Near the water capital, three ordinary naval ships are escorting prisoners to push them into the city. They want to escort prisoners to the judicial Island, and then take the special current of the Shanghai army. This can save a lot of time, and the safety is also very high.

They have submitted their application and the Navy headquarters has approved it.

It's said that the red dog general is searching for the trail of klockdale in the former Qiwu sea near the water capital.

Many islands around here have been searched, and they have been searching laterally from Landis, because they judged from the track of Rosen's previous ships that they were heading laterally.

So it's very likely that they won't go along a separate route. It's reasonable. Krocdal is not the first to get rid of these navies. They should have seen their ships and pirate flags early. However, Rosen is not worried. Dawn is easy to recognize, and it's not easy to hide.

Moreover, it's not necessary now. Even if he meets a general, he won't be too passive, and he also needs fame. This can let him into the eyes of the world's strong, which is conducive to the layout behind him.

Besides, the life of hiding head and protecting tail is too restrained. Anyway, it's nothing to be found. When the Navy reinforcements arrive, they don't know where to go.

After all, it is impossible not to touch the Shanghai army all the time.

As dawn entered the sea, guns began to ring, and dense bullets were fired at them. The ships of both sides were not far away, and even entered the range suitable for the white-edged war.

But a Sha LAN flew out, immediately intercepted countless bullets, then raised his hand to hit a sand blade, aimed at the naval ship mast, as long as cut off their mast, this kind of ship just can't catch up with them.

Of course, we can fight with them, but fighting with the Navy will be endless. Even more fighting is possible. This is the power of a world-class organization.

So Rosen plans to abolish their pursuit ability. In this way, the Navy still needs to support them, reducing the possibility of encircling them in the sea.

But just as the sand blade was about to cut into the mast, a major general with an ordinary standard knife cut horizontally, collided with the sand blade, and then the whole person was hit by the mast.

But did not break the mast, it seems that the major general also has some strength, of course, after a few moves is possible, but want to fight with Rosen head-on, is not qualified.

Rosen's random attack was very difficult for him to take. Rosen looked at it indifferently, then raised his hand and more than a dozen sand blades flew out to strangle the nearest naval prison ship.

Bang bang! The sand blade, the mast, the hull and the Navy were all hit by the coverage, and everything in the coverage fell down in an instant.

The major general stood in front of the navy soldiers and suffered most of the attacks. Although the rear navy soldiers were seriously injured, they were not killed. On the contrary, the major general was dying.

"Gone." Rosen took a look. Instead of attacking again, he ordered to leave because it was estimated that the information had been sent out long ago and it was not suitable to stay here for a long time.

As the two ships pulled apart, the remaining two prison ships shelled Rosen.

But with Bonis and others on board, the shell is unlikely to hit the dawn.

As for the ark, it's even more difficult. Ordinary prison ships don't have as much firepower as warships. They don't have guns that fire from the air.

But very few, so the effect is very small. In a general naval battle, unless both sides insist on fighting, it will be easier to escape on the sea.

Rosen didn't take much time either. After a long time, there will be more troubles. Now he will fight the Navy when he is satisfied.

But Rosen didn't know that in this sea area, there was a very powerful navy warship searching for his trace everywhere at the moment, and the leader was the future marshal saakashi, the current red dog general.

In the nearest Island, the water capital, Kapp, a naval hero, originally went to the East China Sea for a "holiday", but because of the storm, he temporarily stayed here for some time. At the same time, he received a signal from the naval prison ship.

"Ah, what? What happened to krocdal in this area? Oh, I see. Isn't saakashi closer? He'll deal with it. When the headquarters asks, they say that I'm setting a new record for doughnuts. I can't help myself... "Kapp is on his doghead boat, tasting delicious food.