"What is that?! My God, it's too big! " Huang Sha giant and Lei Ying appear in this world at the same time, which makes all the people of the kingdom of God shocked. This is really the destruction of the world!

What's the concept of the yellow sand giant over 100 meters, that is, the whole island will be shaken with a single blow, and even the impact point of the central fist force will definitely collapse.

And the huge Lei Ying is just like the collapse of heaven. Once it falls, apayado and Angel Island will be destroyed.

"What's the matter! Is God angry? Is this going to punish us? "

When she looked at the direction of the holy land, she was also full of fear. She remembered what the Qinghai people said just now, God had the idea of destroying the empty island.

Now, the thunder clouds falling from the sky are obviously the masterpieces of their gods. Is the yellow sand giant the Qinghai man just now?

However, for the sake of safety, it is necessary to leave angel island. In case of falling down, they also have a chance to escape.

Because of the reminder from the Qinghai people, she always put the boat on the beach so that she could escape in time. Now she finally used it

"Unbelievable!" Ganfuer looked at everything in front of him and was deeply shocked. The powerful ainilu met the Qinghai people who were the perfect match. Both of them were natural disasters!

"Can uncle win?" Natalie was a little worried, because she sensed that in the thunder cloud, there were very dangerous ball lightning colliding with each other, which was extremely violent and destructive.

Lightning itself is extremely terrible, when they are dense in number, and unified explosion, how terrible the power should be!? unimaginable.

"I don't know." Hathaway's face is heavy, the whole person has entered the outbreak period, and she is not sure whether her strongest move can disperse the thunder clouds in front of her.

But even if it splits, the scattered thunder is very terrible for everyone, but it will be even worse if it falls down!

"He'll win." Robin chuckled.

"Why?" Natalie doesn't understand.

"Because if he loses, we may die. We can't see him lose, so all we can see is his victory." What Robin said made Natalie a little confused.

Is that why? Although I don't know much about it, sister Robin seems to trust her uncle.

"Just sand, also compete with thunder and lightning, fall into Qinghai!" Ainilu roared and roared like thunder, and then the thunder came down. The speed was not fast, but it gave people a sense of hopelessness.

"One sand one world, bloom, annihilate the sand world!" It's not so easy for Rosen to continue to chase Aini road in the body of the giant of sand. If he doesn't stop Lei Ying, the consequences will be very serious.

Rosen's whole fruit ability has reached the extreme. It's also a general level fruit ability. Rosen won't be afraid of thunder!

He has entered a state of full power output explosion of body function. Such a huge amount of dust is also the limit that he can control after awakening, or even surpass the limit. In fact, the lethality is not the highest, at least not the instant annihilation.

But it is very effective to deal with a huge or surprising number of enemies.

The yellow sand giant roared, then stabbed his hands fiercely into the sky in claw shape, wrapped a thin layer of sand on his claws, and the huge sand arm inserted into the thunder.

Lightning started to gather through the conductor of Jinsha, and caused some confusion inside leiying.

At the same time, annihilating the sand world, that is, the yellow sand giant began to release a large amount of sand inside leiying, which was full of leiying and interfered with the violent lightning.

"How can that be?"?! Isn't he sand? How can there be metal? " When Aini Lu saw this, he was shocked.

The thunder cloud inside TA Lei Ying is extremely unstable. At this time, if a metal conductor enters into the thunder cloud, it is very likely that the lightning contained in the thunder cloud will be instantly excited, that is to say, it may lead to the early explosion of Lei Ying!

This is not what he wants to see!

"Crush it!" Rosen roared. The whole kingdom of God even had a sound wave. It was very terrible. The roar of giants over 100 meters was terrible.

Whoa! Lei Ying, this thunder ball has split a huge gap from the middle!

Ainilu's face suddenly changed. How could this be possible? Even if the Lei Ying he made was beyond a certain scale, it would be extremely difficult for him to control, let alone destroy it.

But now that he was about to be destroyed, how could he not be surprised? His hands suddenly turned into the ruling of two gods. Leizhu hit the yellow sand giant and made two big holes.

But Rosen, standing on the ground, soon absorbed the thick yellow sand to fill the giant's body. Then he suddenly made a force, with a click. With Rosen's roar, the whole Lei Ying was torn in two.

The violent thunder and lightning scattered around like a strong wind, as if turned into a thunder and lightning rain. Some sputtered thunder and lightning destroyed most of the trees in apayado and many buildings in Angel Island. At the same time, many people were injured.

Panic began to spread

"No way!" Enilu looks unbelievable. It's not easy to make this kind of Lei Ying. It can be destroyed once, and it can be destroyed the second time.

Although he has great lightning power, if Lei Ying can't fight down, he seems to have no way and means to hurt the Qinghai man in front of him.

It's too much to bend! Kongkong has a strong fruit ability, but he can't hurt the enemy. If he knows the ability of those Qinghai people, ainilu believes that he can teach them a lesson.

"Sandstorm funeral!" When ray meets the broken moment, Rosen turns to fight toward the ark. The sand giant's big fist falls down like a mountain. Enilu wants to dodge and leave, but he hesitates when he thinks that the ark is under his feet.

And this hesitation is unrealistic if we want to avoid it. We can only fight with all our strength: "Thor, 200 million volts, the net of thunder and lightning!"

The giant hand of Raytheon in ainilu is photographed, and the whole world becomes extremely dazzling. A net of thunder and lightning centers on him, condenses, spreads and radiates, covering the whole void in front of us, and then pushes fiercely.

The destructive thunder and lightning cut the sand fist into countless pieces and fell down. Then the whole sand giant seemed to lose control and collapsed towards Aini road.

"Super discharge!" Enilu had to strengthen the net of thunder and lightning. With a loud bang, the net of thunder and lightning met the giant of sand. In an instant, there was a huge collision. Countless pieces of sand were smashed and scattered from his head. The void was full of dust.

Too smooth, there was no resistance, enilu frowned.

In the face of the giant of sand, it was too easy, not as strong as it just showed, which made enilu feel very wrong.

This is of course, because Rosen has no control, he has been close to Aini road by falling dust.

"Black prison bullet!" Rosen raised his hand and fired 11 fierce bullets, which came from the front. Eni road was surprised, although he didn't see anyone.

But the attack trajectory is very obvious. As soon as he raises his hand to fight, he suddenly realizes that there is a sense of crisis behind him.

Long ambush good before and after the attack, Lei Ying and fierce lightning attack, greatly consumed the energy of enilu, this moment of double feint, unexpectedly can't respond, he is lightning right, but the consciousness must be able to keep up.

"Peng!" A heavy blow hit him on the back of the head, which made him dizzy. When he wanted to resist, he was faced with the fierce attack of chasing the storm.

Bang bang! Rosen is merciless and says hello. He directly confuses Aini Road, so that he doesn't even have the reaction time to escape!