"All right." Hathaway was directly patted by Charles, printed into the ground, stood up and looked at Rosen said, if there is no way, she can only give up.

Because her injury and outbreak period will soon pass, she is now overloaded in the fight, consciousness gradually began to be a little fuzzy, she is still a person after all.

The fight with Erik bear itself was injured. In addition, she was attacked by Charles. If it wasn't for the outbreak period, her blood was boiling and her potential was activated, which could effectively contain the injury, she would be difficult to fight now.

But if Rosen doesn't act according to what she just said, she can only choose to give up targeting Charles, even if there may be great danger in the future.

"Here we are." As soon as Rosen got up, Charles noticed, but how much fighting power can a seriously injured man have.

If you really have a strong fighting capacity, you should have done it with the woman in front of you.

Because these two people once joined hands. Although they are not afraid, they really don't want to be tough. It's doomed to be difficult to produce results.

Now, it can feel that this woman's breath is getting weaker and weaker, so it knows that there may be some risks and troubles, and it doesn't rush to leave. It sees the dawn of victory.

Because that woman's breath is similar to him, and she is powerful.

Eat her, I will be able to become more perfect, more powerful, this is the instinct of evolution in driving it.

But Rosen also waited for a while. She was waiting for Hathaway to consume Charles and weaken him to a certain extent. Although he is an undead monster, the ability to launch will consume his physical ability.

He doesn't feel it, but it doesn't mean he doesn't feel it. If he's weak, his defense and attack will slowly decline. And just because he doesn't notice it, it's sometimes difficult for him to accurately observe his physical condition.

It devours mutated human beings just to maintain this powerful magic body, because those mutated life bodies can make it more powerful. After all, Hathaway in the violent state is very terrible, and it is almost impossible to fight with her to be harmless.

But it seems that she is going to the limit.

"Uncle." Natalie looks at Rosen anxiously, because although Rosen's wounds are no longer bleeding, they are still shocking. Some bombing wounds and split skin wounds are still there.

"Room. Slaughterhouse." Luo's face is heavy. It's the first time for him to deal with such a powerful monster. He said it's impossible not to be nervous and heavy, but he knows better that the next battle needs to be calm.

Luo pops up a stone and flies to Charles. Charles is stunned for a while. What threat can this broken stone pose to him? I didn't even bother to lift my hand, but the next moment, the stone turned into Rosen.

"Roar ~" Charles was startled. A black fog shock wave burst out in an instant. Rosen was ready for it, and the sandstorm fist burst out. The two collided and exploded together with the shock wave.

"Take it well, find a chance to break into it. The monster doesn't know how to be domineering. Its strength lies in its ability..." Rosen throws several stone bullets to Queen Hathaway.

The queen took the bullet. Is that his plan? It's too superficial. She knows that the stone has the ability of self-control, but Charles can't give her such a chance.

Charles had tried so many times in the past that he had become shrewd.

"That's it?" Hathaway frowned.

"Do as I say." Rosen smiles. Of course, it's just for Hathaway to use as a bait to attract Charles' attention. Sure enough, when he sees the stone bullet in Hathaway's hand, Charles quickly pulls away.

It's very wary of things that can be dangerous to it.

"I hope you have another way." Hathaway said indifferently, since others have come, even if there is no way, two to one, the winning rate is still relatively large.

But Charles suddenly didn't want to fight again. After he withdrew from the distance, he called the zombies around him and rushed to die. But these monsters, for both of them, were the same as nonexistence.

"I want to run again. It's slippery and cautious." Rosen saw Charles step back and look at the giant zombie bat hovering in the sky.

"Black prison bullet." Poop poop... There are not many kinds of flying in the sky. After Rosen's move, the sand instantly kills the flying species in the sky. If Charles escapes from the air, even if he knows the moon step, Hathaway doesn't know it.

In that case, there will be no advantage, and if you escape from the ground, it will be the world of Rosen Shasha's ability.

"Roar, roar, roar, roar, roar... Die ~" Charles looked at the painstaking cultivation of the flying species was killed clean, immediately angry, although it can be remanufactured, but it takes time after all.

It didn't think so much and didn't know how to hide the flying species, because it was just planning to escape, so it gathered the flying species in the air nearby.

"Fuck him!" Rosen's voice fell, and he took the lead. Although he recovered a little, he couldn't hold on for long, and he had to keep some strength to deal with emergencies.

"Boom boom!" Charles is also angry. Rosen and Hathaway join hands to launch a crazy attack on Charles and suppress him.

This is also a matter of course, although Rosen is seriously injured, but after all, the strength of defense is stronger, can play out the strength, not worse than before the heyday, if fully recovered, it is more different.

And the last stage of Hathaway's outbreak is also full of bombardment. Hathaway is no weaker than Charles in the current state alone. With Rosen's ability to cooperate with Luo, even if Charles wants to run, it's extremely difficult for him to do so and he's tightly entangled.

Boom! Looking at the super battle of destroying the sky and destroying the earth in front of them, all the people on the scene were a little numb. They were used to fighting at the level of today, and their hearts grew up slowly.

"Hit it, hit it..." Natalie waved the flag and yelled softly. You know, Charles killed too many of their compatriots. It's a nightmare for Landis.

Luo's field is still open, but his forehead is beginning to sweat. After all, he is tired of maintaining fruit for a long time.

It's not right to beat Charles, because no matter how fast it is, Rosen can always appear in time and move in an instant to intercept its back, which makes it very upset.

Because Charles didn't know how the man did it, but he felt more and more uneasy.

"Whoosh!" Hathaway cut out a magic prison and went straight to Charles. With a flick of her finger, she caught the stone bullet in the sword.

I don't know that Charles had been on guard early. He didn't take the blow hard. Instead, he dodged as fast as he could. However, Rosen appeared in this position instantly.

It seems that although this thing has wisdom, it is also limited. I didn't expect that my teleportation ability comes from a humble pirate nearby.

"Black prison bullet!" Rosen raised his hand and there were 11 sand bullets. Charles was startled, but he didn't notice the unpleasant smell, so he slapped it away.

"Lo." Rosen yelled. After shooting the fierce bullet, he didn't stop. Instead, he gathered a sand gun, condensed it in his hand with sand, and shot it fiercely.

"Slaughterhouse!" When Charles was about to slap a fierce bullet, Luo changed things and instantly turned into 11 rounds of stone bullets.

“??” Charles's whole head was stunned. The palm he had patted was taken back in a flash.

But where will Rosen miss this opportunity, the long gun flies away, what he wants is its backward state.

After all, even if it was replaced with a stone bullet, it would not necessarily break Charles' defense, or even touch him.

Hathaway's feint, now 11 stone bullets are still feint, even sand gun is still feint, the real role is to distract Charles.

The real Assassin's mace is Rosen. When the high concentration compressed sand spear flies away from the front, the target is not Charles, or Charles himself, but above the air.

The sand gun exploded above it, and the broken sand fell down, but no dust storm was released.

"Whoosh!" Rosen's figure disappeared, and a section of the sand to change the position, almost close to the body appeared behind Charles.

Jinsha sword wrapped in a hailou stone bullet, straight into Charles's body, although the body is not strong enough, can't instantly through, but eventually stabbed in.