Enilu's action is still very fast. Although he has not decided whether to attack again, the army of God has already been dispatched. Although the army of God plus four divine officials, there are only 50 people in total.

But these people were all killed from many people. They had a little strength. They were also the army serving enilu. Under the command of their God, these 50 people had gathered on the coast where Rosen and others were about to land.

"Kill all the intruders!" Mori Dawu Shenguan cold voice way, his fat body with the same ball standing on the ball cloud.

As soon as the words were heard, dawn's shells poured in, and more than ten cannons roared at the same time. Some members of the God's army who did not escape in time were blasted out, but they rarely died.

As long as they are not hit by frontal bombing, some shockwaves can't kill them.

"Manatee, mr.5 and Valentine's day take over the battlefield here. It's dangerous. Remember to ask for help. For you, it's not an easy battle. Be careful of their shells. Natalie, Hathaway, Robin and Bonis, come with me." When dawn landed, Rosen immediately arranged the battlefield for Mr. 5 and others.

Although the strength of the divine officers and the divine soldier chief did not appear again in the later period, in fact, the four divine officers were not weak in fighting power, and there were all kinds of shellfish.

But Rosen believes that with mr.5, Valentine's day, manatee and others should be able to cope.

Because Rosen doesn't want to be delayed by these soldiers to waste time, just now, Natalie has explored the place where hundreds of people gather, and Rosen has to rush there.

"Leave it to us." Mr. 5 said confidently.

Since he went to sea, his strength has greatly increased, and his ability development degree is also very strong. In addition, in recent days, Hathaway has given them special training on "inhumanity". Now he is a little confident.

His ability not only developed the bombing of mouth gun series, but also the baptism of running series, which made his whole person more destructive.

"Enilu, if you destroy my boat, I'll destroy yours. Now I'm here. If you want your ark to be safe, come and watch it. Hahaha... "Rosen laughs wildly. If he can't contain ainilu and lead him out, all the battle plans will fail.

"Son of a bitch!" Since the outbreak of the battle, ainilu has been monitoring the battlefield, but he is not in a hurry. Instead, he is waiting for the opportunity. But now he is very shocked. Why does this Qinghai man know that he is building an ark?!

Is it true that the people of Qinghai in front of us are connected with the original God's guards who made the ark? But how can this be possible? Under our own surveillance, who has such great ability?

No matter what, the ark is something he has been trying to build over the past few years. After defeating ganfuor at the beginning, the guard of God deliberately left behind is to build the ark for him, and even the main purpose of coming here is this.

The ark is his yearning and expectation for the future, which can never be lost. Although it is still a little short, if there is no way, it can only be used.

This group of damned Qinghai people let them go, and they even chased them here. It's really deceiving.

Aini road turned into a flash of lightning and flew towards the building of the ark. He didn't dare to delay. From the route of those Qinghai people, he really advanced towards the building of the ark.

Yunyin village.

"What seems to be the disturbance in the holy land? Shall we go and have a look? " Asked one of the Sandian soldiers, looking at vaipa, the War Ghost.

"Gather the soldiers and go to have a look. Don't go too far." The War Ghost said calmly.

Today's new God is no more powerful and cruel than the old God ganfuor a few years ago. Over the years, they have lost many soldiers.

Although I don't want to admit it, it's not easy for them to survive under the rule of enilu.

Ark Building.

Hundreds of the guards of the original God were imprisoned here by enilu, making ark for him day and night. Some of them were killed, some of them were killed, and some of them were killed. Originally, more than 600 guards were killed.

No more than 400 people are still alive, and the construction of the ark has reached its final stage.

When ainilu landed here, it immediately attracted the attention of all prisoners and workers. Because of the construction needs, ainilu didn't even mind letting them use all kinds of weapons and tools.

"What's the difference?" Enilu looks at an appointed supervisor.

"Lord God, we still need the last golden gear and some decorations inside and outside."

"It doesn't matter much. I've worked hard for you for so long. As a thank you, I'll let you destroy the empty Island first, so that you don't have to go through despair." Enilu said flatly.

"Lord God, you just said you would destroy the empty island?" Jiankong was stunned for a moment. Although they succumbed to ainilu, ainilu was not stupid. In order to make them work hard, he also drew a big pie for them, that is, when the ark was built, they were allowed to go back to reunite with their families.

"Yes, what's the problem." Aini road is a natural appearance. Now that the enemy has come to us, it has just been wiped out together with the Qinghai people, so that he can pursue his endless land.

Anyway, these people have lost their due value.

"What?" The other members of the guard of the original God were also stunned, and everyone tightened their tools.

"Kill him. He didn't intend to let us go back at the beginning. He has been fooling us all the time. Damn it! Now I want to destroy the empty Island, this lunatic A boatman with a weapon, roaring to kill enilu, the whole person was full of anger.

Over the years, if it wasn't for meeting their families, they would have given up.

And now enilu says it's going to destroy the empty island? How can that be? There's their family on the island.

When one person acts, others will riot, because the God in front of them even disdains to lie to them. For them, it is hopeless, which means a huge gap in strength.

Ainilu looked at the boatman, his eyes didn't move, and the rest of the light caught it. Then the whole person began to emit white light. A pair of arms between the index fingers gently pulled out a flash of lightning, and then pushed out: "discharge, 5 million volts!"

Zizichi... The people who rushed to the front were turned to the ground by electricity.

"It seems to be important to you." Not far away, Rosen, who had just arrived at the entrance of the mountain, showed a smile. As far as Aini road is concerned, the ark really can't be given up easily. In this way, his plan has been more than half successful.

"Keep an eye on him!" Rosen tells Hathaway and Bonis that Robin and Natalie are behind them. Then Rosen presses the small bag with his hand. In a moment, the mountain turns into sand.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

"It's a good way to bully the weak, isn't it, Lord God." Rosen looks at enilu with a smile.

"Qinghai people, you can only be arrogant now. Soon I will make all of you laugh. Yeha ha ha, follow the empty island and destroy it together." Instead of taking care of the boatmen, enilu jumped into the ark and launched it at the same time.