"Do it!" Xiya is very decisive, at the same time the ability to launch, in front of her, there are more than ten Guanghua rise.

She clenched her teeth, extreme power, the brilliance into a white moment, although only for a moment, but enough for Rosen.

Aberdeen and the seven or eight pirates who were escorting HIA's friends were stunned. They were full of negative emotions such as vigilance and intention to kill. They were cleaned up and wiped away by HIA in a moment, and entered a period of less than a second.

Rosen was like thunder in an instant. A razor and thunder shadow flashed behind the group of people. Then, with a wave of gunfire, he shot and killed these powerful pirates.

Pooh... Blood splashes. In a flash, Denley reacts and immediately approaches and protects Aberdeen. Rosen doesn't continue to pursue. His goal is to save these people. That's enough.

The rest, take your time.

"Aksu chamber of Commerce will clean up the internal affairs. Please don't get involved in the business." In order to prevent being attacked by the crowd, hea said immediately after Rosen got it.

The guards had to subconsciously stop the killing when they saw it, but now they were convinced that they belonged to the internal affairs of Aksu chamber of Commerce. They were stunned and looked at Raymond, waiting for the order.

And many of them have to admire the courage of Xiya and the action of the bodyguard. One dares to say and the other dares to do.

"What's the matter?" Raymond looked at the newly cleaned dining room, which was red with blood, and he was in a bad mood, because he saw that it was Shia and Shia again.

"Shia!" Aberdeen's face was full of anger. Since HIA had appointed someone to attack her, it showed her attitude. She would never transfer the contract to herself.

"President Raymond, as a legitimate member of Aksu chamber of Commerce, attacked my vice president. It's reasonable that I can't wait to die. In this case, if I mistakenly killed the successor who lost his heart, it's reasonable for me to be the president of Aksu chamber of Commerce." Although Aberdeen was angry, he had something to confirm before that.

"According to the rules of the chamber of Commerce, even the president is not allowed to harm the members of the association innocently, so if she moves her hand first, you can fight back openly. If you win, you will be the first in line successor, but in the end, the major chambers of commerce need to vote!" When Raymond heard the inquiry, he explained the rule to the public.

"Ha ha, that's enough. It's a pity, Miss hea. Originally, you wanted to keep you, but you'd try your best to play these tricks. Even if you saved all the people back, what can you do? Now it's not just giving me a chance to be aboveboard. As long as you die here, there will be no more voices of opposition. Denley, kill them all!" Aberdeen got Raymond's accurate reply, showing his face and never hiding his emotions.

He is different from KITT. He brings all the combat power he can use in case of emergency. KITT just brings the conventional power.

"It seems that the meeting tonight will not be able to be held, but it was originally about the appointment of the new president. In this case, let them decide the outcome by themselves." Raymond said calmly that the changes tonight were almost expected.

Including HIA's counterattack.

The only exception is the bodyguard.

"No one who gets in the way will be pardoned!" De enri drew out two swords, and the atmosphere became fierce.

At the command of Aberdeen, more than 100 soldiers under the leadership of de enri killed hea. Alex, the old housekeeper, also drew out a long knife.

One knife knocked over the two mercenaries who rushed to the front.

"You stay here and don't move." Rosen walked towards the battlefield. Although HIA and Alex had some strength, these soldiers judged from their breath that they were good at blocking hundreds.

"Go to hell." A mercenary with a height of more than three meters kicked him violently. He is a long legged people. He has two leg joints. His strength spurts along the joints and hits Rosen's arm. Rosen can feel the strength.

"Haze feet." Rosen raised his long leg and cut out the gas blade. When the gas blade burst out, the mercenary turned and dodged, but was knocked unconscious by Rosen.

Although the strength is a little bit, but also just can walk two or three moves of the role.

"It's not used to fighting without sand, but you can also take the opportunity to hone your body skills and upgrade your body skills to advanced level as soon as possible. Only in this way can you be regarded as a real full level general, although there are only two." Rosen thought.

"Er Dao Liu, flying flower chop!" The two swords fight each other. There is a flower like air pouring towards Rosen. Rosen's face is calm. This attack is really not weak. It has the general medium level combat power.

In other words, barely touched the threshold qualification of the lowest level of qiwuhai.

No wonder Aberdeen is fearless and has such a strong fighting power. Except for Raymond, the chamber of Commerce and individual force, few people will be his opponents.

But for Rosen now, that is to spend more time to solve it, which is not enough to bring him much threat.

"Armed. Pointed gun. Torrent!" Covered with armed color, the domineering finger gun fired into a dense shadow, which broke the knife air attack of Denley.

"A knife flow, vine cut!" Denley's face was heavy. He didn't care much about Rosen before, but Rosen easily broke his knife Qi, which made him alert instantly.

A knife vertically splits down, and a knife Qi condenses. This knife Qi is not a conventional arc moon shape, but an irregular shape like a vine. It distorts and attacks Rosen, and there is no track to predict.

"The mystery of the six moves. The shock of the empty fist!" With a powerful punch, Rosen blasted out of the air. Under the huge pressure, the whole air condensed rapidly, and then was pushed out by his fist, and the void roared.

The vine's sword Qi was torn to pieces, and the air gun blows at de enri indiscriminately. He crossed his double knives in front of him, his clothes were broken, his skin was cracked, and the wall behind him was even more loud, which turned into smashing directly.

"No way! Deenley, you are the right man of the army leader. How can you not even be the bodyguard of the lost dog? " Seeing this, Aberdeen was shocked. The battle just started. It was totally different from what he thought.

"Sorry, the enemy is very strong, but I will try my best!" De enri's eyes became colder and colder. When he heard the name of the soldier leader, he had no reason to step back, even to die.

"This building won't be damaged. It's a high-rise building. In case..." some celebrities began to worry. Although they enjoyed the excitement, it was not worth it if they were affected.

"It's really strong!" Colson looked at Rosen, his eyes full of war.

"Strange, it's really him. What's he doing in the kingdom of Andia? Oh, by the way... Revenge, according to his character in the wine city, he can't be indifferent to being offered a reward by the enemy. Maybe one day he will have the strength to overturn the Navy headquarters... "Morris recognized Rosen, although Rosen has no ability.

But really start, that kind of breath is not completely hidden.

"Do you know the bodyguard in the mask?" Raymond was a little bit surprised.

Out of respect for the strength of Morris, he has always been throwing an olive branch at Morris. If Morris is willing to work for him and become his subordinates, no matter what he does in the future, he will become more powerful.

"I know him, but I really think he is an enemy. I'll settle with him when he's done." Morris likes to go solo.

"Who is he?" Raymond is very curious. He is still alive after having a grudge with Morris, and from the strength he just showed, he is already very strong, not weaker than Colson around him.

"If you have any ideas about him, you'd better give up. He is not the kind of person who will yield to power..."

"It seems that Lord Morris thinks highly of him." Raymond was a little surprised and dignified. He knew Morris well. Even Colson never got such a high evaluation from Morris.

This masked man is really so strong?! And it's hard to use for yourself?