"Bad?" Rosen thinks it's not bad. After all, he also has an experience pack, but his thinking is a little fixed when he takes it from others.

However, from Rosen's personal point of view, Bonis has rich combat experience.

"It's not bad that the whole body is iron, the others are too bad." Hathaway commented on mr.5 and other cadres.

Rosen looked at the fragrant Octopus legs in his hand, added some seasoning, took a bite, and said, "well, why don't you train them?"

Rosen asked tentatively, but he didn't have much hope. After all, Hathaway should and is unlikely to do such a thing. After all, she is the queen and can't train her subordinates like an instructor.

But Rosen never expected that Hathaway would agree: "yes."

"Well, is that ok?" Rosen was a little uncertain and asked again. Did Hathaway just say yes? Or no? Did you miss a word.

"The queen, can you train me too? Sister Alice is not here now. I'm afraid the promotion is too slow. Ah, it's terrible. The fish is burnt..." Natalie exclaimed in surprise in the middle of her words.

After all, there are no children on board. Natalie is the first one. Of course, she will be easily taken care of by these big men and big sisters.

Dawn, more lively than ever.

"Yes, but my training intensity will be very high, and I may even be fatally injured. Is there enough medicine on board?" With Hathaway's words, Robin, who is having a barbecue, shivers in Miggs' heart on Valentine's day.

Is it so dangerous? On the contrary, mr.5 didn't feel much like Bonis.

"Listen to their own opinions. Although it's a good thing to enhance their strength, they have to be willing to kill the team with half the effort. Can you teach that domineering spirit?" Rosen wanted to promise, but after thinking about it, personal will is still very important.

As for injury, even if myrrh has its activity, it's not a problem.

"Yes, it depends on whether they have the potential."

"No, I mean, you can teach me when you have time." Rosen said truthfully that Hathaway's domineering training degree is too high. Rosen doesn't have this talent and can be ignored, but he is domineering. It's too wasteful not to develop.

"You?" Hathaway is a little surprised. She has seen Rosen's fighting power with her own eyes. Is such a strong man willing to condescend to learn from her?


"Well, I wanted to fight you, too."

Wait, is there something wrong with this elder sister?


"We do." When Rosen called together many cadres, everyone agreed, and even Robin joined in the practice.

"By the way, do you have a vice captain or something on board? Get me a captain as well?" It suddenly occurred to Hathaway that she did not like to be under the control of others.

"Are you trying to seize power?" Rosen is speechless. Does this elder sister expose her ambition in front of so many people?

But it's good to make it clear so that there won't be any contradiction in the future.

"Can I take it?" Hathaway was stunned for a moment. Obviously, she didn't understand the rules between the pirates.

Rosen, how do you answer that?

Robin sees this and smiles. Bonis and mr.5 are coveting each other. Shouldn't they fight?

"If you are my subordinates, you can try to capture it. After all, in the world of pirates, the strong are respected, but you are not." Rosen thought about it and said.

"What about the vice captain, can he be a captain?"

"Are you still addicted to being an official?" In Rosen's speechless voice, I can't see that Hathaway is very persistent about "becoming bigger". However, judging from her willingness to let Landis go, she doesn't look like a greedy person for power.

"Well, if not, it doesn't matter." Hathaway said faintly.

"It's wonderful. Be her vice captain." Some crew member who was fascinated said subconsciously.

"Just said that, this week's hygiene all by your own to handle." Rosen's brow was raised. That's all right.

"Yes, boss." The sailor was awakened by Rosen's words, and at the same time, he was excited. My God, did he just say that?

Ms. Robin and Mr. 1 won't have any bad impression on themselves.

However, Hathaway's words also made Rosen slowly realize a problem. When there are more and more people, there must be division of labor, which is more efficient and can avoid many internal contradictions and troubles.

In other words, the positions of some cadres on board need to be determined and implemented by him, so that the decision-making will not appear chaotic.

Of course not when I'm on board, but if I'm not on board for a certain period of time, if there's internal strife or constant hesitation in decision-making, it may be more harmful than wrong decision-making.

Although Rosen's crew are very convinced and admire him, some of them are not as close as Luffy's, so some things are still necessary.

"Now that we are all here, I'd like to make sure of your positions. First mate Nicole Robin of dawn, second mate Bonis, the combat team is led by Bonis, and Mr. 5, Valentine's day, Miggs is also the vice team. New order captain myself, vice team Hathaway. " Rosen thought about it and said.

"New order, what is that? What does the vice captain do?" Natalie, with a small fish in her mouth, asked vaguely. After all, she also wants to know if her majesty is really an official.

Hathaway also looks at Rosen with a puzzled face. Is this an official? Is it big? Or small?

"In the future, if there are redundant non dawn crew allies joining the new order, you will be in charge. Although we are allies, I may be more familiar with the new order than you." Rosen is not modest about this, which we must strive for.

"That is to say, my leadership position will not be lower than yours?" Hathaway listened to Rosen's words, and immediately had a judgment. Well, it was pretty good.

"Yes, but you don't have too much decision-making power in dawn's affairs. Of course, it's OK to have good opinions." Rosen puts Hathaway on the outside.

At present, it is more like a blank check, but in the future, if more and more like-minded people join in, they will be able to give full play to their talents.

A talent who can unify chaos and manage the whole endangered country, her value lies not only in her super combat effectiveness, but also in her unique management ability.

It's better to leave some things to professional people. Robin and Bonis are always Rosen's right-hand men. They will naturally stay around and give the two most important positions to them.

"It seems that we should have a good celebration today! Drink! "

Dawn suddenly became lively. Looking at the noisy people, Rosen suddenly understood why Luffy needed a musician.

Rosen also felt the need, in such an atmosphere, if you can hear the beautiful song, it is really a kind of enjoyment.

Bang bang! A few crew members who wanted to chat up with queen Hathaway with the strength of wine were all knocked down on the ground one by one, including mr.5 and Valentine's day.

Well, don't ask why we chat up on Valentine's day. It's not only a concept, but also a fact.

Bonis looked at the figure lying on the ground and drank the wine silently. But suddenly he saw a huge pirate ship slowly appear in the direction of the tributary in the distance. Bonis rubbed his eyes and thought that he had drunk too much.

Can you meet a pirate on the empty road? This probability is not very small, because not long ago, they had met a pirate ship which was put on the floating cloud. Now they have it again, and it seems to be sailing.

"Uncle, there's a boat approaching us. There's a lot of people on it." Natalie's stomach was round, and she lay on the deck motionless. She was very satisfied, but sleepy, she still told what she felt.

"Captain, there's a ship docked there. I can't see whether it's the Navy or the pirates. Is it the ship on the so-called empty island? Are we really on an empty island? "

"No matter who it is, it's just a ship. It won't be our opponent. Even if it's the Navy, can we call reinforcements in such a place? Give me the fuck

"Yes."... "