"Wang has been in control, Raymond and Colson have been captured alive, what's up with you?" Robin put down the phone bug. Just now, Hathaway, who had been chasing most of the territory of Andia Kingdom, called.

Raymond and Colson have been captured and can be killed, but they don't know if they have any other value, so they will be caught alive for the time being and wait for Rosen's disposal.

At this time, Alice took the army to control the king's army who gave up resistance. When Alice heard Robin's words, she also relaxed a little: "the news has spread that Princess hea will come to the king's capital soon, and the attack of other barriers has also given up, and the whole army will gather in the king's capital. The overall situation has been decided, but I don't know what reaction other nobles will have in the future. "

"Well, in this way, it's just a matter of sealing up. At present, the only thing that can reveal our identity and have high credibility is tezorro. We can arrange our firepower well, even if we are strong, but our firepower is not weak. We can cooperate with the boss to win him." Robin thought, and arranged to make the situation more favorable.

"I understand." With a wave of Alice's hand, more than 50000 soldiers came from all directions. Originally, they had foreign aid.

The dense army formation array, artillery erection, hailou stone net launcher, etc. are all ready. Even without Rosen, this army of more than 50000 people is enough to pose a certain threat to taizolo.

"Don't do it." But at this time, Rosen's voice came over. His body was already fighting beyond the limit, and it was not easy to win a general level combat power, even if tezolo was not the top one.

At this time, however, Rosen had to be willful, not to mention whether he could win taizolo. If he just kept fighting, his ability would change. Rosen would not allow anyone to interfere with him.

"Son of a bitch! Are you looking down on me? What do you think you are? All for me! Everybody give it to me Taizolo found out at this moment that the king faction had been eradicated. He should have found out earlier, but he didn't.

But Rosen stopped the more advantageous fighting, which made taizolo's self-esteem unbearable. He would rather all the people against him, rather than be let off by the enemy.

In order to win, we should do whatever we can, so klocdal's move is almost insulting him in disguised form and making a silent mockery.

"For you, I'm enough alone." Rosen's whole body is steaming. Even the sand around him is red. He has many injuries. He hasn't met a close opponent for some time.

And tezorro was even more embarrassed. His golden body was cracked in many places, with blood flowing. His eyes were spitting fire.

"Really, do you think I have to be a giant of gold to be able to do my best? If you think so, you will die miserably. " Taizolo's eyes suddenly calm down, when he realized that there was a crisis, he still controlled the fury.

This made Rosen very surprised, because tezorro's violent walk before was not like acting, that is to say, it was completely real. But when he realized that the situation was wrong, he calmed down.

And what does that mean? What's the deal?

"The sea of gold." As tezorro's voice falls, the tide of gold entangles him. Rosen thinks that he wants to unite the gold giant again. A tornado dust storm rises from tezorro's feet, trying to involve the sand in his gold.

Make his gold full of impurities, affect its power and operation accuracy.

But as soon as the tornado dust rose, tezolo stopped his plan to gather gold. Only a small gold giant with a height of 10 meters sped out from the tornado dust storm, and a gold bomb came.

"No giant? But it's not weak. It's compressed, and its power is not reduced. Is this the posture for the individual enemy? " Rosen hit with a punch, but was shocked to fly out for a distance.

This power is not weaker than that of his golden giant posture. Obviously, both of them are equally powerful, but this posture is suitable for facing a separate enemy, concentrating and condensing the power.

Because he also determined that Rosen would not use huge giants against him, and he would not give Rosen such an opportunity. More importantly, he gave up dealing with other people around him and focused on Rosen alone.

Different from Luffy's fight, he was ready to fight more than one enemy at that time. It was also possible that he used the golden giant posture in order to make all human bodies despair.

Because it is undeniable that taizolo in that state can really give people a strong sense of oppression.

"As long as you are solved, others are just miscellaneous fish." Taizolo's purpose is obvious. In fact, he can run away now, but he won't run away. He doesn't think he will lose.

This gesture is tezollo's last counterattack, and it is also a way to crush his fighting power in a short time. He has to win or lose. Otherwise, it will be bad for him if it lasts for a long time.

Home games have become away games.

The fire of gold explodes out of the eyes, the laser light that destroys the sky and the earth explodes out, the fire of gold industry, and the heat of gold fist gushes out in an instant

"The truth is this truth, but I won't lose. No, I don't have the qualification to lose." In the face of such a fierce attack, Rosen madly urged all the available forces in his body.

If he can hide, he will hide. If he can't, he will destroy brute force. During this period, he keeps approaching tezorro, and melee breaks out again!

Hell desert prison, can't be trapped, black prison bullet, cluster strike, be prevented, hell black hole, sand bite, assimilated by the gold awakening ability, instantly annihilated, not penetrated into, was detected by the gold armor, absolutely cut, sand sword has not really cut into tezolo's body

It's too difficult to divide the battle between life and death at the general level!

After all the attacks that can be tried repeatedly, Rosen's breath, will and body all reach a limit, which is a mysterious feeling, just like the first attempt to chop with yellow sand.

Limit, and then gush!

"No, what's the matter with this fist?" After tezorro and Rosen hit each other, he suddenly found something wrong, because his gold armor, which was supposed to be indestructible, broke in an instant!

"Fruit power! Wake up Rosen received a message in his mind.

"Broken? I thought it would be desertification, but the result seems to be the same. " Rosen roared, overbearing color, power, body energy, everything, burst into a storm at this moment, swept out.

I saw the gold ground split in an instant and turned into sand.

"Wake up, how can you wake up too?" Tezorro was surprised that awakening was not something that could be done with strong strength. It was full of contingency. It was only by chance that he developed to the level of awakening!

And now klockdale wakes up in the fight? Is it the previous hiding? But even if it's awakening, how can sand's awakening be so terrible? His defense and gold field collapse instantly.

All the defenses in front of him, as if they did not exist, as long as the touch can have such power?!

"It's a pity that you've lost your mind." Rosen grinned and punched, but tezorro retreated quickly. When he was not sure what the nature of the enemy's awakening was, it was the right way to distance himself.