"Three cuts of ghost Qi!" Hathaway continued to attack, even in the face of the so-called 60 million volt Thunder Dragon, she was not afraid, but more brave.

Boom... The sky is full of sword Qi and thundering lightning. Ordinary people dare not even look at such attacks directly. The dazzling electric light will make them blind for a moment and can't see anything for a short time.

"Boss, the queen of Landis is so strong, how can she want to be one of us?" Although Robin got along with Hathaway for a few days, she also knew something about her and knew that she was the queen of Landis, thinking that her strength might not be weak.

But she was shocked to see the fighting power with her own eyes. It was too strong. Even in the face of countless thunder and lightning, she still took it easy.

"Don't think so much about it. She won't be our threat. Believing in others may cause harm, but believing in nobody can cause more harm." Rosen said.

"Well." Robin, if thoughtful, doesn't seem unreasonable.

What Rosen saw was not the strength of Hathaway, but the strength of ainilu's fruit ability. From the just short battle, it can be concluded that his fruit ability development, from the destructive point of view, should also be a great general.

And Hathaway's swordsmanship is only close to a general, but now with Yang Dao and explosive period, she will not be weaker than a general. At the same time, Hathaway's armed color is domineering, and her body skill is much stronger than enilu's.

Although ainilu's information covers a wide range, he can't even use it flexibly in high-speed combat. Sometimes he predicts that Hathaway's attack will arrive.

On the whole, Hathaway is able to fight against enilu head-on, but if she wins, the opponent is a thunderclaper after all. Her speed and destruction are very abnormal and not so easy to deal with.

However, if they fight for half a day without any external force, Rosen believes that Hathaway can win.

Because Hathaway's fighting experience is very rich, at the same time, she is extremely aggressive, and she has a strong sense of fighting. On the contrary, ainilu's fighting performance with Luffy shows that her sense of fighting is not strong, and she may always rely on crushing strength to defeat the enemy.

"No way!" After the fierce attack of Aini Road, he found that he still couldn't take this woman, and his face was dignified. He was the master of the kingdom of God. How could he not even take a Qinghai woman.

"Discharge, 100 million volts!" Ainilu's self-esteem was hit, but it became more and more fierce. A super strong lightning struck Hathaway. Hathaway was wrapped in a domineering Yang knife to split the lightning. Then her arm was the same as the whole person.

"Thunder and lightning are not so easy to prevent!" Hathaway's eyes are full of fighting spirit. She is looking for opportunities to get close to Aini road.

"It seems that the plan is feasible. If a strong fighting force breaks out in a short time, it is possible to capture ainilu, but not now. Now he often drifts in the clouds, so it's too easy to escape. It's not an opportunity." Rosen judged that if eniluken fell into the clouds and continued to fight on the island clouds, Rosen would not hesitate to move.

Otherwise, with the speed of his thunder, even if the general comes, he may not be able to stay.

"Woman, you are very powerful. Do you want to be my subordinate and fight with me in the endless land? This world is too boring, Yaha ha ha ha..." although ainilu was angry, he also cherished his talents. As long as he was a useful person, he would want it.

"No, you are too weak!" Hathaway said contemptuously that enilu was certainly not weak, or even strong. Even if it was only the fruit ability, the fruit ability was also the strength, which was beyond doubt.

"In that case, go to die, and die with your Qinghai friends. If you can block it, I'll see if other people can." Enilu gave a cruel smile, and then his arms turned into thunder, floating in the dark clouds. For a moment, the dense lightning flickered in the clouds, very quickly, which made people feel uneasy and scared.

Thundering... Thunder, almost to form a deafening, click of lightning, occasionally uncontrollable, from the clouds, split through the void, let people from the instinct of awe and panic.

Lightning, since ancient times, is one of the most feared things of human beings, which has been deeply engraved into human instinct.

"What is this? The end of the world? "

"Wan Lei!" A small version of wanlei has taken shape. Although it is a small version, it covers the island more than enough. Of course, the main target is Rosen and others.

It's a pity for enilu to be here. If the ark is completed, he can launch lightning attacks on a larger scale. After all, his ark can release and create dark clouds, or thunder clouds, and it's made for him.

Crackle, click... Lightning poured down like rain, as if to destroy the whole world. In an instant, dozens of lightning came towards Rosen.

Enilu turns into thunder and lightning, waiting for Hathaway's reaction in the clouds. If Hathaway goes to save her companion, it is bound to show a flaw, so he will have a chance.

But when he saw Hathaway motionless, didn't these people matter to her?

Of course not, but the man below, safety is guaranteed, even in the face of all the destruction of the thunder.

I'm afraid it's a terrible move. Originally, the fight may not have happened so soon, but it's just that Hathaway didn't want to hurt him.

"To die!" Rosen didn't intend to make a move. After all, if all the fighting power is completely exposed now, it will be really hard to deal with if enilu is on guard in the future.

But I didn't expect that when he dealt with Hathaway, he even launched a large-scale attack on the melon eating masses, which made Rosen very dissatisfied.

You know, it's estimated that there are only a few cadres who can stand in the way of Aini road.

If he is hit by lightning for many times, he is afraid that the cadres are also very dangerous. Bonis may be able to fight with him for a while. When mr.5 and others encounter Aini Road, they are still too weak.

It's still according to the result of their taking blood potion, otherwise Bonis may not be able to fight for a moment.

"Black prison, cluster attack!" Rosen's body raised the sand and condensed into 33 black prison bullets, which were then arranged into three bundles and blasted away with the black light. The thunderbolts were smashed and detonated by the black prison bullets

"Sandstorm!" Although there is no sand on the island cloud, Rosen has already had an extra pair of gold bronze armor. For high-end battles, reducing the scope and individual duels, this kind of sand is enough.

It was only when the miscellaneous soldiers were in the Qing Dynasty that a huge amount of dust was needed.

"No way, my thunder!" Ai Ni Lu looked at the detonated or smashed thunder and lightning, and was shocked that there were still Qinghai people who could block their large-scale thunder bombardment.

Although thunder is still falling, Hathaway is also shrouded in, but it is constantly consumed.

Rosen, a sandstorm, directly sent himself to heaven, instantly approached Aini Road, with a domineering punch, in the case that he couldn't touch the defense, a punch was printed on his face, which directly deformed his whole face.

He was flying in the clouds, and he was a little confused.

Who is this?! Although I'm careless, is this another Qinghai man so strong?

Is it because I have been in the kingdom of God for a long time, and I don't have a specific concept of the strong in Qinghai? Are they all so strong? How could that be! Enilu was a little suspicious of life for a moment.

"Keep him!" Rosen did not stop, but said to Hathaway. They joined hands and rushed to Aini Road, which was still in the clouds.

Ainilu was shocked and angry for a moment, but he also knew that at this time, he would work hard, for fear of great danger. He turned into thunder and lightning, and rushed to the distance