"Still worried about your crew? It should be all right. The climate of the great route is unstable. It's nothing if you can't get through the phone for a while. Besides, your crew seems to be not weak. There's no need to worry about it. It's hard to say. If there's an accident, the navy can't not report it. " Hea saw Rosen's concerns.

"So it is." Rosen was also relieved that he was not used to the feeling that the crew was not around, especially when he fled in the naval battle.

However, hearing what hea said, Rosen also thought that there was Hathaway on the ship, which should not be a big problem

As long as we don't meet the red dog, plus Bonis and enilu, we should be able to solve most of the problems.

Rosen does not know that Robin Hathaway and others will bring him a huge accident.

The city of water.

In a tavern, two beautiful women attracted the attention of many outlaws. But when a pirate recognized one of them, he was startled. Then he hurried out of the tavern and did not dare to stay.

Although he is a cruel man in the city of water, he is just a gangster. In the face of a woman whose reward is close to 800 million Bailey, he doesn't even think of it.

Although this woman is beautiful and suffocating, she can't help but want to commit a crime, but the dog's life matters.

"Are you sure you want to do that? I remember you said that it's a very dangerous force. If it gets out of control or is controlled by others, it can bring great disaster. " Hathaway and Robin are drinking. The owner of the tavern looks at them from a distance, and they dare not give out the atmosphere.

Because they won't stay here for a long time, they don't worry about reporting to the Navy. Usually, such reports can't be caught.

"Well, I know, so I hope you can promise me one thing. Although we are not familiar with it, I think you know better than me what war means. If one day, the boss is out of control, or this thing may fall into other people's hands, please do your best to destroy it." Robin said in a deep voice.

"If you are so worried, why do you have to do it?" Hathaway frowned.

"We are too weak. That man's career needs a stronger force, which can be a deterrent force for a long time. Maybe I lost my intelligence. I never thought that it was a good choice to let these things exist in the world before, but some things will appear sooner or later, and nothing can be hidden forever. In this case, it's better to control them in the hands of people we know." This decision, Robin thought for a long time, but also because the red dog brought her too much pressure.

Although she can barely move now, in fact, the injury is still very serious, and the boss in order to save them, finally left alone, which makes her heart difficult to calm down.

But fortunately, judging from the latest offer, he should be safe.

So under the command of Robin, dawn temporarily hid in the water capital. At the beginning, from another direction, it was very likely to be tracked. On the contrary, Robin knew the safety of this kind of blackness under the light.

"I'll try my best. Have you figured out what to do?"

"According to the historical records of this article, there are shipbuilders who protect the design drawings of Pluto in the water capital. This thing will be guarded for generations, just like the sandians on the empty island. According to the municipal records and historical review of the water capital, I have identified several people who may still protect the design drawings of Pluto, but I have a very bad discovery, There is the power of government intelligence on the island. " Robin thought.

"I have observed that with enilu's heart net ability, except for the pigeon raising problem you mentioned, other people will not be our rivals." Hathaway said confidently.

"We can't attract anyone's attention, or even let people know that this thing has fallen into our hands, because this thing is most likely in the hands of one of these people, so we won't be very difficult." Robin's conjecture comes from a more detailed record of major events.

For example, Tom's disciples and iceberg mayor's attitude towards the so-called Frankies, as well as some clues about the past.

In fact, if cp9 didn't focus on the iceberg, it might have noticed Frankie for a long time. Now Robin just found out in advance.

However, if conflicts break out, it is difficult to guarantee the direction of things, because cp9 has strict control over the water capital. After all, they have paid a lot for this task.

Even lobucci, a genius who might have become a top power, almost wasted his potential here. You know, lobucci's talent is amazing, and he is known as the strongest man in the judicial island for 800 years.

However, because of the five-year latent mission, it is not very different from the general strong. If it is not for the overuse of Spandam's talents, it is estimated that Lucci's achievements will be even greater.

It is clear that a super fighter must be arranged as an undercover!

"If the situation is as you said, I will focus on the domineering and stun everyone. We can search slowly, but it's hard to find such things as drawings. Moreover, there should have been such ships built in ancient times. You should know the sleeping position. Why don't you directly find the ready-made ones?" Hathaway asked with doubts.

From Robin's various attitudes and reactions, she obviously knew more than that.

And since there are historical records in this paper, she should also know that the ancient weapons that used to sleep are right. The ready-made ones, at least there will be clues,

"Because it's near here, there are new ones. Why don't we use new ones? And I doubt that the world government knows the sleeping place, even if it's controlled by them. But they don't have a design plan, so they are not satisfied with the existing ones. Although it's a guess, no matter how you look at it, it's better to have a good hand. As for finding things, let me do it, You know more about torture than I do. It shouldn't be difficult to pry open a person's mouth... "Robin smiles.

"He won't be angry."

"Ah, you won't be afraid of our boss." Robin was a bit surprised.

"I'm worried about you. Don't forget, don't answer the phone. But you made a decision. Some people who don't know the situation thought you were trying to take the position of captain." Hathaway said quietly.

"I just don't want him to worry too much, and we can do it, right? He will also wait for us in Andia. When we succeed, we will tell him. It's a surprise for him. For a time, it took him a long time and cost to find this thing. " Robin closed his mouth and chuckled. Fate is so changeable. He used to want it desperately, but he didn't tell him at all.

Now he doesn't want to. Instead, he wants to find him as much as he can. He's afraid of being rejected and refuses to call.

"Then get ready to act."

"I'm going to inform Aini road. Although I can't fight yet, it doesn't affect the use of seeing, hearing and lust." Hathaway gets up.

Rosen didn't know that the phone bug couldn't get through because Robin wanted to surprise himself. He didn't expect that ancient weapons might come out in advance.

If it can be concealed, Rosen is not indifferent to Pluto. After all, it is a warship, and it is not unacceptable to upgrade the dawn.

After all, they have become the focus of the world government. Even red dogs are sent out to chase them. Rosen has nothing to worry about.

In the past, I was afraid to enter the liquidation target of the world government ahead of time, but now the two most powerful men have directly targeted themselves, and it is no longer necessary to look forward and backward.