About three minutes later, all the guards in the control room on the HYA were thrown out of the merchant ship, and they didn't even see the enemy.

The two frigates sank one after another, and were left far behind by the HIA. Rosen didn't kill all the enemies who didn't have much hatred for him, just let them pray for their own good on the sea.

"That's it!" Through the glass window of the dining room, hea saw two frigates sinking in the tail of hea. It was unbelievable.

An armed force that let her have no resistance was easily destroyed in this man's hands.

Is this the man with the reward of 900 million? Too strong, if the chamber of Commerce has such a man to cover, who dares to mess in the future?

"Miss, this man is too strong. If he has any other plans for us..." but Alex thinks a little far away.

Although they didn't see it with their own eyes, the man who could sink the two frigates in a few minutes was really not the man they could cooperate with at will.

Cooperation is often based on the situation that the strength gap between the two sides is not big. If the gap is too big, the so-called cooperation is only an alliance formed by the charity of others.

"Blu..." Rosen took the phone bug and was dialing the phone bug on the dawn. He just spent some time looking for the phone bug, otherwise he could solve these enemies faster.

The phone bug rang for a long time, but no one answered, which made Rosen slightly stunned. Could it be that something happened.

I hope I think too much about it. The weather on the great route is too strange. The telephone bug often fails, which is nothing new.

"If your crew has entered the kingdom of Andia, phone bugs may not work. Only fixed location phone bugs can be used on the island." See Rosen frown, hea immediately guessed that it should be temporarily unable to contact the crew.

"What do you say?" Rosen was puzzled. Judging from the superficial information, Andia kingdom was an economic power famous for building fortresses.

How can communication be restricted in a country with strong barriers and prosperous business activities.

You know, timely information is sometimes more valuable than money.

"The national conditions of Andia are slightly different from those rumored outside. As we all know, our kingdom of Andia has 18 fortified fortresses, and its commercial culture is very outstanding. However, in fact, the only ones that are really prosperous and rich are the king, the aristocracy and the four chambers of Commerce." Hea didn't look very good.

Aksu chamber of commerce is also one of the four major chambers of Commerce. However, because his father advocated raising some wages for the workers who built the barriers, Aberdeen found an excuse to alienate the core of the General Chamber of Commerce and was designed to kill him.

"It's normal that the rich always have a small group of people at the top." Rosen was not surprised.

"No, it's not normal. The General Chamber of Commerce and the kings and nobles are sucking up all the people's blood. There are too many people who die in high-intensity work every day. Often, thousands of workers will die when a barrier is built, and this is only because they can't get enough money to buy food, and those of the right age who refuse to participate in the construction, Will violate the first construction law of Andia Kingdom... "Hea's eyes are full of unwilling, and the last pity makes her unable to sit back and watch such things happen.

Rosen frowned. Are the businessmen here so shortsighted? Is it better to develop workers for a long time? In this way, after a batch of workers die, in addition to leaving resentment, how can they promote the economic development of the whole country?

But then Rosen thought it over carefully and understood that the fortress of Andia kingdom was so famous that the world would never lack rich people, but a safe place.

As long as there is a safe place, people from all over the world will flock to it.

The chamber of Commerce blocks news to a certain extent, so that some negative news will not spread too widely. As long as the people who come to settle in the fortress, they will have to participate in labor. In this way, they will harvest batch after batch of working people and enrich their wallets with their flesh and blood.

It's a real vampire.

"What are the origins of the four chambers of Commerce?" Rosen continued.

"The four major chambers of Commerce, in fact, only the General Chamber of Commerce, philomon, which includes Aksu, torom, Naska and Yodel, respectively operates, builds, supplies, arms and trades in people..."

"You really know how to make money. You are involved in all the industries that make money." Rosen said coldly, including some not allowed by law.

"Because the king of Andia only cares about the tax paid every year. As long as the tax is enough, even if the chamber of commerce wants to borrow the army, it's no problem, let alone the crime." Hea also had some opinions about the king who did not act.

"From this point of view, the relationship between the pheromone chamber of Commerce and the underground world is also complicated." As soon as Rosen listens, he can get a rough idea.

"Yes, in addition to the head of the mercenary, the chamber of commerce also has an affair with some other big pirates in the new world and senior officials of the world government." Hea told the truth.

"So you Aksu chamber of commerce are so easy to be sold? Although you are a spy, you don't have any back strength? " This makes Rosen wonder, how can he become one of the four chambers of commerce without any strength?

"In fact, we used to have a relationship with an officer of the world government, but some time ago, he was just killed by you..." hea's tone was a little low, for fear of angering Rosen.

Rosen's face was embarrassed when he heard the speech. Is there such a thing? In this way, Aksu chamber of Commerce has some indirect relations with itself: "who?"

"Commander Eric, we used to offer a certain amount of security money at the annual meeting to get his protection, but since he died, Aksu had no time to find a new backer, so there was a spy. Now Aberdeen only needs the transfer contract in my hand to become the president of Aksu business association."

"But the contract can only be effective if it is handed over under the witness of the General Chamber of Commerce, so there will be frigates escorting us instead of taking us directly, because as long as I destroy the contract, the position of Aberdeen can be shaken, and the General Chamber of Commerce will not admit it."

Hea made the situation very clear.

Rosen listened and analyzed, then pondered for a moment and said, "you're the first one to take the initiative to try to cooperate with me."

Hea told so much, just to reach a certain degree of alliance with her, to help her through the difficulties.

"Then I should be honored." She said with a smile.

Rosen often deals and cooperates with others, but most of them are active, such as passive, or relatively few.

This woman is really playing with fire. If she doesn't obey the rules, she will have nothing. She can even squeeze her value and kill her again. This is really normal.

After all, the real win-win cooperation is that we all have the same strength. If the gap is too great, the risk will be too great.

It's just that Rosen is not that kind of person.

"What do you want? What can you give me? " After Rosen thought about it, the kingdom of Andia was the country he had planned to target. It would be acceptable for someone who could understand this country to become a partner.

"I want to recapture Aksu chamber of Commerce. What I can give you is to support all your activities in Andia Kingdom and in China, no matter what it is!" This is an opportunity. If the opportunity is missed, she will have no chance to turn over. She will only become a lamb to be slaughtered when she goes back to Andia.

Rosen quietly weighed: "it's a smart woman, but it's too smart. Sometimes people will be scared."

Hea guessed his purpose of going to the kingdom of Andia.

"Will you?" Hea's a little unsure.

"No Rosen smiles, reaches out his hand, and hea reaches out her hand at the same time.