"Are you all ready?" Standing on the bow of the dawn, Rosen said that the dawn was not small. Rosen estimated that it would be enough to fill the warehouse of the dawn with gold and treasure.

For example, cutting off a gold pillar and installing it is definitely a huge fortune.

"All right!" The subordinates are very energetic. They have been cultivated for some time, and they can't wait. Especially when they know that they are going to the empty island which may not exist in the legend, they are more and more excited.

Because since the boss has decided to go, there must be a golden town. It is said that there is a chance to make a fortune. This is the most exciting.

However, the biggest part is that Rosen has set a goal for them in the future, so that they are no longer confused. Now they know that they are fighting for a great cause.

"Remember to keep in touch." Alice and holdman are under the boat. They say goodbye to Hathaway and Leia. At the same time, they give Rosen a slightly sad look.

Rosen pretended not to see it and looked around at the scenery. How can this woman be so greedy?

"To the queen!" Hodman led all the people of Landis to bow. Everyone of Landis was very reluctant and hated their weakness. If they were strong enough, their king might not need to sail far, let alone worry that they would be involved.

"Set sail!" When Rosen saw that all the staff had arrived, there was no more nonsense. He set out for the empty Island, but not to set sail, but to close it.

"Earth roll. Sandstorm wave roll!" Rosen shot a few sand in his hand and fell on the ground. The ground suddenly stretched out two huge sand palms and carried the boat to the ground.

Then a dust storm on the ground pushed the dawn toward Jushen peak.

Because there are inland rivers leading to the sea, it is very convenient to hide ships or move them to the island.

Rosen focuses on controlling sandstorms, because now we don't want to use sandstorms to kill the enemy. We can't simply push them horizontally.

To avoid large-scale destruction of forests as much as possible, but also the direction of precision, and to climb the part, is the most difficult.

So Rosen must concentrate on it. Otherwise, there will be some mistakes. Once the ship falls down, Rosen may not be able to stop it in time. I'm afraid there will be some casualties at that time.

Originally, the route of empty island has a certain mortality rate, but Rosen has roughly judged that it is the way to land on the island, because it is very consistent, and since Bellamy can get on and off the empty island.

With the cooperation of myself and Hathaway, it's no problem to protect everyone. Besides, mr.5 and other cadres are no weaker than Bellamy at that time, so Rosen is not very worried.

As long as we are strong enough, we can resolve both trials and dangers.

"Your ability is really convenient." Hathaway stood in the bow and did not move. The other crew members had to hold fast to the edge or mast to keep their body fixed. After all, it was the first time for them to sail in the sand sea. It was very strange and shaking.

Some crew members even put it in their personal diaries.

"It's just the devil's fruit ability. If you want, I'll get one for you later?" Rosen said casually.

"No, although the devil's fruit is really good, it will weaken part of my existing strength if I am cursed by the sea. It's not cost-effective." Hathaway refused.

"Here is the sword for you." Rosen throws the Yang Dao to Hathaway. He is not a good swordsman. It is useless to hold it. On the contrary, Hathaway can play a greater role if she holds it in her hand.

Although Hathaway is not her subordinate but her ally, there is no difference in this short period of time.

Hathaway reaches for the Yang Dao thrown by Rosen and opens her mouth to say something. But she finally finds that she owes him too much and doesn't say anything at all.

"It's really a good sword. The great cause deserves its reputation." Hathaway once again holding the Yang knife, still surging.

"We're going to climb the mountain. Hold on to it." Rosen said that with the passage of the sand wave, dawn had reached the foot of Jushen peak, and the shaking on the ship became more and more severe.

Everyone was holding on to the hull.

Boom! Rosen also concentrated. The sand wave, like a living creature, carried the dawn to the top of the mountain. Some big stones in the way were turned into sand by Rosen's sand ability and became a part of the wave.

From afar, a mountain climbing boat with rolling sandstorms is spectacular.

Alice and holdman and others not far away, watching this scene is also full of emotion.

"And Natalie? It seems that she hasn't been seen all day. Today is an important day for the queen to set sail. Where has she gone? " The Lord of hodman suddenly found out that Natalie didn't show up today.

"I think it's probably on that ship. She asked me last night if Landis was safe and safe. I replied that, with her temperament, I think she would like to be a pirate." Alice said faintly.

"What a mess..."

As dawn climbed the mountain, it got higher and higher, and the hull became more and more unstable. Finally, Rosen could only control several sand hands to hold the hull firmly in all directions, and fix the other side in the sandstorm.

"Wow, it's so spectacular and exciting!" All of a sudden, a voice full of excitement came out of the barrel in a corner.

Natalie climbed out of the barrel, carrying her little shield and a dagger around her waist. With a quick jump, she climbed up the mast.

Although the peak is not straight angle, but the tilt is relatively obvious, so the whole ship is slightly inclined, but Natalie is very flexible.

"Natalie?" Rosen was very surprised. When did mangnizi get on the boat? Although I don't have the habit of seeing and hearing all the time, I don't think I didn't realize it at all.

Does natural seeing and hearing make her so gifted? It seems that it's not impossible. Some outsider, the red count, seems to know how to see and hear from childhood. After training, he can even see through people's heart. It's really powerful.

"Hello, uncle." Natalie said hello with a smile, then holding the top of the mast, facing the wind, smiling like a tongue sticking erha.

"Well, you're not allowed to go to sea, are you?"

"I'm already an adult. It's time to learn to choose for myself."

"Sandstorm funeral." As soon as Rosen heard it, he raised his eyebrows, and a weakened version of the sandstorm fist turned directly from the sandstorm below to hit Natalie, which directly rushed her from the mast to the deck, and the sand flooded her.

"My Lord will not be unable to take my move."

"Well, come again." Natalie is very reckless. She climbs out of the sand, takes out her dagger and unloads her wooden shield. After thinking about it, she puts the dagger back, and with her shield, a bull rushes into Rosen.

"Iron head baby." Rosen can not dare to use armed color domineering, or Natalie hit, it is estimated that they will fly out, can only control the sand around Natalie's legs, so that she can not move.

"It's OK to get on board, but don't make trouble, and don't want to be a pirate. You're the lowest trainee sailor now, the unpaid one, you know." Rosen said, with or without pay, that's what Rosen said casually.

"Well, well, well..." as long as she can go out to sea, Natalie doesn't care so much.

When all the people came, they let her go, so as not to think about going to sea alone after sending her back. That's the trouble.

"It's the top of the mountain, Robin. Have you seen the rising clouds?" Asked Rosen aloud.

"Not yet... Yes, here it is!"

"Hold on, purgatory tornado!" Rosen unfolds his hands, turns his body into sand, and integrates with the sandstorm below. A super large tornado sandstorm is formed under the hull. The tornado sandstorm tilts at an angle, aiming at a huge solid white cloud slowly rising over the top of the mountain.

"Get up!" Rosen went all out, and the sandstorm tornado suddenly burst out with powerful force. Wrapped in the dawn, the sandstorm tornado flew up with a roar. Although it was a little hard, it was relatively stable and kept a slow speed.

Otherwise, the hull may be torn, so it is not difficult to take it up. It is rare to control the speed and rotation of the tornado dust storm.

Whoosh! Peng! Tornado dust storm wrapped dawn, after a few turns, with the buffer force of the sand below, slightly heavy fell on the white cloud, fortunately did not break the solid cloud loose.

"It's successful. We're really on the cloud. It's amazing!" Natalie exclaimed excitedly. The rest of the people were surprised and shocked. After all, it's not a common experience.