"It's really unlucky. I'll try my best to fight less." A fierce looking pirate approached Rosen tentatively.

He didn't want to capsize in the gutter. He walked around Rosen, looking for a good angle. From his sleeve, he slipped out a pair of iron claws, which he wore on his hands.

The other three were more direct. They were confident that their swords would be able to clean up the bodyguard who didn't look very tall in front of them.

It is perfectly normal for bodyguards to carry weapons, because no one is absolutely trustworthy at this banquet, and all bodyguards carry weapons.

"Up The iron clawed pirate grabbed Rosen's neck, because he knew his master wanted death, not to take off the mask. Taking off the mask was just an excuse.

KITT's eyes were fixed on him with a sneer. He wanted to cut off Shia's dependence on force first, and let her lose her dependence, so he was flustered and despairing. In the wolves, without force dependence, she was no different from a sheep.

"It's bad luck, but it's not me." Rosen stretched out a finger without even covering his domineering spirit. The hardness of the gun alone blocked the iron claw. Then, before other people attacked him, he pointed out the gun again.

Poof! The strength of the gun is transmitted from the chest to the back. There is a blood hole, which is transparent from front to back. The iron clawed pirate was stunned for a long time, and then looked down at his chest. How can this be possible?!

When you block your attack, it turns into an attack.

"Iron." Rosen looked at the other blades, his body slightly bulging, no Dodge, some people subconsciously closed their eyes.

Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clan?

Some of the people with outstanding strength on the scene were also serious. Some recognized that this was the six styles of the Navy, but they were too skillful in using them.

"No..." Peng Peng! These attackers, all can't bear the fierce kick of Rosen, after a blow, they can't get up again.

Rosen was a little distressed. He wanted to show some strength and planned to solve them slowly.

It's a good way to reduce the trouble for the upper level of Xiya later, but I didn't expect that I just showed my body skill, and these pirates couldn't even carry on a move.

The solution is too fast to be clear. In case some people want to find trouble by chance, it's a waste of time.

"Is this a bodyguard? The one who was just killed is blood arm crow. Where did Shia find such a strong bodyguard? " Someone recognized the pirate who was killed at one point.

That's a very famous pirate in this sea area. When he was recruited by kit, he caused a stir. Now he can't even make it?

"Bang!" The sound of gunfire made the whole dining room a little nervous. Many celebrities' bodyguards jumped down from the upstairs room to protect their masters.

It was KITT who shot. His decision was very decisive. When the guard rushed up and the first person was put down, he decisively took out his pistol and fired at Rosen.

"The stone bullet?" Rosen is holding a new bullet in his hand. He smiles and looks at KITT. KITT is stunned. Is it OK?

In principle, he has been very cautious, he is worried that Rosen is capable, so in order to kill, he used a pistol.

"How wild. The bodyguard. " In this world, people have a blind worship and yearning for powerful people.

"Colson, don't let KITT die. If the president changes frequently, it will seriously affect the income. Recently, one has died and another has changed. If the chaos continues, it won't be the same." Raymond reminded me a little.

"No problem." Colson nodded lazily.

"I'll wring your head off with my own hands!" Kit saw Rosen staring at him, not afraid, but more angry, he roared, his upper body clothes burst, gentle image destroyed, because he became a toad.

He has a lot of protruding pimples on his back, his mouth becomes bigger, and thick liquid is secreted from his body surface. All these are severe pain.

Because this ability is particularly ugly, so KITT basically did not exercise, at that time just bet on this unknown devil fruit.

But such ugly animal fruit, only in the case of crisis and extreme anger, kit will use.

"It's disgusting. President KITT is such a disgusting capable person. I was with him last night..."

"Are you capable of animal science? It's so ugly. It's rare. "

KITT's ability caused some bad reactions. Even Rosen frowned. He didn't want to contact people with this ability directly.

One of them is disgusting in appearance, the other is disgusting in ability.

"Peng!" The ground crumbled, kit jumped up, the bounce is very outstanding, between a jump, unexpectedly already came to Rosen's head.

Then in mid air, the long tongue wrapped in venom hit Rosen. Rosen dodged and then attacked: "point gun. Torrent!"

Whoosh, whoosh! One by one, the air waves blasted by the accused gun rushed to KITT in mid air.

Pengpeng! The air gun blasted KITT, pushed him down again, and then with a loud bang, his huge and fat body hit the ceiling.

Rosen raised a sharp blade with his feet and crumpled it with his hands. Looking at KITT who hit the ceiling, he was about to solve it.

After all, kit is just a businessman. For ordinary people, his guards and his own strength are very good.

But for Rosen, that's all.

"Let's call it a day." Colson suddenly stood in front of Rosen and said to them.

"Familiar voice, what captain, right? However, the bow did not turn back." Rosen smiles calmly, then kicks Colson with his long legs.

Colson's face was slightly frozen, and he put up his arm to defend himself. But Peng's voice sent him back a few steps. Then Rosen's hand swung, and the fragments in his hand exploded away like bullets.

KITT didn't have time to dodge in mid air, and there was no place to dodge. Suddenly, the sound of countless blades penetrating the body rang out, and the sound of hissing accompanied with blood flowing down.

KITT screamed in mid air, and the ceiling behind him was directly pierced. His huge body suddenly became full of holes, and then fell to the ground from the air and became human.

There was silence all around.

Many celebrities who had planned to watch a good play were suddenly stunned. Is the president of torom chamber of commerce so frustrated? No, the bodyguard is too overbearing and unreasonable. Even the mediation of the association is ignored.

How arrogant!

"My man, I should have said that's it." Raymond stood up from his seat with a sullen face. He didn't look good. If kit died, many things and profits of the pheromone chamber of Commerce would be delayed.

In the final analysis, he is still a reliable supporter of the four major chambers of Commerce. If a president is really killed and he does nothing, he will be criticized and even arouse the dissent of other chambers of Commerce.

"This..." not far away, looking at what happened between lightning and fire, Aberdeen was also a little more alert. Although his armed forces were much stronger than kit, the bodyguard brought by HIA was really very important.

"How do I know what you said is true? Maybe you have killed my relatives and friends. I won't transfer the contract until I see my friends. It's a big deal." But hea focused most of his attention on Aberdeen.

Others don't know, but she knows that this so-called bodyguard is not her real bodyguard at all, but a criminal with a reward of 900 million. However, she was deeply shocked that KITT was abandoned so easily.

How strong is he?! Bottomless?