"What are you going to do? Although it's a pity to kill you, it's also troublesome for you to hide your strength and do some small tricks. Give me a reason not to kill you. I'll consider it. " Rosen looks at Raymond and Colson who are seriously injured.

Colson was particularly miserable. He had been stabbed many times. Obviously, Hathaway was happy.

"There's nothing to say about becoming the king and defeating the enemy." Raymond was very calm. He didn't expect to lose so completely and abruptly. It wasn't even a lot of tenacious resistance and war.

"Yes." Rosen didn't talk nonsense either. He raised his sword and was about to cut it off, but then Colson spoke.

"With our help, you can integrate the kingdom of Andia in the shortest time, and at the same time weaken or even eliminate the investigation of the world government."

Rosen stops and looks at Colson, who is a natural ability. Although he hasn't dealt with Colson, since he can be remembered by Hathaway, it means that he is not an ordinary expert.

And from leaving only the Duke of Raymond, it is obvious that he is also very loyal.

"It makes sense. What do you think? The dead have no future to speak of. Only when they live can they have a chance. Don't you ambitious nobles know how to live with humiliation? " Rosen looked at Raymond and said.

If these two people are willing to do something, with their prestige and power in the past, it will really help to stabilize the overall situation of Andia.

And now that the overall situation has been decided, as long as these two people help them at the beginning, it will be difficult for others to make any more waves.

"Colson." Raymond takes a look at Colson, and then nods helplessly. It's better to live than to die, and Kroc didn't kill them directly, which surprised him.

This man has a cruel and cunning side, but also has a broad mind, and the kingdom of Andia, this country, he still has feelings for this.

If there was no king, there would be no more aristocratic supporters in HIA, then all kinds of alliances would be formed among the aristocrats in the whole kingdom of Andia, fighting to seize the throne or keep their own interests.

This is not what Raymond wants to see, what he wants to see is a kingdom led by him to a more brilliant Kingdom, but on this point, HIA seems to do better than him

Rosen is also eager to stabilize the situation in Andia kingdom. After all, chaotic countries need to spend more time, money and manpower to calm down.

It is cost-effective to save only the lives of two nobles and greatly reduce these unnecessary sacrifices.


The next day, on the ruins of the king's capital, Shia arrived, and the United forces of various barriers also arrived one after another. Countless civilians and refugees gathered here.

The Duke of Raymond and the Duke of brova made various statements, directly putting hea on the throne.

Some of the nobles, who were still ready to move, heard the announcement of the two dukes and the general situation of hea, and issued statements one after another in response to the response of the two dukes.

After that, we carried out reforms on the acceptance of barriers, the aristocracy system and so on. These things are very many and troublesome. After all, they are all big and small things in a country.

Sometimes it is more difficult to defend the country than to fight the country. During this period of time, hea has promoted many people who are of humble origin but have outstanding abilities, as well as those who were buried in the original aristocracy.

After the armed forces took control of the various barriers, the reform could minimize the resistance of the nobles. When many nobles realized it, it was too late.

Later, the new kings were all set at buluowa barrier, and the next day the succession ceremony was held. HIA officially became the king of Andia Kingdom and the first female king of Andia kingdom.

Everyone is very busy. With the implementation of the new order, the scattered resistance forces, the intelligence agents sent by various countries, the Navy, the spy agencies of the world government, and even some pirates smelling chaos, the kingdom of Andia has entered a period of transition that is not stable but still in control.

Brova, the humble new palace.

"This is the alliance agreement to be handed over to the world's noble Tianlong people every year? There are too many gold medals on this day. " Hea, Raymond and others who know the actual controllers of the country have gathered to discuss how to deal with the problems of the world government.

This is also a problem that is more pressing than the current domestic situation, because the change of the kingdom of Andia is a major event.

Although on the surface it is a royal infighting, it is impossible for the world government to sit idly by and see whether the new king will follow the previous covenant.

If we continue to comply, we will keep the franchised countries. If we do not comply, we will not be the franchised countries, but not the franchised countries, which means that we will be attacked by pirates and squeezed by the world government.

After all, those non franchised countries are more bullied than those with the background of world government.

"The kingdom of Andia has to hand over 7 billion Bailey's gold every year. Even if the kingdom of Andia is a big economic country, it has access to trade routes and constantly squeeze the industries of city building. The 7 billion Bailey is not a small number, and it is bound to be deducted from the king before." It's a huge amount of revenue that's appalling to Rosen.

Such heavenly gold almost empties most of the treasury funds of Andia Kingdom, which is also the most important point for Rosen and others to deal with the world government at present. The turning in of heavenly gold means the continuation and existence of various alliance contracts.

"At present, the treasury funds plus the legacy of the former king do have such funds. This year's sky gold is no problem, but because of the war, there are still many places to spend money. It's hard to say next year." Said Prince brova.

"How are the investigators of the world government arranged?"

"It's settled."

"At present, we are not able to leave the world government, and if we leave at this moment, the world government can make up an excuse to rebel and replace the kingdom of Andia. So the money still has to be given to next year. Next year, there will be paradise. In addition, I have recorded some methods in my notebook in detail. Try more, money is not a problem, Now the key is to be stable. " Rosen is reluctant, but this point must be observed at present.

"I understand."

Then Rosen left everything to Alice, hea and others to deal with. He could only provide a general direction. Rosen had written more things on the paper for them to refer to.

Of course, the specific implementation process will certainly change because of the actual situation.

As long as the main new order does not change, professional problems will still be handled by professionals, and with Hathaway taking control of the overall situation for the time being, Rosen believes there will be no major problems.

Vick, Dingle, brova, sparks and others also began to be put in important positions. Everyone was promoted. Raymond and Colson were half used and half monitored.

Later, Rosen takes enilu, Hathaway and others back to the paradise office, and begins to receive the paradise promised by tezolo.

From Aksu chamber of Commerce and Yodel chamber of Commerce, Rosen transferred some managers to take over some important positions of park managers.

Of course, all this was done as far as possible without affecting the operation of the park. Tezollo did not break his promise. He paid a lot of money and cost to control the park in his own hands, and then let Rosen's people take over.

But when Rosen stepped onto the road of paradise, he was stopped. To be exact, he was stopped by the nine snakes Pirate Group of the Pirate Queen: "you are the most dazzling star of the dawn Pirate Group, the scarlet queen, right? I've been waiting for you for a long time. Join us. You won't have a future with these smelly men."