direction of the Navy's retreat.

And the square array of large forces is at the front, very fast, and clenching the tail of the Navy.

As a result, the whole battlefield began to move on, and the navy in the front was in a state of rout. However, the Navy's strength was still very sufficient. Every time the Landis soldiers bit on it, they would be severely attacked back.

Behind the Navy and the Landis were zombies as large as locusts, and some fast zombies constantly attacked the Navy and the Landis soldiers from both sides.

For a moment, Landis island became a mobile battlefield.

Rosen looked at the corpses on the ground. He was not used to them. Besides zombies, there were thousands of bodies of Landis and the Navy on the ground.

However, the wounded navy was ignored, and finally became food rations. On the contrary, the injured Landis had a special medical square array of 100 people for treatment.

"What are you doing?" Rosen grabs Natalie. Natalie is going to fight again, but the next battle is not easy.

What's more, Charles and his army have come out of the abyss. It's hard to predict what the situation will be like.

"I'm a soldier of Landis, too." Natalie said stubbornly.

"You try one."

Natalie didn't know, so she just ran a distance and fell to the ground.

At this time, Natalie looked down and knew when she had been cut twice on her calf. Although it was not very deep, she had just stopped bleeding.

If you didn't absorb some active particles near Rosen before, which has a little therapeutic effect, Natalie, who is not only naive, but also a little neurotic, doesn't know what's going on even after she wakes up in a coma.

"I'm a little dizzy."

"Stay honest."

"It's time for us to go. The navy is in a rout. Soon the island of Landis will be completely blocked. If we go now, we can take the opportunity to leave by Bronte's boat, or grab any warship." Luo reminded.

"Just a moment. Bronte's boat is not far from here." Rosen is not in a hurry. He is recovering a little strength. At the same time, he is observing the battle between Charles and Hathaway.

Charles, in particular, is in chaos. If possible, can we capture Charles?

Although the Landis are organizing the pursuit, there are still several hundred people's teams here, one of which is still soldiers, because they can't let queen Hathaway fight alone.

At the same time, we need to cover the wounded for evacuation and transfer. Hundreds of them are insignificant. Most of the zombies go to chase the big army. Charles and Hathaway fight fiercely on the edge of the magic abyss.

Charles growled, and powerful zombies were pouring towards Hathaway, but these zombies would be dealt with by soldiers.

After a battle, Charles found that even if the woman was seriously injured, it was still difficult to deal with. He decided to abandon queen Hathaway and leave her alone. He planned to carry out her "leave" plan.

Because Charles felt that the people here were too smart to catch, and since they were hammered together last night, he instinctively sensed the danger, so he didn't want to stay here any more.

After a sharp roar from Charles, a group of giant bat zombies fluttering their wings suddenly came out of the magic abyss. Each of them spread its wings and exceeded ten meters.

On the giant bat, there are some powerful horn demons, just like an army climbing out of hell.

"Flying species?" Queen Hathaway's face has changed. What's going on? If there is a kind of flying, whether it's on the mainland of Landis or on the outside, the risk will be greatly increased.

Even if the ninth garden laboratory is as solid as gold, its air defense force is almost zero. The emergence of this new kind of monster has to alert queen Hathaway.

In the outside world, Hathaway doesn't care much, but Lantis island is still their most important root base when the navy is beaten back.

Rosen and Rowe saw the same, also frowned, this if the monster to the outside world, will bring a disaster.

However, it has nothing to do with them. There are enough disasters in the world, and no more can destroy the world with extraordinary force value.

But looking at Charles's ability, Rosen was greedy. To some extent, the fruit ability of the animal species is rarer than that of the natural species. It's not true.

Rosen's heart is useless if he doesn't know that his ability can be deprived, but as Rosen knows, Blackbeard is now a person with dark fruit ability, and his ability can deprive other fruit ability.

If you catch Charles, you can meet Blackbeard, have no conflict, and make a deal, then you will have this extremely powerful devil fruit.

And now is a very good opportunity. Do you want to do it?