"General saakashi, the other side has entered our range. Do you want to start shelling?" Lieutenant general babulus is confirming the final order, because the coverage also includes the tattered navy ships.

Although the equipment is poor and the ships are small, they are our own ships after all.

"Shelling." Red dog saw the Navy with the trend of turning around, but even if there was no turning around, it was necessary to cover the artillery.

The full firepower bombing of two warships is not a joke. Even the strong can not guarantee to hold every inch of the hull. Even if they can hold, the warship's artillery firepower can also consume the enemy's physical strength.

"There is a ship that can fly in the air. Adjust the angle and blow the ship down." Saakashi is not in a hurry to attack, because from the mouth of the Yellow ape, kroddahl's strength is not bad.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, he will not rely on his own strength alone. After all, in a naval battle, he still has great restraint on those with ability, even if he has a moonwalk. Once he falls into the sea, he has too much restraint on those with ability.

It is necessary to use the existing strength in hand to gradually form an encirclement, so that the enemy leader can cast a warlock on the enemy, because most of the pirates will not easily give up their ships and crew, which is the property of the captain.

So artillery also has this effect, let them tired of running to guard the ship.

And when they want to give up, he will let them know what despair is.

Among the pirates he hunted, there were many big ones who could escape by themselves at the beginning as long as they gave up everything. They often found it too late when they couldn't give up at last.

Boom boom! Deafening sound of shelling resounded through the sky, huge shells across the void, in an instant, dozens of devastating shells poured in, the first round of shelling let everyone's vigilance to the highest level.

Bonis and others all attack, Hathaway also cut out a few sword gas, Rosen still does not move, he is observing the leader of the enemy, and enilu's ship, has been a man in the open, bang, his ark was shot.

Although there were many places covered with gold and the damage was not so great, a hole was blasted out of the deck.

Seeing this, enilu in the distance was furious, which was the only thing he had at present.

"Qinghai people who don't know what to do! Go to hell, Wan Lei The shells of the warship hit in two directions, one was in the direction of Rosen and the ark, and the other was in the direction of the navy ship that had just landed on enilu.

But now he doesn't care about the enemy on these shabby ships. He wants to kill the enemy who just destroyed the ark.

He flashed and drifted in the void, barefoot stepping on the lightning, and then discharged wildly from him, affecting the clouds. The dark clouds rolled, and then with one hand, dozens of thunderbolts went down toward the warship.

"To die!" Red dog looked at the thunder and lightning shrouded from the sky, and immediately rebuked.

Although I haven't received any news from someone who can control lightning for the time being, since it's aimed at myself, it's to seek death.

"Big fire!" The rolling lava expanded rapidly from the red dog's arm, and the area increased.

In this world, magma is stronger than fire, and the fruit of magma is the superior fruit of burning fruit.

Red dog's magma is very terrifying and powerful. A huge magma fist, like a volcano eruption, ejects into the sky and drops down the thunder.

Boom! As if the sky had collapsed, the real collision of thunder, earth and fire, in an instant, the thunder was destroyed by the dark red lava, but the thunder was very violent, and the moment it was destroyed, it also caused a huge explosion.

At the moment of the explosion, the dark red lava fist dripping with magma also spattered countless volcanic bombs, which were more terrifying than shells. With the sound of tearing the air, some of them flew towards Rosen.

"No way! My thunder and lightning were destroyed directly? " Eni road surprised, but also very angry, directly moved to the top of the warship, to launch a closer and stronger thunder column bombardment!

"Not the existing cadres of kroddar, but the new members? Or did it come by accident? " Red Dog frowned at the thundering sound.

It's easy to identify those who have the ability to make thunder fruit. It's also known as one of the top natural ability that is no less than magma fruit.

But judging from the collision just now, it seems that it's just average.

"God..." enilu raised his hand and was about to lower the thunder pillar to the rude Navy, completely destroying the warship. But before the attack, he was caught by a cold look from red dog.

In this man's eyes is full of cold and indestructible will.

"Whoosh!" The red dog disappeared.

"What about people?" Aini Lu was stunned for a while, which was too fast. Then his heart caught a trace. He was beside him. He just wanted to react, but found that a magma fist hit him directly.

Peng! Aini road is not ready to escape. He doesn't think anyone in Qinghai can beat himself. He wants to prove to everyone that he is very strong!

He raised the golden scepter in his hand, but it was directly broken by the red dog's fist, and then with an armed and domineering fist, he went straight to enilu's chest.

He collapsed a part of his chest directly, and the sound of bone shattering sounded. Enilu's brain was suddenly blank, and he almost lost consciousness, so strong!!

If it wasn't for the golden scepter to block for a while, the punch might have penetrated Aini road directly.

"Come back, Eni road." When Rosen saw the giant lava fist dripping with lava coming out of the navy ship, he felt that things were difficult.

Just in time to remind a word, but did not expect that Aini road this man, even directly up.

Then with very fast speed was hit into serious injury state came back.

"What a fool. Give him more training in the future." Rosen cold voice scolded a, this Aini road is really arrogant, used to, even the enemy's strength are not clear, directly to the door to fight.

If it wasn't for the new block, it would be a great general level combat power with good fruit ability development, and ainilu, whose comprehensive combat power is about a big level, would be dead.

Originally, with his fruit ability, don't be so rash, it won't be badly damaged at the beginning.

Even with the speed and destructive power of lightning, it's no problem to fight with the red dog for a while.

Where he almost lost consciousness when he was hit by one blow, it was all the result of his arrogance.

Rosen wanted ainilu back intact, not nearly killed.

But he was beaten back, but he couldn't help himself. Enilu's body came towards this side. At the same time, there was a volcanic bomb just now.

Rosen rose into the air, followed by enilu, who was still flying in the void, and stabilized him.

Later, his face was more dignified than ever before. He did not expect to meet the red dog general here, who could fight with the old white beard fiercely and beat the future Navy marshal of the Green Pheasant.

It's an extremely powerful navy, and the Navy's forces are converging here, and things are on the bad side.

And this attack, exposed, red dog simply also directly started: "even armed color of the domineering defense will not, pure fruit ability?"? But also so-called, all sink into the bottom of the sea, meteor volcano

Whoosh, whoosh! A large number of giant lava fists shot into the air from his hands, one by one, as if sinking into the sky.

But just a moment later, a dense sonic boom continued to ring, the whole sky was red by the giant lava fist falling from the sky, and a devastating meteor volcano shower fell down.

It covers the entire area where Rosen and other ships are located.

"All on alert! Be careful Rosen let out a voice to remind a way! It's hard to prevent every meteor and lava falling from the sky.