"Here? Meteor volcano. " Red dog rushed to a small island over, the island is not big, but there are also forests and several families, but he suspected that klocdal was hiding on the island, so he showed no mercy.

Countless volcanic bombs fell from the sky, which was more terrible than the order of killing demons. They plowed the whole island directly, and the island broke into countless pieces. In the abyss, there was a sea of magma and fire burning everywhere, but no one was seen.

The only people who have almost died in the sea of fire.

"The boat?" Red dog suddenly thought of a small boat in the middle of the journey.

Because in the past three days and nights, he has been chasing Rosen, which leads to his great mental mistakes and lack of concentration.

In fact, it's not just him. Rosen is dragging his seriously injured body. If it's not active, he can't escape the pursuit of red dog

In the past three days, a large area of sea radiated from the city of water, close to more than a dozen islands, has seen this unprecedented pursuit, and even affected a large number of people.

Red dog wants to return to pursue, but it's too late.

This opportunity has been seized. It is certain that he will find the ship if he goes back now. However, with his understanding of the enemy these days, he will not stay in the same place for too long.

"Damn it Red dog is extremely unwilling, but the next moment, the phone bug on him suddenly rings. It's the Marshal's phone of the Warring States period.

"Saakashi, go back to the naval headquarters immediately."

"What's the matter?" Red dog does not intend to give up the pursuit.

"The war is about to break out. The original white bearded crew has caught fire fist ace. The news has not been made public yet. Take a large fleet and go to receive the criminals immediately. First, they will be held in the undersea prison. When the world government and the Navy headquarters are ready, the news will be made public." The marshal of the Warring States period was more dignified than ever before.

But the world government has made up its mind to eradicate the white beard, set an example to others, and make the sea calm. Strategically speaking, the marshal of the Warring States period also agrees, but now is a troubled time. Will the world government get what it wants?

Some things, they guess the beginning, but did not guess the end.

"We're going to war with white beard!" Red dog was also very surprised, because the white bearded crew usually stayed in the new world, where the strength of the navy was so weak that it was almost impossible to capture the cadres of the fourth emperor alive. Unexpectedly, a former crew member caught fire fist ace.

"Yes, I'll go back immediately." The red dog nodded, and then there was a real hard fight, and krocdal just had this qualification. It was far from the real fourth emperor level, and there were priorities.

He can only give up pursuing.

Shortly after the red dog left, a merchant ship slowly passed by. There was a team of reporters on it. A man and a woman looked at the burning island in front of them and said, "this is the third Island destroyed. I remember some families on this island. The red dog general is more extreme than the rumor."

"I don't know if klocdal is dead." The female reporter took several photos, and recently the headlines were all about the report of the war in a small range.

Because it's a tabloid run by their own family and it sells very well, they even venture to follow the red dog, but they are very far behind.

"If you look at the relevant reports of the Navy headquarters tomorrow, you will know that if there is no report of arrest or killing, you are still alive. I didn't expect that the original qiwuhai was so strong." While speaking, the male reporter also snapped a few pictures and then left.

But when they left, they didn't find it. Just when they stopped, a rescue boat slowly left from their boat. The boat was taken from their boat, and then it quickly bypassed the Fire Island and disappeared in sight.

On the ship lay a wounded man with less air intake and more air output, who was gasping violently. It was Rosen.

He did get on the boat at the beginning, but thinking that red dog could think of it, he dragged his seriously injured body across the void and got on a boat at random.

Because these days and nights, sleepless fighting, even if there is activity, it is also many times the limit, has been unable to carry.

However, he never thought that this team of journalists would dare to follow behind red dog.

And it seems that because it's too obvious, red dog didn't even think that he might be on this ship. After all, there are too many ships with him recently, so he just passed by.

When he learned that red dog had left, Rosen could no longer hold his eyelids, lay on the boat, drift with the current, and then fell asleep.

And this is very dangerous, whether it is the encounter of pirates, or merchant ships, or sea king class, for Rosen at this moment, are very dangerous.

He would rather float on the sea than stay with anyone, because the high reward and the identity of a pirate doomed many people would not let him go.

But even if he is in a coma, once someone wants to move Rosen's body, he will have the final instinct to fight back, but the unconscious counterattack will be one at most.

And even if it's active, it's hard for this fragmented body to recover in a short time.

Naval headquarters.

"Or did klocdal escape? I didn't expect that he had grown to such a stage. Did he get something in alabastan? Did he use any powerful weapons in the battle? " The marshal of the Warring States period frowned as he looked at the red dog, who was in a mess, bloodstained and missing a finger.


Regardless of carelessness or other factors, as a general of the Navy headquarters, even if red dog failed to win klocdal, he was injured.

Although it's not a particularly serious injury, and it doesn't affect the combat effectiveness, the Chase has been widely spread, and klockdale didn't win. They must raise his reward, but then everyone will know that the general of the Navy headquarters lost.

This kind of gaffe is not big or small, just to see if it will cause any bad influence in the future.

"Tell the intelligence department to increase the bounty of klockdale and his subordinates, and let the bounty hunters find their troubles. Now the most important thing for us is to formulate strategies to deal with white beard." The marshal of the Warring States period said to an Adjutant General nearby.

"Yes." Although I really don't want to admit it, the naval headquarters lost the encirclement and suppression naval battle, which is a fact that can't be concealed.

"Add that thunderman to the reward. Besides, they have a beautiful woman on board, who should be the king of scarlet. Update the wanted notice." Red dog said, this time, if not for that loud thunder man to make trouble many times, maybe we could have won klockdale and his party.


Only in such a short period of time, it is rare for the Navy headquarters to raise the reward again. In other words, the Navy headquarters' previous assessment of this is totally wrong!

The next day, the new wanted notice was announced to the world. Everyone knew that a big sea battle had broken out in the waters near the water capital, and the original qiwuhai successfully escaped the joint encirclement and suppression of the hero Kapu and the Navy General red dog.

For a moment, the dawn Pirate Group became famous.

Enilu, a member of the dawn Pirate Group, offered a reward of 480 million Bailey for the first time.

Extremely rare first high reward. As soon as he came out, he had super combat power. At the same time, he was the fruit man of Xianglei. The navy of the two mines suffered heavy losses.

Hathaway, leader of dawn Pirate Group, murderer of world noble, latest reward: 790 million Bailey.

Although the promotion is not much, the reward is enough to match some senior cadres of the four emperors, and the risk is extremely high.