"Go on your own first." Rosen sees that Leia's eyes look at Robin and others, then hesitates to look at himself, and understands that she has something to say to herself.

"Good boss."

"Sit down, please." Rosen pointed to the stone beside him. He was also sitting on the ground. He was not particular about these things. He could live a luxurious life and a simple life.

"Seven years ago, I was with her. I was her maid." Liya knows that the queen is absent-minded recently. Although her orders are still accurate, she is worried.

"Maid? So your queen was a lady of a wealthy family before the disaster? " Rosen was a little surprised, but there are too many things that can be changed by disaster. It seems that there is nothing special.

"It's not just a big family. The queen is king Landis's illegitimate daughter. King Kaidi invited her to be a crown prince more than once, but she refused because she was abducted by human traffickers with her mother when she was young, and lost her mother in a long journey. Although she didn't hate her father in name, But I don't like to see him. In the eyes of the queen, if he had been willing to put her mother into the palace at the beginning, such a tragedy could have been avoided. "

"But king Kaidi didn't discriminate against her. He found the queen in the slave exchange and gave her a rich material life. I was with her at this time. Although the queen didn't appreciate her, she was seriously injured and had nowhere to go, In the guidance of our maids, we stayed in the manor given by the king for the time being. Of course, we still didn't want to be a crown official, but we finally had a temporary resting place. "

"But it didn't last long. As soon as the Tianlong people arrived, they took a fancy to the queen and took her and our maids back to the ninth garden to carry out the so-called super warrior research project. We were locked up in the dark dungeon all the year round and killed with the same kind of Aliens as combat objects for the Tianlong people to watch. The queen was 16 at the time. "

In a few words, it contains a period of extremely dark years. If Rosen remembers correctly, when Queen Hathaway appeared in the chaotic Landis at that time, it was the second year of the great disaster, that is, four years ago.

That is to say, it took three years to become the slaves and experimental objects of the Tianlong people, and to fight with other people for a long time, because the Tianlong people arrived on the island of Landis seven years ago.

"Of course, my fighting power is not very good. I always live under the protection of the queen. Before the experiment, the queen had good strength and excellent wisdom after a long time of slavery. I heard that every slave owner of the queen had been killed before. Maybe the Tianlong people just knew this and focused on her, They also need strong female fighters. "

"It's just that although the queen was powerful at that time, she was not as old as she is now. The technical transformation of lineage factor was very successful and the potential was amazing."

"You have all become slaves of the Tianlong people, that is to say, you all have the mark of the Tianlong people's exclusive slaves?" Rosen frowned. If so, they would be easily recognized if they were accidentally exposed in front of others.

After all, Rosen believes that jiutianxiang Dragon Seal, which is the only slave mark of Tianlong people, must be well-known, as can be seen from the care of the female emperor of jiushedao.

"Yes." Leia's voice is low, some years she does not want to recall, but sometimes, the lack of sincere communication is meaningless.

Leia seemed to see Rosen's worry, and then said: "not many people have seen the Queen's true face, and she doesn't like to show her true face. Even the Tianlong people who once enslaved us can't recognize it if they don't look close now, because the queen is too beautiful and dazzling. That's why she brings many disasters, But when we came out of the dungeon, the queen killed a lot of people and monsters. The blood poured over her body and covered her real face. Since then, the queen has been in the process of killing. She either bathed herself with the enemy's blood or painted a face with her own blood. "

Beautiful with a camouflage face, really hard to recognize, at least Rosen does not think how beautiful Hathaway is now, but the body is the most perfect he has ever seen.

"It's hard to understand. If it's really troublesome, can't you disfigure yourself?" Rosen has been speculating about whether the camouflage paint on queen Hathaway's face is blood. Now it's confirmed, but it's no accident.

"The queen has been destroyed naturally, but whether it's a slaver or a Tianlong man, he will be fascinated if he sees her once, and will be cured at any cost. The Tianlong man is even more sick. Every time the queen is injured in a cage, he will be very excited, and then he will be genetically modified and treated."

I'm afraid that even the most serious injury can be recovered with the modification and treatment of blood factor and gene level, unless the head is cut off.

"It's really bad taste, but there's never a lack of people who like to enjoy the morbid pleasure of seeing beautiful things suffer. But all that said doesn't seem to be enough to explain why you know how to make bloodline potions and how to use facilities? "

"It's because Tianlong people don't stay in the ninth garden every day, and sometimes they go out. At that time, the research institute lost many people because of the failure of many experiments. We worked as free labor during the day and fought at night. I was born with a strong ability to distinguish materials, and they didn't shy away from showing us. Maybe it was because they thought we were slaves all our lives, Ha ha... "Liya laughed sarcastically.

I still remember that when the Research Institute was rioted by monsters and Charles, the slave soldiers in their dungeon killed all the way from beginning to end, venting their anger for several years. At that time, the expressions of fear and disbelief on their faces were still very clear.

If the Tianlong people had not fled ahead of time, I'm afraid that the young desmingliesheng Tianlong people would have been beheaded by the sword.

Because of drawing a "grimace", tianlongren didn't even recognize her in the video phone bug for the first time. She didn't wake up until she was face to face.

Rosen listened silently, but still didn't understand the meaning of what Leia told him at this time. If it was because of her doubts about bloodline medicine, it didn't seem that she needed to say so clearly.

"Your Majesty has been a little absent-minded recently. I think it has something to do with you." Leah goes straight to the point.

"What does it have to do with me?" Rosen was a little puzzled that he didn't provoke her. After he came to Hualan Island, he had been waiting for Hathaway to finish what she was doing, and he hadn't mentioned any sensitive topic.

"Your Majesty, I've been looking at the news reports and wanted notices of the past few days." Leah explained.

"It's nothing to care about. I saw it, too."

"If so, the key is that the longer the queen hesitates, the more amazing things she does. The first hesitation was on the night four years ago, when we could choose to leave or stay alone. The second hesitation was on the night before the end of the randis era of chaos, when our butcher's knife had to be raised to the same clan, the chaos would end, Avoiding internal friction is not so easy to decide. And this is the third hesitation in my mind. I don't know what the queen will decide? " Leia said heavily.

"You think too much. If it's like what you said, no one can change what she decided. What's the use of worrying like that? When the problem comes, make a decision." Rosen thought for a while, but he didn't expect that "Mangfu" still had the habit of thinking.

Leia is stunned for a moment, but it seems that neither she nor others can change the decision made by Queen Hathaway. Even when the order is a suicide order, it is estimated that most of the Landis will not turn back.

"Boss, Saab, the second leader of the revolutionary army, is looking for you. Now he is communicating with Robin. It seems that he has a plot." Valentine's Day is coming from the air.