Robin communicates with Sandian war ghosts and ganfuor.

Although the angel islanders had feuds with the sandians, even vaipa had to admit that during the reign of ganfuor, he did not persecute the sandians excessively.

They even had the idea of negotiation, but the sandians refused. In their view, apayado is their hometown, and the angel islanders are just invaders who take it as their own. Of course, they can't agree to any negotiation.

However, since ainilu came to power, the sandians only need a little action. Once they are discovered by the divine team, they will never die. In recent years, they have sacrificed a lot of sandians.

The sandians have been fighting Angel Islanders in hiding for 400 years. Now, after several generations, the population has been small.

So there are some subtle changes in the minds of sandians and angel Islanders. It seems that the era before the rule of enilu was better.

At least not for no reason in the sky hit a thunder pillar down, destroy everything.

Now although ainilu has been knocked down, there is a Qinghai man who is more powerful than the tyrant ainilu.

If you really want to win apayado at all costs, I'm afraid that both sandians and angel islanders will be wiped out.

This is the result that you don't have to try.

“BOSS。” Mr.5 and others also finished the battle, with some injuries. It is obvious that some of the gods attacked unexpectedly.

Valentine's Day is not good-looking, disheartened, on the contrary, Kung Fu manatee with the usual no big difference.

"Wait a minute, Robin, and then we'll go there together..." Rosen looked at a huge bean vine on apayado, where there is a gold clock, and some bases near the gold clock. Any two gold pillars are huge wealth.

"Who are those people?" Looking at the people around robin on Valentine's day, I can't help wondering that some look like the costumes of primitive tribes, while others are similar to the God team they met.

But they all have one thing in common, they all have wings.

Rosen doesn't know the details of Robin's negotiation. In fact, Rosen doesn't care. He's waiting here, but more waiting for the arrival of Bonis and other subordinates.

Because there is a lot of gold. Although many of them were used by ainilu to build the ark, the golden bell tower should still be on the bean vine.

Rosen won't take the golden bell away. First, it's too huge and inconvenient. Second, Rosen also wants to hear what the legendary bell sounds like.

The golden clock is indeed a rare historical relic.

After a long time, Robin walked over to Rosen thoughtfully: "boss, the situation of empty island seems to be a little more complicated than we think. There is an irresistible gap and hatred between sandians and angel Islanders."

As expected, Rosen of course knows: "this is their business. When our goal is achieved, we will leave."

"Well, they all agreed to your terms, but I think this matter has a lot to do with us..." Robin thought, as if thinking about something.

The conditions that sandians and ganford will agree to Rosen are certain.

If they are against it, it means that they will turn against Rosen, which is more undesirable than moths to the fire.

Under the absolute crushing force, it's not an excessive condition for them not to interfere with the Qinghai people for three days. Moreover, ainilu and many divine officials have been knocked down. It's a kindness.

When the people of Qinghai leave, it will be difficult for them to get along with each other.

Although they have just experienced the general despair of extermination, the deep-rooted thoughts for a long time are not so easy to change.

Hearing what Robin said, Rosen didn't quite understand: "what's the relationship with us?"

"Boss, since our goal is to establish a new order, and the empty island is a semi isolated place of legend, if we can use it as a pilot Island, we can sum up the advantages and disadvantages of the new order in advance. Didn't you tell me that practice is the only standard for testing truth?"

Robin's words, let Rosen out of touch, even a little suddenly realized, he did not consider this before.

Because in Rosen's plan, strengthening oneself is the most important thing in the first stage, and Rosen has not considered the empty island in this kind of direct pilot order.

Because I always think that my goal is gold.

But from Robin's words, it can be concluded that this should be very feasible.

The reason why Rosen did not develop his influence in Qinghai was that it was difficult to escape from the eyes of the world government because of many miscellaneous eyes. Once discovered, Rosen did not feel able to resist the pressure from the world government.

Even the Landis have allowed them to live in a poor and desolate country of wild animals for a while, before they are exposed.

But if it's on an empty Island, it's different. The geographical location of the empty island itself is very secret.

In recent years, few people want to arrive at the empty island. I'm afraid even the world government can't imagine that the island in the sky will be pregnant with reactionary forces.

What's more, Rosen's so-called new order sounds full of ideals, but whether it is feasible in practice in different worlds is worth weighing.

Rosen was lost in thought. Robin's words reminded him, but Rosen thought it was not an easy thing, because he didn't think of a good solution to the contradiction between sandians and angel Islanders.

After all, Luffy's charm and development are different from the situation he is facing now.

And the time to knock down Aini road is too short, and the despair that empty islanders feel is not enough. Otherwise, they may be fully aware of the value of life.

It's a bit inhumane to say that, but only when people are really desperate will they think of what they have.

"Sandians and angel islanders won't agree." Rosen thinks about it and shakes his head. Robin's suggestion is good, but if we want to rule the empty Island, sandians and angel islanders are unavoidable obstacles.

Kill them all? That's bullshit! If the contradiction is not solved, the threat will continue to breed, and the powerful violent rule will go wrong sooner or later, which conflicts with Rosen's new order idea.

He's not trying to create a world ruled by violence.

"Boss, you seem to have done a detailed investigation on the empty island. Can you tell me what you know? I've asked the leaders of the sandians to come, and it seems that ganfuor can make a choice on behalf of the existing Angel islanders... I think if we have enough information, we can find the root of the contradiction. " Robin didn't want to see the sandians and angel island still fighting after they left.

Because if apayado is really a half of the island that was impacted from Qinghai, then according to some words of wenbran and Rolando, it is a very historic island.

And there are historical texts.

"That's no problem. You're considerate." I have to admit that Robin's thinking is sometimes more meticulous than Rosen's.

But in this way, does Robin want to support himself as the new God of the empty island? Can such a thing really be done without violence?