The royal family's Yan Ke hall was silent. Just a moment later, the two Marquises were golden and deprived of their lives, but no one was willing to get justice for the two unfortunate ghosts.

Obviously, it's not cost-effective and irrational for the two dead people to have a bad relationship with the golden emperor tezorro. Even in private, some nobles have begun to join hands to annex the territory of the two unfortunate ghosts.

Normally, it would be redistributed by the king or inherited by his lineal descendants. But now many nobles believe that the king has no spare power. Many princes and nobles know that the rebellion based on the wallos barrier can not be solved in one day.

I'm afraid the king can't even get a good sleep, but the heirs are better.

"Tell me what you came for, king of Andia." Tezorro walked slowly and sat alone beside the king.

"I've heard that klocdal once appeared in paradise. Is that true?" The king didn't believe the information of ordinary people, but he knew that if klockdale really appeared, as the major shareholder of the paradise, tezolo would know the accurate information.

"It's true."

"Then I'm willing to use the iron industry barrier and one third of the share of entertainment facilities in the country to ask tezollo to kill or capture kroddar alive. What do you think?" The king said plainly.

"It seems that there are a lot of people who want his life. The chips offered by each one are very exciting. However, I recently made a deal with him, which is my big customer. Is the chips a little lower... I want two barriers and half of the entertainment city." Tezolo grinned.

Although Kroc has made a large deal with his gold firm, it is still another matter whether there will be a gold deal in the future. At present, the price offered by the warlord and the king of Andia is extremely high.

If the interest is big enough, tezolo has no reason to refuse.

Hearing tezorro's offer without any discussion tone, the king's face was slightly ugly, but now he was upset because of domestic affairs, and his anger and hatred could not be vented, so he could not wait to see his enemy's bad luck.

In addition to the recent instability of the nobility, the king felt it necessary to set an example to others and select two less obedient aristocratic territories to grant to taizolo.

In this way, he believes that by using tezolo's means, he can easily wipe out these unstable elements for himself.

But the only problem is that the land has been sent out, that is, it has been sent out. If we want to get it back in the future, I'm afraid we need to pay more value.

But as long as we can kill the enemy and continue to suppress other ideas of other nobles, these are the sacrifices we need to sacrifice at present.

As for half of the entertainment facilities, it doesn't matter. Although it can also bring huge profits to the king, without this part of the profits, it can be obtained from other people, and his loss will not be great.

"Deal." The king gritted his teeth and agreed to tezolo's terms.

"It's not that I don't want to meet you, it's that you're not lucky, krocdal." Tezorro laughed ferociously.

After the banquet, tezorro began to command the power of paradise to search for traces of Rosen and others.

And just as the king did something, some things in the kingdom of Andia began to ferment these days.

Iron barriers.

Outside the city, make the city.

"Have you all heard? It is said that after the independence of wallos barrier, it not only resisted the attack of the king's Crusade army, but also the life of the City builders seems to have been greatly improved. " A city maker whispered to his companions, yearning for it.

"It should be true that the working hours have been reduced a lot, the remuneration has been increased several times, and food will be distributed and people will be treated. There is no distinction between nobles and refugees. What's the name now?"

"Citizen, citizen. Last time an officer of the city defense army was drunk, it seems to say so. If it is true, then their life is too happy." Some people said enviously, but under this kind of envy, there is also anger and resistance to the present life.

"Your news is too backward. I heard that each of them now has his own land and all the rights."

"No, it's so good, and there's land?! What is the valos barrier? "

"Heaven, in addition to heaven, where there will be such an ideal place."

"Don't think about it. It's said that when the city was built today, some people wanted to escape to valos barrier and were killed alive by the nobles. Let's do our work honestly." Someone sighed.

"Why?! We are working hard to build a city, not to mention the land, even food is not enough, so many people die of starvation every day, why do we have to be oppressed all the time? " Suddenly someone said with resentment.

"What else? The city defense forces are all equipped, and we are unarmed. How can we fight them and disobey them? What can we do except to die for nothing? "

"Well, it's the same. I hope Princess hea can call here one day."

"If it's a weapon, maybe I can get it through some channels!"


Similar to this situation, not only the iron city, in many aristocrats do not care, do not pay attention to the situation, some things are moving towards uncontrollable development.

"There seems to be some inappropriate remarks among the refugees in the outer city recently. I don't know if you have heard of them." Raymond and Colson are standing on the wall of iron city and inspecting, and suddenly they say to Colson.

"What's the matter?" Colson didn't know what Raymond meant. He never paid much attention to the situation of refugees.

"Some refugees who believe in Princess hea have been born. At first glance, their equality law is as insignificant as a joke, but after careful consideration, it is full of attraction. What they want to do is not to sit on the throne. What they are doing is to subvert the ruling idea and the world. This is too big a threat to us to tolerate them any more, Take some people with you tonight and pull out the cadres of krocdal. Don't take it lightly. After all, they are women with a reward of nearly 800 million. " Raymond said suddenly and coldly.

If it is only aimed at the king, Raymond can quietly wait for the opportunity, but if it is to change the whole social class, this idea seriously threatens Raymond, the noble and privileged people. It's just that he is the only one who can understand.

"I understand."

"What about the king's recent assassination of Princess hea?"

"It should be true, our Lord King. He is too angry to be wise. Hatred is really a poison. In such a short time, several nobles have been assassinated one after another. Is this a warning to us?" Raymond did not expect that the subsequent events behind the assassination were dominated by Rosen.

"The count of Florence has assembled his soldiers at the barrier and will keep pace with us all the time." Colson said suddenly.

"Don't worry, there will be other nobles to be the first bird. First, strengthen the defense of the castle. If we kill kroddar's subordinates, I'm afraid he won't give up, but his thought is too dangerous! It can't be tolerated. " Raymond shook his head.

"Don't worry. There are many ways to kill a man."

Valos barrier.

"It is reported that the Second Crusade army of the king has approached the valos barrier, with more than 200000 people." A soldier rushed in and reported.

Hea listened and frowned: "how could there be 200000 troops! Don't they worry about the safety of the barrier and rush out? "