It is necessary to be careful, and insurance measures are also necessary. This matter involves a lot. Although Rosen believes that lieutenant general O'Neill really has a different intention to turn against the world government, they have no sense of trust before.

Therefore, the petition is a proof of the determination and alliance of both sides. The agreement in words or ideas alone does not mean that it is unreliable, but when the actions are consistent, it will be more consolidated.

Because in the future, Rosen will use the intelligence of lieutenant general O'Neill, so he has to do so. At the same time, he will cut off the two men's backwardness and tie them together. Once this is done, they will never turn back.

So Rosen was very honest.

"To kill Eric?" Admiral O'Neill was shocked, but it didn't seem surprising. At the same time, because of this, he has a higher recognition of klockdale.

He can understand and understand the meaning behind this practice, and this is his first step out of the shadow of the world government.

There is no room or reason to refuse.

Back in time, naval headquarters.

"Wu ~", the whole navy headquarters sounded a short, sharp, repeated alarm.

"The order to kill the devil is launched! Gather five generals immediately, prepare ten warships, and replenish the ammunition immediately Admiral Doberman came out of the naval headquarters conference room.


"Where is the destination?" Lieutenant general flying came from a distance. He had just returned to the Navy headquarters and didn't know what had happened.

"Landis island." Huoshaoshan will also be the person who just came out of the meeting. He knows this very well, but he looks heavy.

"Landis Island, if you start from the Navy headquarters, it will take a while even if you take a special current and pass by Judi island. What about the generals in the nearby bases?" The flying squirrel will frown.

From the Navy headquarters to Landis Island, it will take a while to use the special current and drive at full speed at the speed of the warship.

Wouldn't it be quicker to call from a naval base near Landis island?

"The commander of leiser base was killed in battle. The nearby forces were used to form a encirclement net, and the warships also suffered losses. They were not enough to launch the order of killing demons and make preparations as soon as possible." Huoshao Shan Zhong Jiang said something briefly.

"I see." Admiral flying squirrel also nodded, the situation is critical, and since there is a naval blockade, it must be able to control the overall situation.

Subsequently, the whole navy headquarters was filled with a tense and busy atmosphere, and the launch of the order was a major event that could not be ignored for the whole navy headquarters.

The five top generals are dispatched to carry more than normal firepower and ammunition to launch ground washing attacks on them. The warships are very large, and the carrying capacity of ammunition and personnel is also very sufficient.

Eric is in his office at the naval base in sass island. He just hung up the phone call from the world government. There was no accident. He was severely criticized for the failure of the mission.

"Damned qiwuhai, damned Landis Island, let the order of demon slaughtering destroy everything, damned everything, bastard!" Eric made a rare gaffe when he hit the wall.

The defeat of Landis and the death of the Navy were nothing to him.

But the world government is now questioning his ability, which makes it hard for him to accept, so that he will lose the possibility to go further in the top of the world government.

It must be made up as soon as possible. When the order of killing demons destroys all the Lantis, he must land on the island as soon as possible and capture the immortal seeds back, even the corpses.

It's very terrible to kill demons. Even if you hide underground, it's useless.

At that time, the only people who are likely to live should be krocdal, Queen Hathaway and the scattered strong, but most of the Landis will die.

The rest of them, facing the next five top admirals and elite Navy officers in the Navy headquarters, gather the defensive forces here. Even two or three queen Hathaway will die.

"Dong Dong Dong." Suddenly the office door was knocked.

"Come in. Huh? Lieutenant general O'Neill, you've just returned to Flanders. What's the important thing? " Eric was a little bit surprised to see that it was lieutenant general O'Neill, who had just left.

Is there something important.

"I found the trail of klockdale." Lieutenant general O'Neill enters the office, passes Eric and comes to Eric's desk. Eric, who gets up to meet him, has to turn to face him.

This is a person's most common etiquette, face-to-face communication.

What's more, lieutenant general O'Neill's topic successfully attracted his attention: "where is krocdal?"

"Behind you." Lieutenant general O'Neill looks at Eric calmly, with no emotion in his eyes.

"What?" Eric was stunned for a moment, and then saw and heard that he was overbearing and noticed something, but his injured body didn't respond in time, and he didn't even have time to cover his overbearing.

Whoa! A sand sword came out of his heart. It was very abrupt. He looked down at the tip of the sword and the life force that was passing quickly. His face was unbelievable.

He didn't believe that klockdale could lurk quietly. In fact, at the last moment, although he didn't take the initiative to search by seeing and hearing, he instinctively sensed the danger.

But this is too sudden, and Rosen deliberately eliminate their murderous, only in the last moment to control the murderous.

But more importantly, Eric never dreamed that a admiral would bring a pirate to kill himself?!

It's just a fantasy. What's going on?! His fighting power has not been restored. Now, although he is not a weak man, he can't be compared with him on the island of Landis.

It's also a sneak attack, and it's even more revealing, because this is a naval base. Without an acquaintance to lead the way, it's impossible for the pirate to bypass so many guards, let alone find his office accurately.

"Cough..." Eric opened his mouth to talk, but found that he couldn't say a word, and his mouth was full of blood.

At this moment, Rosen has completed another 600 million tasks, active x4, the expected things. Recently, these two tasks can be said to be the two most relaxed tasks in Rosen's life.

Eric's strength is beyond 600 million, even 800 million or 1 billion. Even among the four emperors, he is definitely a first-class cadre, but he is about to die.

And in the weak period, under the Navy led pirates, he died, he was not reconciled.

"Do you want a mend? This should be the important person who let you make the decision at the beginning Rosen looked at Eric, who was about to be out of breath, looked at lieutenant general O'Neill and said.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether or not to mend the knife. The important thing is that when lieutenant general O'Neill takes him into this office, the names of both sides have been completely handed over to each other. From this moment on, they are grasshoppers on a rope.

"It's meaningless. He's just a puppet trained by the world government. What should we do next?" General O'Neill looks at Eric who is unwilling to die completely. Instead of feeling happy, he feels sad.

Whoa! Rosen pulls out the sand sword. Suddenly, his body changes a lot. When he gets the active reward.

He felt that his whole body was about to boil, but he was not afraid of any accident now, because his physical strength could resist any change.

"Though you have avoided the eyeliner, you should return to Frances island as soon as possible, and I have to expose it, otherwise you will be easily suspected. Go ahead, I have already handed you the contact information, and tell me what circumstances you have." Rosen said calmly.

But his heart was not calm, because he saw that one of his attributes had broken through 1000 proficiency points and reached advanced level, which was his fruit ability. At this moment, his brain seemed to be boiling up.

"Good." Lieutenant general O'Neill nodded. Now that he had made a choice, he knew what to do.