"You really haven't touched my things?" Hathaway frowned at Rosen. In fact, she didn't believe it. After all, he didn't look like a gangster, and it was extremely irrational.

"Am I that stupid? Even if you really want to move, you'll put it back in place. " Rosen looked at Hathaway's room and looked around. There was nothing special and there was no sign.

"Excluding this possibility, do you have any special talents on board?" Hearing this, Hathaway was full of doubts. On her first day on the ship, she encountered such a thing. It was impossible for her to be completely at ease.

"No, I know all the subordinates of those with abilities, and do you think the ordinary people with abilities can evade your perception?" Rosen walked around and got nothing.

"Could it be some monsters on the empty road? I've heard it for a long time. Strange figures often appear in the sky. " Robin thought about it and said.

"That's not. It should be the projection of the empty Islanders, but it's hard to guarantee that there won't be any special creatures to alert everyone." Rosen was also tricky.

"All right."

"I'm afraid the effect is not very good. If someone can really get close to us without our awareness, I'm afraid it's impossible to prevent it. What's the attitude of the person who doesn't know whether he exists to us now? From looking through my things, it should be that he has observed us for a period of time, maybe he intends to alienate us." Hathaway's words surprised Rosen and Robin.

Because if there is such a person, then the possibility of Hathaway is very high, because only after observing for a period of time can we see that Hathaway and everyone are not so harmonious.

Otherwise, if he really wants to get something, it's not difficult for him to be haunted by ghosts. But he only goes to search for Hathaway's things and leaves traces. If the traces are deliberately left?

I'm afraid the purpose is not so simple. Do you want them to kill each other? It seems that it is possible, but so far, it is still their guess.

"Whatever it is, it's not from our ship. It's probably from the pirate ship. Let's get back from that ship. Don't let us spend the night on that ship until we know the situation."

"OK, I'll go right away." Robin nodded.

"There's no need to make such a fuss. It will scare the snake." Hathaway looked at the closed window, her eyes suddenly fell on a free falling snowflake.

"If you can scare the snake, it's better." No matter how strong the enemy is in the open, it's better to be on guard than in the dark.

"Has anyone just opened the window?" Hathaway asked suddenly.

Rosen and others looked at each other and shook their heads before they came. Naturally, it was impossible for them to open the window.

As soon as Hathaway's words fell, Rosen and Hathaway noticed a flash of breath at the same time. It was very light, as if it didn't exist.

"Who?" They said at the same time that Hathaway swept the snowflakes in the air with a sword, and a sword burst out. Rosen also turned into a big hand of sand, holding the whole area.

Peng! The sword Qi broke through the wall, shot out, and finally disappeared in everyone's view.

"No? Is it a hallucination from the sky After Rosen hit, there was no feeling, and so was Hathaway.

There is nothing in the whole room except a hole. Even seeing, hearing, lusting and domineering can't find any sign, just like the two people's feelings are wrong.

"I don't know." Hathaway is not sure now, because she was aware of some breath in a moment, but after the attack, she got nothing, even the breath has disappeared.

That's why Rosen just had doubts. Sometimes the thin air will make people feel uncomfortable. If they fully adapt, it's OK. But they just came to the empty path on the first day and said that everyone has adapted. That's obviously exaggerating.

"Let the boat doctor come here."

"You don't have any signs of hallucinations. Your vital signs are normal." After a simple look, the ship doctor can make a judgment.

After all, when a person hallucinates, it's still obvious, and the indexes of these two people's lives are very normal and powerful. Even if the oxygen is thin, it has almost no effect on them.

Rosen and Hathaway look at each other, and they both see dignified from each other's eyes. It seems that there is something on the ship, which is not their illusion.

"Boss, someone in charge of security was attacked and injured." Bonis trotted up from the outside and reported.

"Let the ship doctor follow you."



"It seems that there are some unidentified creatures on our ship, and our attack just now should force him away, that is to say, he doesn't know what we are talking about. Listen..." Rosen quickly told several people present, Hathaway, Liya, and Robin, who had just come back.

After that, Rosen follows Hathaway out of the room and sees the injured subordinate. He is stabbed in the chest. If Rosen didn't arrive in time, the skill of the ship doctor would not be enough to save him.

Only the activity can hang his life in time before he breathes.

"Judging from the wound, it should be caused by sharp tools, eh? That's his own weapon... "The ship doctor said after looking at the injury, and then looked at the weapon falling from the ground, wondering.

"I see. Take people to the treatment room for follow-up rehabilitation treatment. Now there is no life danger."

But as soon as Rosen's voice fell, another subordinate fell from the mast screaming.

Rosen called a sonic nice, and Bonis ran to catch the crew, while Rosen drove to the extreme speed and instantly appeared on the observation deck of the main mast.

But there was nothing but blood. Rosen frowned, and suddenly his whole body burst open. The dust storm filled all around him, whirling and strangling.

Rosen believes that even transparent people with transparent fruits will be seriously injured as long as they are in this area.

But nothing happened.

"I don't care what you are, but if there are casualties in my crew, then I will make you regret coming to this world alive." Rosen cheered coldly, trying to elicit a response from the invisible creature, but there was no response.

"Ah At this moment, the scream of the duty personnel appeared at the stern of the ship, which was very harsh in the open world. The snowflakes were big again at this time. Although they were in the empty passage, there was a layer of cloud above them.

The snow is more fierce, and the wind is stronger. Waves begin to rise on the empty river. The wind blows through the void of the hull, and the whine is creepy.

"Bring everyone together." Rosen felt that things were slowly moving in a bad direction, which was too bad. This was the first time since he went to sea that he had suffered such a big loss before he saw the situation of the enemy.

"Boss, elder sister Robin has just been assassinated in the room and is injured!"

"What?" As soon as Rosen's face changed, the whole person's breath suddenly became extremely violent. The unknown creature seemed to want to completely complicate the situation on the ship.

If an ordinary pirate ship is so damaged, plus the previous search event, it is very likely that they will be suspicious of each other, and eventually conflict will break out, leading to mutual killing. However, Rosen's Pirate Group is not so vulnerable.

But since we dare to attack cadres, that is to say, creatures in the shadow are eager to create panic? Or do you have a purpose?