No ruler has ever publicly issued a similar declaration, at least not in the history of the kingdom of Andia.

In addition to the nobility, few people in power would invite civilians as spectators, more just a kind of transmission, and the participants were all powerful people in the past.

Therefore, not to mention the speech that goes deep into the hearts of the people, even ordinary words are doomed to be a different sovereignty declaration conference.

When HIA announced the new treatment of the refugees, all the refugees had been completely boiling: "is it true or not?"?! Can we have the same treatment? Pay doubled, working hours reduced? "

"Don't be happy too soon. It's a noble trick to be careful."

"Trick what? We have revealed that if we were the former Duke of valos, all of us would have been executed. I think Princess hea is different from others. " The refugees have begun to waver.

"More than that, I, alexia, solemnly swear that you will enjoy all the rights of the people, land rights, farming rights, fishing rights. As long as I live, these new laws will be fully implemented." Hea raised his right hand solemnly.

"Land rights, farming rights, fishing rights, if they can be guaranteed, I am willing to serve Princess hea."

"I'm willing to. I don't need any rights. I just need doctors from the inner city to come to the outer city to treat my son. I'm willing to build a city for valos barrier all my life until I die without regret."

"I would, too."

"What are you planning?" Spurs still doesn't believe it. He glares at Rosen. Rosen lets him go, because he has no firm idea of resisting any more.

"Do you know Princess hea?" Instead of answering his question, Rosen asked in reverse.

Spocks frowned. Although the old president of Aksu chamber of Commerce was good, the new president grew up under the education of the old president, but they knew nothing about his heart.

"I don't understand." Sparks thought about it and shook his head.

"Then why are you so decisive? Princess hea will be like other nobles. You can't deny the beginning of change because it has always been so. If so, those who follow you are really unlucky." Rosen sneered.

"If you want to kill it, kill it. Cut the crap." Spurs has no idea of resisting. No matter it's true or tricky, now as long as he dies, the City builders who have been gathering together in recent years will return to a mess.

So even if the nobles enslave them again, what can they do?

"I won't kill you, they need you, in case one day, our way goes wrong, at that time, I hope you insist on such courage, don't let me down." Rosen doesn't have to kill him, because the heart is what he wants.

It is superfluous to kill sparks. After all, he occupies a large position in the hearts of the refugees. It is not enough to subvert a country with the strength on hand.

Since there is such a large number of refugees and such instability, this is Rosen's new army. Rosen believes that once these people get land, they have equal rights.

They will not be destroyed by the king's Crusade army. They will fight back and defend this hard won thing, which will soon be effective,

Of course, the premise is that everything HYA said can be put into place.

"The treatment of City builders is being implemented today. The land in the barrier is not enough to be allocated, and the forest and wasteland outside will also be allocated to you. At the same time, medical resources are universal. If any doctor refuses to give medical treatment, he can report to Princess mansion. At present, if there is no money for medical treatment, Princess mansion is responsible for everything. Ordinary residents can no longer discriminate against refugees. After all, from today on, You have only one identity, that is, citizens, nobles, abolish all privileges of homicide and other aspects, nobles with too much crime, mete out punishment according to the new law, original nobles who are clean, retain property, and are citizens, the rest of them can not attack and hate the original nobles... "The overall situation has been decided, and hea has announced in detail the arrangements for future citizens.

Subsequently, a large number of the once heinous nobles fell to the ground, which made the refugees more firm the authenticity of the new law, because the ruling power would not be unshakable if there were no nobles nestling together.

In other words, she is serious. After all, acting can't really let the actors die.

"What do you mean?" Sparks looked at Rosen who left. He was stunned. Did he let himself go? What's going on? Is he wrong?

No, I'm right. It's just that happiness comes too soon, and he doesn't know anything about the new princess HIA. Maybe if he had known something earlier, wouldn't there be such a farcical uprising?

After two hours, the assembly was dissolved. The inner city and the high city did not deploy a large number of troops. More forces were concentrated on the outer city wall, and the guard was even stricter.

The refugees gather in the outer city. Although nominally, they are free to enter and leave the inner city, they are more familiar with the outer city and feel more secure.

"Brother sparks, didn't that guard poison you?" It's surprising that sparks is still alive.

But more people, but it is low head, they did not give up their lives to persist in the end, feel very sorry for sparcus.

"No, how is it now?"

"Brother, I'm sorry, I know that the nobles have always been bad to us, and I don't know if I'm confused. However, they just sent doctors to set up a medical center in the outer city to treat everyone for free. Wenzhi's condition has stabilized, so I think..." Wenzhi is his child.

"Me, too. They've brought food to my wife and children, and they've opened food delivery centers. I want to live." Said another refugee.

"Don't apologize. If everyone's life is getting better, we don't have to waste our lives. Maybe not all nobles are bad..." sparks was silent. Words can deceive people, but actions can't.

Even if it's cheating, it's true if it continues.

"I also read the new law of the notice office. It's totally different from the existing evil policies of Andia kingdom. Princess HIA, even if she is a royal family, is probably not the same. They have set up corresponding law enforcement agencies. I want to have a try to see whether it is real or just a false name." The old man said calmly that he was once a political figure of a country, but because the country was broken, he fled here and became a city builder, and then he met with sparks, which caused the disturbance.

"It seems that I have to go back and continue to move bricks. After all, I can do nothing but this." But sparks suddenly laughed, as if, all of a sudden, everyone had a goal, no longer full of despair.

So sparks is very happy, although failed, but perhaps should be thankful, fortunately, failed, because all of them survived, and see tomorrow, and is a different tomorrow.

"Captain." When she looks at Rosen, who is enjoying his meal peacefully, her inner worship can't be stopped. Is everything as expected? Is the new law great? It seems that this is not enough to express the excitement of hea's heart at the moment.

It's stronger than she was when she was the leader of the barrier.

"Alice, would you please leave the dishes off my plate?" Rosen frowned, but Alice turned out to be a woman who was not afraid of boiling water. At least, she was cold on the surface, but after a long time, she found that this woman had some rogue potential.

Rosen even suspected that Natalie's fearless character was inherited from her.

"What's the matter with your order? I've brought so many soldiers all the way to you, and you haven't invited me to dinner. " Alice frowned. It's not easy to create opportunities. This man is too hard to handle.

"I'm the Regent."

"I've served all the Queen's dishes."

"Come on, what do you want to do?"

"Go to sleep."


HIA:??? Wait, isn't the amount of information a little big? Did you just miss a wonderful moment? No, I was talking about eating.