At the moment, in a certain distance from the island of Landis only about half a day voyage of the sea, two warships slowly moving.

On one of the warships, the Yellow ape general was talking with a telephone bug. It was a call from the marshal of the Warring States period in the Navy headquarters: "yellow ape, are you near the island of Landis?"

"Not yet, but almost." The Yellow ape said slowly.

He had received the order from the marshal of the Warring States period earlier, but he had gone to kill Maurice before, and he couldn't get to Landis island at the first time in the far sea.

"A minute ago, Eric called the world government and Navy headquarters to ask for the order of killing demons. In operation Landis, the commander of leiser base was killed. Eric broke an arm, the bear was injured, qiwuheikeluodaer defected, and the Navy killed and injured more than 4000 people. You should rush to Landis Island as soon as possible to take control of the situation." The marshal of the Warring States period was unprecedentedly dignified.

For a long time, the first half of the great route has never seen such a large number of casualties.

The marshal of the Warring States period still doesn't know exactly what happened on the island that would make several powerful naval generals suffer such a big loss.

Is Landis unwilling to cherish the last chance to survive outside the island, and has become a beast? And how did klocdal get involved? And attacked the Navy.

When things got to this point, the marshal of the Warring States period no longer believed in the action guidelines of the world government. Instead, he urged General Huang ape to take charge of the overall situation on the island as soon as possible. If things got worse, it would be difficult to deal with them.

Or it's hard to clean up.

Because the world government has begun to order him to kill demons! But with doubts, the marshal of the Warring States period didn't agree at the first time. In addition, the Great General Huang ape was nearby, so he delayed for a while.

The marshal of the Warring States period was a relatively responsible person.

"Leiser is dead, Eric is seriously injured and his arm is broken." Yellow ape's face was light and cloudless expression also slowly dispersed, stretched out his finger to scratch his head, and immediately felt that it was a big trouble.

"I don't let people be idle for a moment. Qiwuhai is really in trouble..." even so, it's still me who deal with the trouble.

Right now, Landis naval harbor.

Countless naval ships are burning on the sea, and a small number of them are sailing along the coast, with the Landis on them.

They drive close to the coast, because a little more out of the sea, the characteristics of the eight islands super long artillery, can cover.

The Landis captured only part of the ships. Just before the attack on the temporary naval base, the general of the Navy ordered the ships to be burned. Therefore, even if the naval base was attacked, there were not many ships that could be rescued.

Hodman stood on the ship, looking at the just broken naval harbor. At the moment, there were countless reinforcements coming, as well as the top general of the enemy.

We can only order the evacuation with the existing ships.

At least keep the existing ships.

Eric, bear and the Navy arrived at the mouth of the harbor and saw the burning ship. Eric looked very ugly: "electrify the eight islands and ask them to send new ships. In addition, from now on, no ship is allowed to enter or leave Landis island. Once it is found, it will sink immediately."


During the retreat, he has told the world government the truth about the situation on the island. It's no problem to keep the base with the current strength of the Navy. Even if queen Hathaway comes in person, she will be able to compete.

They just need to wait until the boat arrives and leave Lantis island. Eric is sure that the killing order will be launched sooner or later.

The Navy's actions have rarely been so gaffed, let alone killed several major generals and a top lieutenant general.

Lieutenant general O'Neill quietly looks at Eric, who is giving orders. There is no expression on his face. Before, he was eager to start the order of killing demons, but the most fundamental reason is that the monster can't be contained.

As for today, if the battle continues for a long time, the following group of monsters will rush up, and both the Navy and the Landis will suffer heavy losses and be directly defeated.

However, after the first World War, lieutenant general O'Neill found that he did not hope for the killing device of the killing order as before, or even did not want to launch it.

It's ridiculous to say that when he was fighting, he actually sympathized with the people of Landis. He saw the people of Landis who were united in a desperate situation and remembered the comrades who had supported each other with him.

It's a pity they're dead.

Those sounds, faces and faces lingered in his mind all the time, like a kind of nostalgia and a kind of accusation. His belief began to waver. What he had done over the years was wrong, which he had realized for a long time.

But is the Navy doing the right thing now? O'Neill began to doubt. Instead of doubting the justice of the Navy and the world government, he doubted himself. What should he do?

He doesn't know for the moment, but he feels confused now.

Bear silent did not speak, ganos appears very unwilling.

However, the Landis people are biting behind, and there is no attack base now, because Eric and the Navy arrived first to build a defense. If they attack rashly, there will be huge losses.

"Are we just going to run away? What about the evergreen seed? What about research? What about the tasks of the world government? " Ganos was discontented. Unexpectedly, a qiwuhai and a General Commander were defeated.

This makes ganos surprised. Bear is a powerful reformer.

"That thing won't die so easily. After the demon killing warrant is launched, we can search the island." Eric was livid.

But now his fighting power has been weakened too much. I'm afraid even an ordinary major general can make a few moves with himself.

Now is the worst time for him, so he doesn't have much interest in responding to ganos. If the mission fails, it will fail. Now he has to wait.

"Will the Landis attack?" Bear asked a sentence, if the Landis people lose intelligence attack, not only can't get the ship, but also will cause large-scale death.

"No, their commanders are crazy, but they are not stupid. There are no ships here. And if there is any accident, there will be time to destroy the new ships. But the Landis will stare at us and will not let us enter the island again. But the so-called, a group of unsightly aborigines will be destroyed..." Eric thought about it, Make a judgment.

And the fact is true. When Hathaway got the news from hodman, she figured it out. Unexpectedly, the Navy responded so quickly that it ordered to destroy the ships in time, and only a few of them were seized.

After all, it's too easy to destroy, but it's more difficult to protect and capture. Even if Hathaway competes in person, it's estimated that the result is not much better.

"How many soldiers can the ship carry at present?" In the Shanbao room not far from the naval base, zombies are constantly guided by soldiers to attack the naval base.

Of course, there are also those close to the Queen's area who are all killed. Although the threat of the number of zombies is great, there is no big loss in a short period of time when the troops are sufficient.

The location of this temporary base is very good, with arc-shaped terrain. Zombies can only consume the ammunition of the Navy, but can't break the defense composed of about 8000 or 9000 navy soldiers.

Instead, a charred body was left on the ground.

"If the attack speed is taken into account, all the ships together can only carry 1500 soldiers at most. If the attack speed is not taken into account, the number of soldiers can be doubled." He said.

"Too little." Queen Hathaway frowned, 1500 people, double is not considered, if the ship carrying too many people, slow speed, when crossing the sea, is a live target.

If you don't get close, you'll be sunk.

So 1500 is the limit, but how many can 1500 soldiers survive when they cross the sea?

Fortunately, there may be half of them, or even none. In this way, she can't fight the Navy. She can't defend an island by herself. Even if she takes it temporarily, she can't defend all directions by herself.

At that time, even if all the Landis people are transported to the escort Island, the result will be even worse. It may only take a few warships to bombard a escort Island, and all the Landis people will be destroyed.

"Wait, when the Navy's troop carriers arrive and leave Lantis Island, pick up 1500 soldiers and go to sea with me. This is our only chance. We have to try. When we set out with the Navy, there will be conflicts with the Navy, but the firepower of the escort island will also have some scruples." Hathaway thought and gave the order.

"I understand."