"Sorry, I didn't notice it in time." Enilu turns into a flash of lightning and falls on the gloomy looking Rosen, who is carrying Robin and Natalie.

Bonis soared into the air. Although he also suffered some impact, with his iron man attribute, this impact did no harm. As for mr.5, it is estimated that he is enjoying the big bang.

Hathaway looks after Valentine's day, Miggs and others.

After the explosion, they were not hurt. Although the explosion was powerful and the scope was very wide, their information was overwhelming at the critical moment, which made them react in an instant and take corresponding measures.

The whole inner city became a sea of purgatory and fire. Although the people who died were all the people of the king's capital, most of the civilians were innocent.

"I don't blame you. As a royal family, it's impossible to have no means. I just didn't expect that the whole inner city underground is almost full of explosives, and it seems to be buried very deep and hidden." Such as explosives, if you hide them deep, you can't feel the color.

"Insanity." Robin's face is not good-looking, after all, thousands of lives disappeared in front of his eyes, and in this way, it is enough to show that their war is completely right.

This is a ferocious tyrant, now in addition to his own life, any life in his eyes, as does not exist.

"Keep going." After crossing the sea of fire, they soon came to the high city with the closed gate. Although there were less than ten people, they caused a great sensation to the enemy camp. In that kind of explosion, they survived?

None of them died. How could that be?!

"The enemy is not dead, they have already killed Gao Cheng!"

"No, no way!" The king looks pale and unbelievable. It's the power to kill the general. Although it's hard to move and the launching environment is limited, its power is real.

In history, there was an outbreak that seriously injured a general who defected from the Navy headquarters and came to provoke the kingdom of Andia.

Are people stronger? How is that possible?

In fact, the explosion power is very strong. If it is hit from the front, unless it is natural, it is difficult for ordinary flesh and blood to resist such a strong explosion.

However, it's a pity that Rosen's team, together with his own team, has two strong players. No matter how strong the attack is, as long as it's not hit, it's meaningless.

Just like now.

"It's not that easy, but no one died." Raymond was also surprised. It's possible that Croker could escape such an explosion.

But none of his men died, which gave Raymond a little bad feeling.

It seems that there are more than one or two people in the dawn Pirate Group.

"As long as we hold Gaocheng, it's not so easy for them to break in and consume their strength first. In case they come in, we'll have a chance to win even if we wait for work with ease. At the same time, it's hard to say who will kill who will set traps." Raymond remained calm.

They also have the means to protect themselves. If they operate well, maybe the enemy will be beheaded. That way, he will be relaxed.

But at this moment, Rosen's voice came: "king of Andia, don't you want to avenge your useless son? Now I'm here. I remember when he died, he always begged me to let him go. Don't you ask for forgiveness, ha ha... "

The king was stunned for a moment, and then his whole face twisted, just like an angry devil on his upper body. Bastard, it's klockdale. It's klockdale, isn't it HYA's assassin?!

Damn it, just a pirate, did not evade their own search, but also dare to show up in front of their own provocation, unforgivable, intolerable, must die! one

The king was no longer in a panic. At first, he thought that it was the army of hiah. Now, it is likely that these pirates are taking advantage of the fire.

To this day, the king still does not know that the black hand behind hea is Rosen. When Raymond hears this provocation, he is not happy. He does not think that Crocker is good. How can he start to provoke the king?

"Open the gate, the police station has elite, kill them all, kill them all, kill them all, if they don't die, you will die." The king roared at more than 3000 elites around him. These 3000 elites are the foundation of the whole royal family.

It is also the most powerful and fearless Legion. It has been brainwashed and trained since childhood. It can only execute orders unconditionally and can only be used in war. I usually train in the snow.

"Yes." The head of the royal court guard should say that only 500 people are left to guard the king's safety, and the remaining 2500 people are left to attack!

"Your Majesty." Raymond frowned. This is not what he wanted to see. This army is really powerful, but now let them consume the enemy. How can we form an effective encirclement?

It's a wise choice to let the soldiers with lower strength and more numbers consume the enemy's talents, but the king can't care so much at the moment: "shut up, Duke Raymond, remember your own identity, let your army attack, I will let them die!"

Raymond was silent.

"I asked you to send troops, didn't you hear me? You want to fight me, too? " The king's face was ferocious. He grabbed Raymond's shoulder and growled.

Allan and Colson are both ready to go. As long as something goes wrong, they will immediately take action to protect their masters and obey their orders.

"Don't bother. They're here." Raymond said suddenly.

Boom! A pillar of thunder fell from the sky. Naturally, Rosen couldn't fight with the army. He raided directly from the air. There were less than ten people, but they surrounded the king.

"That man is mine." Hathaway pointed to Colson with a knife and said that she had to get back what she had suffered last time.

There was a cold sweat on Colson's forehead. The woman was so murderous and aggressive.

"Start trap!" Raymond said suddenly, it's inevitable, it's only fighting, survival of the fittest.

"Peng!" But as soon as the words came to an end, Rosen stamped on the ground, and the whole ground collapsed and turned into quicksand, burying the soldiers under the ground alive with some strange cages.

"Do you want to use the same trick twice?" Rosen said coldly that from the beginning of the explosion, he opened the sand ability to the extreme. The sand with his ability has penetrated into the whole Gaocheng, although it consumes a lot.

But no more accidents.

Although I don't know what the underground cages are for, from the point of view of the detachable and movable structure, they should capture people, with the smell of stone and very strong metal parts.

Bang bang! But at this time, many soldiers suddenly appeared on the surrounding buildings, with a strange cannon, fired out a cage, and shrouded them.

"Sandstorm." A tornado dust storm was thrown by Rosen and swept away.

"If you only have these small skills, please die here, do it and kill them all!" The fighting broke out.

"Protect the king!" After Allen gave the order, he rushed to Rosen alone. He believed that as long as he solved this man, he would be able to win. Now his own side has the advantage of troops. The situation is completely different from when he attacked HIA. This time, he will not lose.

"Together." Raymond calmly ordered thousands of soldiers to follow him.

"I'll do it." Enilu stepped forward, a God's verdict, swept a large area.

"The king will give it to me and make a quick decision."

There is no room for turning around. The final battle is so abrupt. Rosen believes that the king faction on the spot can not stop them.