Valos barrier, also known as No.13 barrier, is a bay city facing Southeast. It is rich in fishing products. Fishing boats of different sizes can be seen on the wharf. Many Hercules carry the fishing products to the carriage.

"Hurry up, these are all the favorite foods of Prince valos. Choose the best and freshest and send them to the Duke's mansion immediately. If you neglect, be careful of your dog's life." On the wharf, there were noble guards supervising, and a small head was waving a long whip of iron thorns, which hit the ground and made a string of sparks and sound bursts.

Behind the pier, there is a tall wall that looks gray and silver. The wall is more than 30 meters high by visual inspection. There are sentinels standing guard on it. Under the wall, there is a row of two-story fortresses.

Cannons are installed on the walls and fortresses. The whole city looks very strict, but obviously, these are not for war, but for supervising the City builders who are responsible for strengthening and renovating the walls up and down the walls.

Looking around, the city walls spread endlessly, and the City builders, like ants perched on giant animals, were sweating. Under the hot sun, everyone worked hard and complained. From time to time, the foreman in charge of the supervision could hear the curse.

"It's much more lively than I thought." Rosen looked at the dock, where many fishing boats were docked, and the merchant ships and refugee ships that came to Andia kingdom from various places. There were a lot of people.

At this time, a group of refugees passed by Rosen Robinson and others, and their tone was full of excitement and yearning: "wife, great, great, we have finally reached the kingdom of Andia. It is said that this is the safest country. Now we don't have to suffer from war any more."

A middle-aged man, a family of five, two boys and a girl, are not young. They all look like seventeen or eighteen years old, but they all look very thin, malnourished, mentally ill and tired. I don't know which country they escaped from.

"Hum, filthy lower class, don't stand in the way of the count. Drive them away for me. Really, it's better to be a king. There are a lot of filthy beggars here." A thin, pale noble man looked at the constant influx of civilians and refugees into the valos barrier.

As his words fell, two groups of dozens of escorts followed by him automatically opened the way ahead, and the refugees who heard the voice quickly gave way to the civilians.

It is obvious that the visitors are the powerful people in Andia Kingdom, and they are not provoked by ordinary people.

Rosen also retreated to one side, silently watching, from Wang Du? Listen to the tone. I seldom came before.

At this time, it seems that the propaganda during this period played a role and aroused some suspicions of the king, so did you send this man to investigate the situation?

"All those who enter the city will pay 2 million Bailey per person according to the population. Those who do not pay can go to the city defense department to register first, and they can earn enough money by working." When the nobles enter the city, it is not so easy for the rest of the people to enter the city.

"2 million Bailey, why do you charge for going to town? The captain who sent us here didn't say that, and it's so expensive! " The man of a family of five suddenly became confused.

2 million Bailey is not too much for pirates or businessmen. For ordinary families, it doesn't mean they can't take it out. But if one person wants 2 million Bailey, five of them will need 10 million!

It's a sum that they didn't have to sell. As soon as the captain of the guard said this, he immediately aroused many people's dissatisfaction and repercussions.

On the contrary, some businessmen and rich people, after paying money, happily went into the city and looked back at the ordinary people who were rejected.

"Bang!" Seeing that the atmosphere of discussion became more and more intense, the captain of the guard felt that it was almost the same. He took out his pistol and shot into the sky.

Then he said coldly, "what's the noise? Don't we, the Duke, spend a lot of money to build such a big barrier? And if you have no money, if you work, you will have money. If you break in, you will be killed. "

WOW! Blockhouses, walls, gates, more than a hundred heavily armed soldiers raised their long guns and pointed at everyone. The scene was quiet.

Seeing this, the guard captain gave a cold smile, and everything was under control: "those who don't want to stay can go. Those who want to stay have a registration office over there. As long as they register and sign the contract, they can temporarily enter into the life outside the city."

"Will you be able to enter the city after signing it?" Some people can't help asking, many of them are desperate.

Of course, some of them are unwilling to go back like this. After all, they have spent almost all their wealth when they came here.

"Of course, but if you want to intruder and have a good look at the corpses hanging on the wall, that's the end. Don't think you can invade tiebiwalos casually. Outside the city is the sea, behind it are the other three sides of the fierce animal forest. If you don't want to live, you can try it." The captain of the guard pointed to the ten meter high wall where several bodies were hanging.

In fact, many people have seen the corpse for a long time, but in this world, it is not worth mentioning to see a few corpses, and no one cares.

From the mouth of the captain of the guard, we know that these should be criminals who do not want to pay and break into the city without authorization.

"I'll sign it." It's not about killing people. It's just about signing a contract. For most people, it might be a good choice.

"What about the child?"

"Children charge 1 million Bailey. They won't work. They will be borne by competent workers and earn enough money to enter the city. You will be free in the city." The captain of the guard replied.

Rosen silently watched all this, and also watched many people line up to sign the so-called contract at a registration place next to the gate.

"President of Aksu chamber of Commerce?! Please The captain of the guard saw the people in the middle of the crowd. Although their faces were still cold, their tone was more relaxed and their attitude was different.

Because the Aksu chamber of commerce is a giant in the construction industry, and there are many workers below. They are celebrities in Andia Kingdom, and not a captain of his guard can offend them.

"Will all these people be registered in the name of Aksu chamber of Commerce?" Rosen and others went into the city free of charge. As soon as they went into the city, Rosen saw the dirty and poor gathering place and tent place.

The outer city is the gathering place of construction workers, the inner city is the people who really live in the barrier, and the high city is the noble area, which is divided into three classes of people in Andia kingdom.

This is the most basic ruling structure of the kingdom of Andia.

"It's under the name of Aksu chamber of Commerce, but in fact, our Aksu chamber of commerce is more about workers who provide construction drawings and maintain part of the fortress. From joining the pheromone chamber of Commerce, many decision-making matters are not our only thing. At present, our Aksu chamber of Commerce has only the right to suggest and supervise, and has no absolute right of governance, especially after my father's death, The distribution of rights is basically fixed. Even if I want to recycle it, it's not so easy. " Hea's face was not pretty, because she knew very well what the fate of these people would be.

"What will happen to them?" Robin thought, judging from the situation just now, if the work can be paid back, it's a good choice. At least within the barrier, it won't be attacked by pirates and the like.

"Look at them." Hea's eyes swept over the outer city.

After hearing this, Rosen and others paid close attention to the beggars. There are many beggars, and they are really disabled and sick. Some nobles and rich people occasionally give away a little money.

In addition to beggars, Rosen also saw many signs that said sell their children and sell themselves. Every time he walked, Rosen and others' faces became heavier and heavier. He saw many overworked City builders dying.

From time to time, some bodies can be seen being carried away.

starving people fill the land? Rosen doesn't know whether to count or not, but Rosen can already see the future of the group of people entering the city just now.

"This adult, you buy my son, he is only 7 years old, I can't live, please, who will buy him, give his mother some medicine money that can survive, please... Cough..." a young, but already old man kowtows to every passer-by.

Beside him, there was a woman who was terminally ill, and a skinny little boy.