"The empty road wanders." When Natalie asks about the guardian's residence, the guardian writes a few words on the ground with her fingers. Robin translates them and reads them out.

"It doesn't have a permanent residence, it's been wandering on the empty road all the time?" Rosen frown, with his ability seems not impossible, so let Rosen just wishful thinking failed more than half.

Then Rosen asked Natalie a few questions, such as what is its purpose on the empty lane?

What is the ability to attach to various elements? What's the meaning of the key I just mentioned? Is the age of existence a blank history? Is there any corresponding record in the chip or brain.

The purpose is similar to some of Rosen's previous conjectures. The guardian's initial duty is to protect the safety of the air way from the damage of foreign forces or sea animals.

But later, the order was changed to kill more than ten Qinghai people, including dangerous pirates.

But in fact, the most important task is to find the successor, inherit and protect the key. The cruising empty path mentioned before is only an incidental task, which the guardian also expressed.

And its fruit ability, it said is the Superman attached fruit, can be attached to any material.

However, there is a time limit and the number of times to choose the type of material on that day. However, once it uses its ability, it will be a completely different material, which can't be detected even when it sees, hears, looks and domineers.

As long as it abides by the physical properties to live, it is difficult to be found.

When Natalie mentioned the key, the rusty metal case and the internal circuit of the guardian suddenly creaked, as if they would break at any time.

It has existed for a long time, and it has been patrolling at high altitude. If there is no attached fruit that can make it attach to other substances and slow down its metal corrosion, I'm afraid Rosen and others will not have a chance to meet it.

Because when it turns into other substances, when it comes back, the indicators of the body are the state before the change.

It's also a bad luck for Rosen. It's estimated that Rosen's ship was not long after he started his operation on Salis. Then he met Rosen's ship.

In addition to its capabilities, many of its components and original capabilities should be scrapped, even the vocal cords.

Now it's even more fragile. When Natalie mentioned the key, the guardian didn't answer immediately. Instead, he held out his hand and held Natalie's palm. On the other hand, he wrote: "are you in danger?"

Listening to Robin's translation, Natalie shakes her head, and then the guardian's eyes shine.

According to Natalie's answer and cognition, it analyzes Natalie's emotional status and ECG frequency, so as to judge whether Natalie chooses to ask this question because of other people's coercion.

In the end, it seemed that after confirmation, it nodded on its own.

Then Rosen and others heard a sound of mechanical metal rotating, and then its head slowly bloomed like a flower, which is a piece of metal in full bloom, and then exposed the inner core.

When they saw it, they were shocked: "this is the permanent pointer!"

Natalie took it, and Rosen and others came together. When Rosen saw the two ancient words on the permanent pointer, he didn't understand it, but he saw Robin's face changed instantly.

"The king of ancient weapons?" Rosen immediately had a guess, not even a guess, which should be the truth.

Robin was stunned for a moment, then nodded. At the moment she saw it, she wanted to hide it, because she never thought that in addition to the historical text, she could find traces of ancient weapons, and it was also a permanent pointer.

Because a line of words on the sign of the permanent pointer is very simple and clear, only two words are written: King of heaven! It's not even Uranus.

"King of heaven?! Generally speaking, the pointer should be the name of the island, but it is clear that this is the weapon of the heavenly king. Is it true that the ancient weapon of the heavenly king is actually an island? Or is it just to tell others that it's a pointer to find ancient weapons? " Rosen is a little confused, so next we need to know when the guardian began to exist.

Maybe we can learn something from it.

"How long have you lived? Are you the only one? Do you have a record of what happened between 900 and 800 years ago? " According to Robin's reminder, Natalie asked the remaining questions one by one.

"My core storage function has been aging and damaged for a long time. I'm not the only one. I don't know how long I've lived. I only have set tasks, and I don't know what happened in those hundreds of years..." although the guardian's wisdom is not low.

But in the final analysis, his thinking ability comes more from his chip computing power, and it doesn't remember anything, even yesterday's, only knows to perform tasks.

Robin, who got the answer, was a little disappointed and finally handed the permanent pointer to Rosen.

Rosen looked at the pointer. Although he said that the ancient weapon king was very attractive, he could see it when he was free, but Rosen had a lot to do recently.

I'm afraid it's going to take a long time. Moreover, for so many years, the three ancient weapons haven't really come out of the world and exerted their power. There's a certain reason.

As we know, Pluto is the worst warship in history, which can destroy an island with one shot, while the sea king is the mermaid princess white star, but neither of them has shown real power.

Rosen plans to wait until he is stronger to master this weapon. Otherwise, once he is not strong enough to master it, the danger is not low. If he exposes it and fails to control it, the world may be in great chaos.

Because it's not known how powerful the king of heaven is, it's said that the ancient weapon Hades could sink an island with only one blow. It's still difficult to accurately estimate such a general description.

But this kind of power is no worse than the destructive power of the fourth emperor level, and the same level of heavenly king will certainly not be weaker than this level.

Although such power does not come from itself, there must be an endless stream of people who want it.

Rosen doesn't feel very secure about things that don't belong to his own power, but if these things can be copied, it will really shake the whole world pattern if he gets these ancient weapons.

For example, if there are enough design drawings and resources, can we build more than one ship?

So Rosen has to be more careful. Moreover, he is not in a hurry to improve his strength with foreign things.

"Zizizi..." during the conversation between Rosen and others, the guardian's life seemed to have come to an end. After the metal piece of his head was restored, he wrote four words of permanent standby on the ground, and he never lived again.

"Is it dead?" Natalie looked at the lifeless guardian, full of doubts.

"I'm afraid it's to the limit. It's existed for a long time. In addition, it was injured by us in the battle, and the damage is very high." Rosen took a look and said that he didn't feel much. After all, it's just a machine, although it's very humanized.

"If it's on standby, it should be that it's not dead yet. Maybe we can find a good repairman in the future, and it's not necessarily that we can recover."

"Put it in the warehouse first. Take care of it. " Rosen will return the permanent pointer to Robin, these things on him, easy to damage, after all, he often need to fight, do not take on the body, and not at ease.

And Robin's ability to hide things must be better than himself.

“BOSS?” Robin was deeply surprised. She thought it was impossible for Rosen to give such a valuable and rare thing to herself.

After all, it is the permanent pointer of the ancient weapon heavenly king. It is very likely to follow it to find the heavenly king or the clues related to the heavenly king.

Now boss unexpectedly so casually gave this thing to her? You know, at that time, in order to get Pluto, he did a lot of preparation. At the same time, he spent a lot of time and money, although he gave up in the end.

But it can be imagined that for a while, he should also be eager for these ancient weapons to improve his strength. However, boss's recent strength improvement is a little too fast. Maybe he doesn't need these things.

Of course, more important is the trust in her.

"I'll take care of it."

"Of course, I believe you."

"It's nothing. We'll have a rest when we're ready. It's not peaceful tonight. In order to have a good sleep, manatee Bonis, the two of you are responsible for the guard tonight. We don't know if there are other dangers ahead. We can't take them lightly." Rosen said.

"I understand."

"Sex."... "